
Determined Woman Approaches Boy Studying at Playground Until Nighttime - Story of the Day

Tetyana Fomina
May 26, 2023
08:55 A.M.

A young boy would come to the playground every evening to do his homework, regardless of the weather. His neighbors always noticed him there and would often question why his parents would allow him to stay out at night to study.


One day, Abigail, who lived nearby, decided to approach him. It surprised her to see him sitting in the rain with just a light jacket on, reading a book. She went out with two sets of umbrellas. "What are you doing out here, young boy? The rain is getting stronger by the minute," she asked.

The boy looked at her sadly. "I wish I could go home, ma'am, but I can't. My mom is busy, so she tells me to stay out here every night until she's done," he revealed. Abigail was shocked that the boy's parents would leave him outside for hours regardless of the weather.

Abigail served Antoine a delicious dinner. | Source: Pexels

Abigail served Antoine a delicious dinner. | Source: Pexels

She decided to take action by inviting him into her house. "Come on. Have dinner with my family and me," she said, handing him the spare umbrella she was carrying. The boy smiled and looked at her gratefully. "Thank you so much. I haven't had a good dinner in a while. My name is Antoine," he said as he got up from the park bench. "You can call me Aunt Abigail," the kind woman responded. "You're doing homework, right?" she asked him.


Antoine nodded. "Yes, I'm almost done with my homework, but I am quite hungry," he admitted. Abigail set another place for Antoine at the table when they got inside. She served fried chicken and spaghetti for dinner, which delighted the young boy. He ate alongside Abigail's husband, James, and their adult son Peter.

Abigail would help Antoine finish his homework. | Source: Pexels

Abigail would help Antoine finish his homework. | Source: Pexels

Once James and Peter finished their meal, they headed off to watch a ball game on TV. Meanwhile, Abigail sat with Antoine at the dining table and began asking him questions. "What does your mom do, Antoine? Why can't you be at home when she's busy?" she inquired. "Well, my mom is searching for a new husband. She doesn't want me around when she has guests over," Antoine revealed.

Antoine revealed that his mother wouldn't open the door for him. | Source: Pexels

Antoine revealed that his mother wouldn't open the door for him. | Source: Pexels


Abigail felt an immediate surge of sympathy for Antoine and proposed an alternative. "It's unsafe to be out alone in the dark every night. You never know what dangers might be lurking, and the changing weather could make you ill. If you'd like, you can come and visit me every day to do your homework here. I can even make you dinner." Antoine was overcome with emotion. He never expected anyone to extend a helping hand.

A man opened the door instead of Antoine's mom. | Source: Pexels

A man opened the door instead of Antoine's mom. | Source: Pexels

"Thank you, Aunt Abigail. I truly appreciate it. I've noticed all the neighbors watching me whenever they pass by the park, but no one has ever offered assistance. Thank you," he said, tears streaming down his face.

Ever since then, Antoine would visit Abigail every day. He would have dinner and complete his homework at the table. Sometimes, when he couldn't grasp his teachers' instructions, he would seek Aunt Abigail's assistance. On a particular night, Antoine bid farewell only to return to Abigail's door a few minutes later.


"What's wrong, honey? Why are you back here?" Abigail asked. "My mom won't let me inside the house," Antoine sobbed. "I kept knocking, but she didn't answer. I have nowhere else to go," he cried. Without hesitation, Abigail welcomed Antoine in.

Abigail was so irritated at how Antoine's mom could be so irresponsible. | Source: Pexels

Abigail was so irritated at how Antoine's mom could be so irresponsible. | Source: Pexels

She prepared the guest bedroom for him to sleep in and tucked him in for the night. "Don't worry, honey. Everything will be alright. Have a restful night's sleep, okay?" she assured before closing the door.

That night, though, Abigail found it difficult to sleep. The thought of abandoning her son and leaving him with nowhere to go was unimaginable. "Perhaps his mom went somewhere and will be back tomorrow," she suggested to her husband.


"I think it's time you talk to his mom. It's irresponsible of her to leave her child alone and helpless," James advised. "You're right. I'll personally accompany him to his house when he wakes up." The next day, Abigail took Antoine to his house to have a conversation with his mom. However, when they arrived at the door, it wasn't his mother who answered, but a stranger to Antoine. "What brings you here?" the man inquired.

Before Abigail could utter a word, Antoine's mom hastily appeared at the door. "These are my neighbors and their son! They're constantly bothering me every morning," she fabricated. Without giving Abigail and Antoine a chance to speak further, she abruptly shut the door in her own son's face.

Abigail was appalled by the mistreatment Antoine endured. However, she didn't want to exacerbate his distress, so she brought him back to her house, assuring him that she would address the situation with his mother later. Nevertheless, before Abigail could make her way to Antoine's house, his mother came knocking on her door.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" she hastily requested. "And what might that be?" Abigail replied, feeling both irritated and disappointed by the extent of neglect Antoine's mother displayed.

"Since you and my son get along so well, can you pretend he's yours? He can stay here since you're already taking care of him anyway," she suggested. Abigail couldn't believe her ears.


"How can you simply abandon your son like that? He's YOUR son!" "I can't live with my son anymore. I've started dating someone new, and he doesn't want children around. It's not an issue for you, right?" she asked.

The encounter led to a heated exchange between the two women. | Source: Pexels

The encounter led to a heated exchange between the two women. | Source: Pexels

Abigail was growing fond of Antoine, but she knew her limits. She wasn't going to tolerate an irresponsible parent, especially at the expense of a young child. "This is completely wrong. I won't agree to that," she stated firmly. Antoine's mother shrugged.

"Well, in that case, I guess I'll have to send him to an orphanage," she said with such nonchalance that Abigail was appalled by her callousness. She couldn't fathom how a mother could treat her own child in such a manner.


That evening, Abigail comforted Antoine, who was beginning to grasp the fact that his mother didn't want to be with him. After Antoine's mother had left earlier that day, Abigail realized that she couldn't bear the thought of the kind-hearted boy being placed in an orphanage.

She decided to discuss with her husband the possibility of letting Antoine stay with them. "Darling, I want you to know that you are more than welcome to stay here with us, alright? From now on, our home is your home too. Your mom..." Abigail began, slowly explaining the situation to Antoine. "I know. She abandoned me," he tearfully replied.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. It's not something a sweet nine-year-old boy like you should have to go through. Don't lose hope. We are your family now as well," Abigail said, embracing him tightly.

After six months since Antoine's official move-in, Abigail became convinced that she didn't want to return him to his biological mother. Not only had she and James grown to love him as their own, but she also realized that he would not have a good life if he were to go back to her.

Antoine was heartbroken that his own mother wanted nothing to do with him. | Source: Pexels

Antoine was heartbroken that his own mother wanted nothing to do with him. | Source: Pexels


Thus, she decided to approach a judge and request the termination of the woman's parental rights, highlighting the fact that she had abandoned her son. Following a challenging legal process, Abigail's request was granted, and Antoine was declared an orphan. However, Abigail wanted to ensure that he would never have to experience a life without parents again.

So, one day, she approached the young boy and asked him if he would like to become an official part of their family. "Do you want to live with us officially?" she asked, her voice filled with warmth. "We would love to become your parents if you'd have us."

The boy, who held deep affection for Abigail, James, and even Peter, couldn't contain his excitement. "Of course! You mean so much more to me than anyone else who has ever been in my life. I've never felt more at home, and I've never experienced more love than what you've shown me. Thank you for treating me like your own son," Antoine expressed with gratitude and joy.

Everything was going smoothly for the happy family until one day, the estranged mother reappeared, claiming that she had been abandoned by Antoine. Both Abigail and Antoine remained unfazed, but the mother persisted in speaking. "You can come back home now," she told her son.


Antoine officially moved in with Abigail, James, and Peter. | Source: Pexels

Antoine officially moved in with Abigail, James, and Peter. | Source: Pexels

Antoine glared at her with anger. "You can't just show up and take me whenever you please. My home is here. And you're not my mom anymore. She is!" he declared firmly. "Leave. You're not welcome here," Abigail said, firmly closing the door on her face, much like she had done when Antoine was left outside a year ago. What can we learn from this story? Serendipitous encounters can lead to profound relationships.

Abigail and Antoine crossed paths unexpectedly, but their bond grew into a genuine family. Love has the power to heal. Antoine was once a lost and heartbroken child, repeatedly rejected by his biological mother. However, through the love showered upon him by Abigail, he blossomed into a compassionate and caring young boy. Share this story with your loved ones.

It may inspire and brighten their day. If you enjoyed this story, you might also appreciate another tale about an elderly woman who received daily deliveries from an anonymous benefactor, culminating in the gift of a new home.



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