
Elderly Woman Spends Christmas Lonely after Children Discover Her Occupation as a Cleaner – Story of the Day

Bogdan Scherban
May 26, 2023
08:41 A.M.

Mildred's children resided just a few streets away, yet their busy lives often prevented them from checking on her. They used to call her at least once every few months, but that changed abruptly when they discovered her choice of work as a janitress. That year, they decided to sever all contact with her.


Mildred had resigned herself to spending the holidays alone after her children shut her out due to her janitorial job. However, her world took an unexpected turn when she heard a knock on her door on Christmas day.

As Mildred diligently swept the floor of the local furniture shop, she noticed a familiar face entering the store. It was her son, James. Before she could retreat behind one of the cabinets, he locked eyes with her, his expression filled with surprise.

As Mildred approached him, he averted his gaze and quickly left the store. This puzzled her, as James had always been a mama's boy. Though she didn't dwell on it at the time, she made up her mind to carry on with her work and address the matter with her son later.

For illustration purposes only. | Photo: Shutterstock

For illustration purposes only. | Photo: Shutterstock


Mildred often wondered when she would hear from her family, longing for their presence and support. Her husband, Tom, had passed away nine years prior, leaving her with their children, James and Jenny, in their big country home.

In the aftermath of Tom's demise, her children convinced her to sell the house and downsize to a modest apartment. They justified it by explaining that they were about to embark on their own ventures and needed the money as a launchpad for their businesses. Mildred, ever the loving and supportive mother, readily obliged.

Over time, her children's businesses flourished, but their newfound success left them with little time to spare for their mother. Meanwhile, Mildred relied on her pension and some savings from her working years to make ends meet. With the cost of her essential medication and daily needs, her financial resources were just sufficient.

However, this year, Mildred wanted to surprise her children and grandchildren with special gifts, prompting her decision to return to work. She applied for various positions such as sales clerk, grocery store attendant, and even at a fast-food chain, only to face rejection.

Undeterred, Mildred persevered and secured a job as a cleaner at a local furniture shop, where her passion for cleaning found a purpose. With the extra income, she treated herself to good meals and small tokens for her children. Yet, she kept her job a secret, fearing their reaction. Sadly, James' response to discovering her employment as a cleaner confirmed her worst fears.


After her shift, Mildred mustered the courage to call him. "I'm still quite busy with work, Mom. Can I call you back?" James curtly replied.

For illustration purposes only. | Photo: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Photo: Pexels

Before she could utter a word, James abruptly cut her off, saying, "Bye, Mom," in a tone that bordered on dismissal.

Mildred felt hurt, unable to comprehend why being a janitress was a source of shame. She believed it to be an honorable occupation that caused no harm to anyone.

Her attempt to reach out to Jenny yielded the same cold reception, leaving Mildred speechless. That night, she resolved to shrug off the hurt and explain everything to her children during their Christmas gathering. However, none of her children confirmed their plans to visit her that year.


A few days before Christmas, while sharing coffee and stories with her next-door neighbor, Martha, Mildred shared her worries. Seeking reassurance, she confided in Martha about her children's unexplained absence.

With a comforting tone, Martha responded, "I'm sure they'll be here, Mildred. And remember, if you end up spending Christmas alone, you're always welcome to celebrate with my family. We're right next door, never forget that."

While Martha's words were meant to console her, Mildred remained disheartened. All she wanted was to spend Christmas with her own family. The question plagued her: Why were they shutting her out?

For illustration purposes only. | Photo: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Photo: Pexels

True to Martha's prediction, Christmas morning arrived, and James and Jenny were nowhere to be found. Overwhelmed by emotions, Mildred found herself in tears as she glanced at the tree adorned with carefully selected presents, representing her hard work throughout the year. It pained her deeply that she couldn't give them to her family.


As Mildred prepared breakfast for herself, a knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. Assuming it was Martha, she welcomed the opportunity to accept the dinner invitation she had extended earlier.

To her astonishment, she opened the door to find her children and grandchildren standing before her, exclaiming in unison, "SURPRISE, GRANDMA!!"

Overwhelmed by the unexpected reunion, Mildred asked, stunned, "What are you all doing here?"

"We're here to spend Christmas with you, of course!" James replied, embracing his mother. The entire family eagerly rushed into the apartment, leaving Mildred standing aside, still in a state of shock.

Apologizing for their impromptu arrival, Jenny admitted, "We didn't plan this, Mom. We realized how wrong we were."

Mildred, attempting to downplay the situation, said, "Don't worry, come in. Let me cook you all a hearty brunch." But before she could begin, James met her gaze, his eyes brimming with remorse.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I'm sorry for how I reacted when I saw you working at the furniture shop," he said, pulling her into a hug.

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For illustration purposes only. | Photo: Pexels


Curious, Mildred inquired, "Were you ashamed of what I was doing then, honey?"

James confessed, "Honestly, I was. I believed it was beneath you, and I worried about what others would think. But after talking to Martha on the phone, she gave me a well-deserved scolding. I should be the one ashamed."

"My neighbor?" Mildred interjected, surprised.

"Yes, Martha. I had given her my contact details when you first moved here, so she could reach me in case of emergencies. She considered this situation an emergency and reminded me of my wrongdoing. I'm truly sorry, Mom. I should have been proud of you, rather than ashamed, especially considering my successful business while you were out there, working."

Moved by her children's words, Mildred felt a surge of gratitude. Jenny joined the conversation, adding her perspective.

"Mom, you shouldn't have had to work when all these years, we could have supported you financially from the sale of the house. You selflessly gave that money to us without hesitation. It's high time we took care of you. We haven't thought of repaying you, and we've been selfish," Jenny admitted.

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For illustration purposes only. | Photo: Pexels


Mildred, attempting to reassure them, said, "You don't owe me anything, my dear children. I am content with how things are."

James interjected, "Nonsense, Mom. We want you to live a comfortable life, and we will ensure that you do."

Not wanting to dwell on the topic, Mildred redirected their attention, saying, "Let's not discuss that now. We're here to spend Christmas together. My grandkids are eagerly waiting for their presents."

From that moment on, they immersed themselves in laughter and storytelling throughout the day. Her children started visiting her more frequently, ensuring her needs were met. Despite their newfound involvement, Mildred chose not to quit her job as a janitress. She derived immense joy from her work, and her children were proud of her for pursuing something she loved.

Eventually, Mildred retired at the age of 75, having accumulated enough savings to enjoy the rest of her life, traveling and having fun with her family.

What can we learn from this story?

This story teaches us that there is nothing to be ashamed of when doing honest work. Mildred's role as a janitress was honorable and respectable, and she should have been proud of her dedication.


It also emphasizes the importance of not forgetting about our parents, regardless of the paths we choose in life. Our parents have sacrificed for us, and it is our duty to care for and appreciate them as they grow older.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

This account is inspired by our reader’s story and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com. 



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