An expensive car | Source: Shutterstock
An expensive car | Source: Shutterstock

Man Tells Wife She is Too Fat to Be Attractive, the Next Day Sees a Luxury Rolls-Royce Pick Her Up – Story of the Day

Yevhenii Boichenko
Mar 05, 2024
12:51 P.M.

After a harsh argument between a couple, Caleb insults his wife, Denis. The next day, she leaves the house in a luxury car. Caleb finds that his wife recently acquired a lot of money as an inheritance, and he tries to win her back to pay back his loans and save his marriage.


Caleb and his wife, Denise, had invited their friends Sam and Kate over for dinner at their modest but cozy home.

The evening had started off with light-hearted chatter and laughter. Denise, with her warm smile and sparkling eyes, had been telling them about her recent trip to the capital city.

She had an air of mystery about her as she spoke, deliberately vague about the purpose of her visit.

"It was absolutely beautiful," Denise said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "And, I'm preparing a surprise for Caleb, something special, but I can't reveal it just yet."

Caleb, sitting across from her, forced a smile. His mind, however, was far from the lively conversation at the table.

Livingroom | Source: Shutterstock

Livingroom | Source: Shutterstock


He looked tired, with worry lines deeply etched on his forehead. The weight of recent events seemed to hang heavily on his shoulders.

The conversation drifted, and soon, it was Caleb's turn to share. He hesitated at first, then, with a sigh, he began to open up about his own experiences, which were starkly different from Denise's upbeat story.

"You know, I've been going through some tough times lately," Caleb said, his voice low. "I was recently fired from my job. It came out of nowhere, and now, I'm just... stuck."

Sam and Kate exchanged concerned glances. They had always known Caleb to be a hardworking and dedicated employee.

"And that's not all," Caleb continued, a hint of bitterness creeping into his voice. "The bills for our house credit are stacking up.

Bills | Source: Shutterstock

Bills | Source: Shutterstock


It feels like they're just piling higher and higher each day. I have no idea how to fix this mess."

The atmosphere around the table shifted. The earlier warmth was replaced by a tense air of concern. Sam, who had been sipping his drink, set it down and leaned forward.

"That sounds really tough, Caleb," Sam said earnestly. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Yeah, we're here for you, both of you," Kate added, reaching out to touch Denise's hand in a gesture of support.

Denise, who had been quietly listening, gave Caleb a look of sympathy. "We'll figure this out together," she said softly, trying to offer some comfort.

Caleb shook his head, his frustration evident. "I appreciate it, but I don't even know where to start.

Broken | Source: Shutterstock

Broken | Source: Shutterstock


Every job I've looked into has been a dead end. And with each passing day, the bills just keep growing."

The conversation lulled into an uncomfortable silence. Denise, trying to lighten the mood, quickly changed the subject back to her trip to the capital.

But the effort was in vain. Caleb's revelation hung over the rest of the evening like a dark cloud.

In the cozy living room of Caleb and Denise's home, the atmosphere had shifted from lively to tense.

Denise, trying to navigate the uneasy waters, steered the conversation away from the distressing topic of finances. Her voice was soft and soothing as she spoke.

"Let's not dwell on the negatives," Denise said, a hopeful note in her voice. "I believe things are going to get better soon. We just need to stay positive and work through this together."

Calm | Source: Shutterstock

Calm | Source: Shutterstock


Caleb, however, wasn't in the mood for optimism. Denise's words, meant to be comforting, only served to frustrate him further.

He felt a surge of annoyance as he glanced at her, his thoughts swirling with confusion and worry.

"You're always pretending everything is fine," Caleb retorted, his voice tinged with accusation.

"But we're facing serious problems here, Denise. Real problems that won't just disappear because we wish them to."

Denise's expression faltered slightly, hurt flashing in her eyes before she quickly masked it with a polite smile.

Caleb's mind was racing with questions he couldn't answer. "And what about that trip you took? Why have you been spending so much money lately?"

argument | Source: Shutterstock

argument | Source: Shutterstock


He couldn't hide the suspicion in his voice. These were the questions that nagged at him, adding to his mounting frustrations.

Their friends, Sam and Kate, who had been silent observers to this exchange, sensed the growing tension and tried to intervene. Sam, with a friendly but cautious tone, attempted to ease the situation.

"Caleb, maybe it's not the best time to discuss this," Sam suggested gently, hoping to steer his friend away from a confrontation.

"Yeah, let's just enjoy the evening," Kate added, offering a reassuring smile in an attempt to lighten the mood.

But the damage was done. The room fell into an awkward silence, the air heavy with unspoken words and tension. Everyone seemed to be lost in their own thoughts, unsure of how to proceed.

Denise, feeling a mix of guilt and frustration, looked down at her hands, clasped tightly in her lap.

Hands | Source: Shutterstock

Hands | Source: Shutterstock


She wished she could explain her recent expenditures and the trip to the capital, but the surprise she was planning for Caleb was still under wraps.

She believed it would bring them joy, a much-needed respite from their troubles, but now she questioned whether it was the right time.

Caleb, on the other hand, felt a churning mix of emotions. His concerns about their financial situation, coupled with the mystery of Denise's recent activities, left him feeling disconnected and alone.

He wished he could shake off the feeling that there was something Denise wasn't telling him, something important that might explain her recent behavior.

The evening dragged on, with each attempt at conversation falling flat, overshadowed by the earlier argument. Sam and Kate, sensing the discomfort, made an early exit, leaving Caleb and Denise alone in the quiet house.

After their friends had left, the once lively atmosphere in Caleb and Denise's home had turned somber.

Couch | Source: Shutterstock

Couch | Source: Shutterstock


The couple stood at the door, waving goodbye to Sam and Kate, their smiles strained. As the car disappeared down the street, an uneasy silence settled between them.

Caleb, his emotions simmering from earlier, turned to Denise with a look of frustration. The living room, now empty, echoed with the tension of their unspoken thoughts.

"Denise, we need to talk," Caleb said, his voice heavy with emotion. He paced the room, his hands fidgeting as he gathered his thoughts.

"You just don't support me. Not really. And then there's the way you've been spending money. It's like you don't even care about our situation."

Denise, taken aback by the sudden confrontation, stood still, her eyes widening in surprise. "Caleb, I—"

Crying | Source: Shutterstock

Crying | Source: Shutterstock


But Caleb wasn't finished. "And another thing," he continued, his voice rising with each word.

"Why can't you take better care of yourself? Look at you, and then look at Kate. You used to be so cautious about your diet, but now..."

His words trailed off, but the implication hung heavily in the air.

Denise's face flushed with a mix of hurt and anger. "Caleb, how can you say that?" Her voice trembled, betraying her emotional turmoil. "I've been trying so hard, in so many ways..."

Caleb, however, seemed oblivious to her distress. "It's just the truth, Denise. I don't understand why you're letting yourself go when things are already so tough for us."

Denise felt a sharp pain in her heart. The words 'letting yourself go' echoed in her mind, a cruel assessment from the person who was supposed to love and support her. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she struggled to maintain her composure.

"I can't believe you're being this shallow and insensitive," Denise said, her voice breaking. "You're only thinking about yourself and your problems. You don't see how much I'm trying."


Door | Source: Shutterstock

Door | Source: Shutterstock

But Caleb, caught up in his own frustrations and disappointments, didn't seem to hear her. His mind was clouded with the stress of their financial situation and his own insecurities.

Feeling utterly hurt and misunderstood, Denise turned away from Caleb and hurried to their bedroom.

She closed the door behind her, seeking solace in the solitude of their room. Once inside, she let the tears she had been holding back flow freely, her sobs muffled by the pillow she clutched tightly to her chest.

Caleb, left alone in the living room, felt a surge of regret as he heard the bedroom door shut. He knew he had gone too far, but his pride and the day's tensions prevented him from apologizing.


Instead, he sank into the couch, turning on the TV in an attempt to distract himself and calm his racing thoughts.

The flickering light of the television cast shadows across the room, illuminating Caleb's troubled expression.

Tv | Source: Shutterstock

Tv | Source: Shutterstock

He flipped through the channels aimlessly, not really watching anything. His mind was elsewhere, replaying the evening's events and the harsh words he had said to Denise.

As the hours passed, the sound from the TV became a monotonous background noise. Caleb's thoughts were consumed with worry about their financial troubles and the strain it was putting on their marriage.

He felt a deep sense of loneliness, realizing he had pushed Denise away when they both needed each other the most.


The clock ticked on, marking the passage of a long and difficult evening. Caleb remained on the couch, lost in his thoughts, the TV's glow the only light in the otherwise dark room.

His heart was heavy with remorse and uncertainty, knowing that he had hurt the one person he loved more than anything.

Bedroom | Source: Shutterstock

Bedroom | Source: Shutterstock

In the bedroom, Denise lay awake, her tears dried but the pain of Caleb's words still fresh. She felt a deep sense of isolation, wondering how things had gotten so bad between them.

The once happy and loving home they had built together now felt like a battleground of hurt feelings and unspoken frustrations.

As the night wore on, the distance between Caleb and Denise grew, both physically and emotionally. They were two people lost in their own worlds of pain and misunderstanding, unsure of how to bridge the gap that had formed between them.


The sun had barely risen when Caleb was jolted awake by the sound of slamming doors echoing through the house.

Disoriented, he sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and trying to gather his thoughts.

Awakening | Source: Shutterstock

Awakening | Source: Shutterstock

The events of the previous night came rushing back to him – the argument with Denise, the harsh words, the heavy silence.

He glanced at the clock; it was much earlier than he usually woke up. The house felt unusually empty and quiet, except for the distant sound of another door slamming shut.

With a sense of unease, Caleb got out of bed and shuffled towards the window, his mind still foggy from sleep.


Peering through the curtains, he saw Denise outside. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit, her hair neatly done.

But what caught Caleb's attention was the sleek, black Rolls-Royce parked in front of their modest home. It looked completely out of place in their ordinary neighborhood.

Caleb's eyes narrowed as he watched a man step out of the driver's side. He was well-dressed, in a sharp suit that seemed expensive.

Car | Source: Shutterstock

Car | Source: Shutterstock

The man held the passenger door open for Denise, who slipped into the car with a grace that Caleb hadn't noticed in a long time.

A pang of something – jealousy, suspicion, confusion – shot through Caleb as he watched the Rolls-Royce glide away from the curb, its engine purring softly.


Caleb's thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. The man in the suit was a complete stranger to him. And the Rolls-Royce – it was the kind of car you saw in movies, not in their driveway.

He thought about the argument they had the night before, Denise's mysterious trip to the capital, her recent strange behavior, and now this. It all seemed to add up to something, but he couldn't quite piece it together.

Feeling a mix of anger and betrayal, Caleb quickly dressed and made his way downstairs.

The house felt different this morning; the air was heavy with the residue of their unresolved argument and the new questions that this morning's events had raised.

He walked into the kitchen, half expecting to find Denise there, making breakfast as she usually did. But the room was empty, the silence amplifying his sense of abandonment.

Kitchen | Source: Shutterstock

Kitchen | Source: Shutterstock


The usual morning routine – the smell of coffee, the sound of the toaster – was conspicuously absent.

Caleb's gaze fell on the countertop, where Denise usually left a note if she had to leave early. But today, there was nothing. No explanation, no goodbye, just the lingering echo of the slamming door.

Caleb's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the Rolls-Royce disappear down the street. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions: confusion, betrayal, and a rising tide of anger.

Without a second thought, he grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter and dialed Denise's number. He needed answers, and he needed them now.

The phone rang and rang, but there was no answer. Caleb's frustration grew with each unanswered ring. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the call went to voicemail.

Phone | Source: Shutterstock

Phone | Source: Shutterstock


Denise had declined his call. He tried calling again, hoping she might pick up this time, but to no avail. Each declined call felt like a confirmation of his worst fears.

Feeling helpless and desperate for answers, Caleb's gaze fell on the staircase leading up to their bedroom.

A plan formed in his mind - maybe there was something in their bedroom, something among Denise's belongings that could shed light on what was happening.

With heavy steps, Caleb climbed the stairs, his mind racing with possibilities. He entered their bedroom, a familiar space now filled with the shadow of doubt and suspicion.

The room was just as they had left it, the bed unmade, Denise's dressing table cluttered with her daily essentials.

Caleb's eyes were drawn to Denise's nightstand. It was a private space, one he had always respected, but today he felt compelled to cross that boundary.

He opened the drawer slowly, his heart pounding. Inside, he found an assortment of personal items: her journal, some old photographs, and a small stack of letters bound by a ribbon.

Letter | Source: Shutterstock

Letter | Source: Shutterstock


The letters were addressed to Denise from a law firm in another city. With a trembling hand, Caleb untied the ribbon and began to read.

The words on the page blurred as his mind tried to process the information. Denise had inherited $500,000 from a distant relative, a sum of money that could change their lives.

Caleb sat down on the bed, the letters in his lap. His initial shock slowly gave way to a swirling mix of emotions. Relief, that this money could solve many of their financial problems.

Confusion, as to why Denise hadn't told him about this. And a lingering sense of betrayal, that she had kept this a secret, especially at a time when they were struggling so much.

He read the letters over and over, each word etching deeper into his mind. The legal jargon was difficult to understand, but the message was clear: Denise had come into a large sum of money.

Caleb's mind raced with theories and explanations, but none seemed to fit. The more he thought about it, the more he felt like he didn't know Denise at all.

Money | Source: Shutterstock

Money | Source: Shutterstock


This secret inheritance, her mysterious trip to the capital, her recent behavior – it all seemed like pieces of a puzzle he couldn't solve.

Feeling overwhelmed, Caleb stood up and paced the room. He needed to talk to Denise, to confront her with what he had found. But how? She wasn't answering his calls, and he had no idea where she was.

The room felt claustrophobic, the walls closing in on him. He needed to get out, to clear his head. Maybe then he could make sense of everything.

But as he left the bedroom, the weight of the letters and their revelation hung heavy on his shoulders, a burden of unanswered questions and unspoken truths.

Discovering the news of Denise's inheritance sent Caleb's mind into overdrive. The amount, $500,000, was more than enough to pull them out of the financial pit they were in. It was a lifeline, a chance to start afresh.

But first, he needed to mend things with Denise. He realized that winning her back was not just about their relationship; it was also about securing their financial future.

Flowers | Source: Shutterstock

Flowers | Source: Shutterstock


Determined, Caleb decided to take the first step towards reconciliation. He knew he had to make a gesture, something to show Denise he was sorry and that he still cared.

He thought of what Denise liked, what could possibly soften her heart towards him. Flowers and chocolate – they were simple, classic, and often did the trick in situations like these.

He drove to the nearest store, his mind a mix of hope and anxiety. Walking down the aisles, he picked out a bouquet of Denise's favorite flowers – lilies. They were beautiful, with their delicate petals and sweet fragrance.

Next, he found a box of fine chocolates, the kind Denise always enjoyed during their happier times.

With the flowers and chocolates in hand, Caleb felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of fixing things. He drove to Denise's office, his heart pounding with every mile.

The closer he got, the more nervous he became. What if she refused to see him? What if she hadn't forgiven him for the harsh words he had uttered?

Man | Source: Shutterstock

Man | Source: Shutterstock


Parking his car outside her office, Caleb took a deep breath. He clutched the bouquet a little tighter and rehearsed his apology in his mind.

He had to get this right. Denise meant everything to him, and he couldn't lose her – not over pride, not over money.

Stepping out of the car, Caleb walked towards the office building, each step heavy with the weight of his emotions and the hope of reconciliation.

He was ready to make amends, to show Denise he could be the husband she deserved. The future of their relationship – and their financial security – depended on it.

He stepped into the office, his eyes quickly scanning the room until they landed on Denise.

She was at her desk, focused on her work, looking as professional and composed as ever. Caleb hesitated for a moment, gathering his courage, then walked towards her.

Office | Source: Shutterstock

Office | Source: Shutterstock


“Denise,” he began softly, his voice laced with regret. “I... I’m sorry. I was wrong about everything.”

He extended the flowers towards her, a symbol of his remorse. “I miss you. I need you. I want you to come back.”

Denise looked up, surprised. Her eyes shifted from the flowers to Caleb’s earnest, hopeful face. She seemed to be searching for sincerity, for the truth behind his words.

Before she could respond, they were interrupted. “Is everything alright here, Denise?” a voice asked. Caleb and Denise turned to see James, the man from the Rolls-Royce, approaching with a look of concern.

Caleb’s heart sank as he recognized the man. His initial feelings of hope and reconciliation quickly turned to anger and jealousy.

“What are you doing here?” he demanded, his voice rising despite his earlier resolve to remain calm.

James stopped a few feet away, his expression changing to one of caution. “I’m just checking in on Denise,” he said calmly. “Is there a problem?”

Office | Source: Shutterstock

Office | Source: Shutterstock


Caleb’s frustration boiled over. “Yes, there is a problem! You’re after her for her money, aren’t you?” he accused loudly, gesturing towards James with an accusing finger. “I know all about the inheritance. Just back off and leave us alone!”

Denise’s face registered shock at Caleb’s outburst. “Caleb, please,” she whispered, glancing around at the gathering coworkers who were beginning to take notice. “This isn’t the place.”

James looked genuinely surprised by the accusation. “I assure you, that’s not my intention,” he responded, his tone still calm and measured. “I’ll leave if that’s what Denise wants.”

But Caleb wasn’t listening. The anger and jealousy clouding his judgment, he stepped closer to James. “You heard me. Leave. Now,” he demanded, his voice echoing through the now quiet office.

James took a step back, giving Denise a concerned look. “I’ll go,” he said softly to her. “Just let me know if you need anything.” With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Caleb and Denise amidst an uncomfortable silence.

Disapointed | Source: Shutterstock

Disapointed | Source: Shutterstock


The confrontation between Caleb and Denise escalated quickly, their voices rising with each word exchanged.

Denise's eyes, filled with tears, bore into Caleb's, searching for a hint of the man she once knew. But all she saw was anger and desperation.

"You're only here because of the money," Denise accused, her voice cracking. "All these apologies, the flowers, it's not because you care about us. It's because of the inheritance."

Caleb, feeling cornered, responded in anger. "I've been with you for years, Denise! I've been there for you, accepted you for who you are, in every way." His voice was loud, his gestures wide. "And now, when I'm in need, when we could finally get out of our problems, you're ready to just throw me away for some younger man?"

Denise shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Is that what you think of me, Caleb? That I would replace you for money? That I don't value all the years we've spent together?"

Caleb, blinded by his frustration and the fear of losing everything, continued recklessly. "Who else would love you like I do, without your money? Who else would have stayed through everything?"

Leave | Source: Shutterstock

Leave | Source: Shutterstock


Denise's sobs grew louder, her heart breaking at his words. She had hoped for a glimmer of the love they once shared, but all she found was bitterness and accusation.

"Caleb, just stop," she pleaded, her voice drowned in her tears. "You need to leave now. This... this isn't the man I married."

At that moment, the security guards, alerted by the commotion, arrived. They approached Caleb, their expressions stern. "Sir, you need to leave the premises," one of them said firmly.

Caleb, still seething with anger and unspoken hurt, looked at Denise one last time, hoping for some sign of forgiveness or understanding. But Denise turned away, unable to bear looking at him.

The security guards escorted Caleb out of the building, his steps heavy with defeat and regret. As he walked out, he realized the gravity of his actions and words.

He had allowed his fears and insecurities to control him, leading to an outburst that might have cost him his marriage.

Outside | Source: Shutterstock

Outside | Source: Shutterstock


Outside, the cold air hit Caleb, bringing a moment of clarity. He had gone to Denise's office hoping to mend their relationship and solve their financial crisis.

But in the heat of the moment, driven by fear and pride, he had accused and hurt the person he loved most.

Caleb stood there, alone, the realization sinking in. He had pushed Denise away, perhaps too far this time. The weight of his words, the implications of his accusations, and the pain he had caused hung over him like a dark cloud.

As he slowly walked away from her office building, Caleb's thoughts were a whirlwind of regret, fear, and uncertainty.

He had let his desperation for financial security overshadow the love and trust in his marriage. Now, he faced the consequences of his actions, a reality where he might have lost Denise forever.

The day had started with a glimmer of hope, a chance to reconnect and rebuild. But it had ended in a storm of emotions, leaving Caleb to ponder the ruins of his actions.

Break up | Source: Shutterstock

Break up | Source: Shutterstock


The realization that he might have irreparably damaged his relationship with Denise was a bitter pill to swallow.

Back at home, the walls of Caleb's house seemed to close in on him, echoing his sense of entrapment and despair.

He felt like a caged animal, pacing back and forth in the dimly lit living room. The events at Denise's office replayed in his mind, each detail fueling his anger and frustration.

In a desperate attempt to numb the pain, Caleb reached for a bottle of whiskey he kept hidden in a kitchen cabinet. The bottle, once barely touched, now seemed like his only companion in this storm of emotions.

He poured himself a glass, the amber liquid swirling in the dim light, and took a long drink. The burning sensation as it went down his throat was a temporary distraction from the chaos in his head.

Surrounded by silence, Caleb slumped onto the couch, his eyes falling on the pile of bills and notices on the coffee table. Unopened envelopes, final notices, and past due bills lay scattered, a stark reminder of the financial abyss he was facing.

Debt | Source: Shutterstock

Debt | Source: Shutterstock


He picked up one of the envelopes, tearing it open with a mix of resentment and resignation. The numbers on the bill were a cold slap of reality – he was drowning in debt.

His thoughts turned to Denise and the argument they had. "She's replacing me with a younger man," he muttered to himself, the words tasting bitter in his mouth.

The idea of Denise, the woman he had spent so many years with, now in the arms of someone else, was unbearable.

Caleb's mind spun with memories of their life together – the good times and the bad.

He thought about the love they once shared, now seemingly overshadowed by years of financial stress and unspoken grievances. He took another drink, hoping to wash away the images that tormented him.

As the alcohol took effect, Caleb's anger turned to self-pity. "How did it come to this?" he asked the empty room. "Where did I go wrong?" He took another swig, the whiskey no longer burning, just a dull warmth spreading through his body.

Lonely | Source: Shutterstock

Lonely | Source: Shutterstock


The house felt empty, a shell of the home it once was. The walls that had witnessed their laughter and love now stood silent, indifferent to his plight.

Caleb looked around, realizing that he might lose this house, the one tangible thing he had worked so hard for.

He stood up, swaying slightly, and walked over to the window. The street outside was quiet, the world seemingly oblivious to his pain. "I'm losing everything," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "My home, my wife, my dignity."

The night wore on, and Caleb continued to drink, each glass a temporary escape from reality. The problems that seemed insurmountable sober were now blurred and distant.

But the relief was fleeting; with each moment of clarity, the weight of his situation came crashing back down.

Caleb's thoughts were a jumble of regret, anger, and fear. He thought about Denise and the years they had spent building a life together.

Bottles | Source: Shutterstock

Bottles | Source: Shutterstock


He thought about the younger man, a faceless threat to his marriage. And he thought about the money, the inheritance that seemed to be the root of all his problems.

As the clock ticked towards dawn, Caleb sat alone in the dark, the bottle of whiskey now empty. The problems he faced loomed larger than ever, magnified by his inebriated state.

His life, once full of promise and hope, was now a maze of debts, broken relationships, and shattered dreams.

In that moment, Caleb felt a profound sense of loss – not just for what he had, but for what he could have been. The realization that he might be responsible for his own downfall was a bitter pill to swallow.

But in the haze of alcohol and despair, clarity was elusive, and self-reflection gave way to a deep, overwhelming sense of hopelessness.

The dimly lit living room was silent, save for the sound of Caleb's ragged breaths. He sat there, slumped on the couch, the empty whiskey bottle lying on the floor beside him.

His mind, clouded by alcohol, was a tumultuous storm of anger, regret, and a burning desire for retribution. He felt betrayed, not just by Denise, but by life itself.


Gasoline | Source: Shutterstock

Gasoline | Source: Shutterstock

As the night wore on, his thoughts became darker, more vengeful. The more he dwelled on his situation, the more he convinced himself that Denise was to blame for all his misfortunes.

In his inebriated state, he began to imagine wild schemes of revenge, each more extreme than the last.

Suddenly, he stood up, his movements unsteady. A dangerous idea had taken root in his mind, fueled by the alcohol and his distorted thoughts.

He stumbled into the garage, where he kept various tools and equipment. His eyes settled on a canister of gasoline used for the lawnmower. A sinister plan began to form, a way to make Denise feel the pain he was experiencing.


With unsteady hands, Caleb grabbed the canister and unscrewed the cap. The sharp smell of gasoline filled the air, but he barely noticed. All he could think about was getting back at Denise, making her regret her actions.

He began to pour the gasoline into a container, but in his drunken state, he spilled some of it. The liquid soaked into his jacket, leaving a strong, pungent odor.

Car | Source: Shutterstock

Car | Source: Shutterstock

But Caleb was too consumed by his vengeful thoughts to care. He replaced the cap and, with the container of gasoline in hand, staggered back into the house.

He looked around the quiet, empty home, a stark reminder of what he had lost - or what he believed he had lost. His heart pounded with a mixture of fear, anger, and a reckless determination.


Caleb grabbed his car keys and headed towards the door. He knew driving in his current state was dangerous, but his desire for revenge overshadowed all reason. He got into his car, the container of gasoline on the passenger seat beside him.

As he started the car, his mind was a blur of emotions. He thought of Denise, of their happier times, and how it had all come crashing down.

He thought of the younger man, the Rolls-Royce, and the inheritance. Everything seemed to point to Denise's betrayal, and in his mind, she had become the villain of his story.

The streets were deserted as Caleb drove, the only sound being the hum of the car engine and the occasional clink of the gasoline container.

Car | Source: Shutterstock

Car | Source: Shutterstock


He didn't know exactly what he was going to do when he got to Denise, but he felt a twisted sense of purpose, a need to act, to make a statement.

His thoughts were erratic, jumping from one bitter memory to another. The more he thought about Denise and the money, the more his anger grew. He felt justified in his actions, believing that Denise deserved whatever was coming to her.

But beneath the anger and the alcohol-induced bravado, there was a deep, gnawing fear. A part of him knew that what he was doing was wrong, that this path could only lead to more destruction.

Yet, that voice of reason was drowned out by the louder, more insistent calls for revenge.

As he drove, the night seemed to close in around him, the darkness mirroring the turmoil in his soul. Caleb was a man driven by hurt and betrayal, a man on the edge, teetering between reason and madness.

The consequences of his actions were yet to unfold, but in that moment, all he could see was his pain and his burning desire for revenge.

Caleb's car rolled to a stop in the parking lot near Denise's office, its headlights cutting through the darkness. The night was still, the silence only broken by the occasional distant sound of a car.


Parking | Source: Shutterstock

Parking | Source: Shutterstock

Caleb sat for a moment, his hands gripping the steering wheel, his heart racing with a mix of fear and determination. The container of gasoline sat ominously on the passenger seat.

He got out of the car, taking the gasoline with him. The cold night air hit his face, but he barely noticed. His eyes scanned the parking lot until they landed on the sleek, black Rolls-Royce – the symbol of his anger and jealousy.

It sat there, innocuous, unaware of the fate that Caleb had in store for it.

With unsteady steps, Caleb approached the Rolls-Royce, his eyes narrowing. He unscrewed the cap of the gasoline container and began to pour the liquid over the car.


The gasoline flowed down the sides of the luxury vehicle, its strong smell permeating the air. Caleb's hands were shaking, but he was resolute in his mission.

Once the car was doused, Caleb fumbled in his pocket for his lighter. His mind was clouded, his actions fueled by a cocktail of alcohol and rage.

He struck the lighter, and in an instant, the Rolls-Royce was engulfed in flames. The fire roared to life, casting an eerie glow over the parking lot.

Burning car | Source: Shutterstock

Burning car | Source: Shutterstock

But in his haste, Caleb hadn't noticed that some of the gasoline had spilled on his jacket. As the car burst into flames, so did his jacket.

Panic set in as Caleb realized he was on fire. He frantically tore the jacket off and threw it to the ground, trying to stamp out the flames.


The pain was immediate and intense. Caleb could feel the searing heat on his skin, the agony of the burns.

He managed to extinguish the flames on his jacket, but the damage was done. He was burned, the pain so overwhelming that it cut through the fog of alcohol.

Breathing heavily, Caleb staggered away from the burning car, the light from the fire casting long, ominous shadows. He could hear the distant sound of sirens – someone must have seen the fire and called for help.

Caleb's steps became more labored, his body succumbing to the shock and pain of his burns. His mind was a whirlwind of regret, fear, and confusion.

What had he done? In his quest for revenge, he had crossed a line from which there was no return.

The world around him started to spin, the pain becoming too much to bear. Caleb stumbled, his legs giving out beneath him. He fell to the ground, his vision blurring, the sounds of the night fading into the background.

Unconscious | Source: Shutterstock

Unconscious | Source: Shutterstock


As he lay there, the realization of his actions began to sink in. He had set fire to a car, risking not only his own life but the lives of others.

In his quest to hurt Denise, he had hurt himself instead. The gravity of his actions weighed heavily on him, even as consciousness slipped away.

The last thing Caleb saw before he lost consciousness was the fire, its flames reaching high into the night sky, a beacon of his rage and despair.

The pain was unbearable, both physically and emotionally. He had wanted to make Denise feel his pain, but in the end, he was the one who was suffering.

Caleb lay there in the parking lot, alone and injured, a man who had lost himself to his own destructive emotions. The sirens grew louder, the sound of approaching help, but for Caleb, it was too late.

He had set in motion a chain of events that could not be undone, and now he had to face the consequences of his actions.

Caleb's eyes fluttered open, the bright lights of the hospital room blinding him momentarily. He winced, his body aching, the pain in his skin sharp and unrelenting.


He tried to move but found that his movements were restricted by bandages wrapped tightly around his torso and arms.

A nurse, noticing that he was awake, approached his bedside with a clipboard in hand. She was a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a gentle voice.

Ward | Source: Shutterstock

Ward | Source: Shutterstock

"You're awake, Mr. Johnson," she said softly. "You've sustained some serious burns, but you're out of danger now."

Caleb's mind was foggy, but the memories of the previous night came crashing back to him - the argument with Denise, the gasoline, the fire. He felt a pang of shame and regret, mixed with a dull throbbing pain that enveloped his body.

Before he could respond, the door to his room opened, and Denise walked in, escorted by the nurse.


Caleb's heart sank at the sight of her. Denise looked tired, her eyes red as if she had been crying, but there was also a look of concern on her face.

Caleb, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, lashed out. "What are you doing here, Denise?" he asked bitterly. "Come to mock me? To see the result of how you've ruined my life?"

Denise took a step back, hurt flashing across her face. "Caleb, no," she replied, her voice trembling. "I'm here because I'm worried about you. I never wanted any of this to happen."

The nurse, sensing the tension, offered to give them some privacy. "I'll be outside if you need anything," she said before leaving the room.

Caleb looked away, unable to meet Denise's gaze. The room was filled with a heavy silence, the only sound being the steady beep of the heart monitor.

Hospital | Source: Shutterstock

Hospital | Source: Shutterstock


Caleb was consumed with a mix of pain, both physical and emotional. The realization of what he had done, and the consequences of his actions, weighed heavily on him.

Denise took a cautious step closer. "Caleb, I know you're angry, and you have every right to be," she said softly. "But I never intended to replace you or hurt you. I just wanted to help, in my own way."

Caleb's breathing was ragged, his emotions a tangle of guilt, anger, and sorrow. "Help?" he said, his voice hoarse. "By keeping secrets? By leaving with another man?"

Denise sighed, a tear rolling down her cheek. "It's not what you think, Caleb. There's so much you don't understand. But right now, you need to focus on getting better."

Caleb turned his head to look at her, his expression one of confusion and pain. He wanted to believe her, to find some solace in her words, but the hurt ran too deep.

Denise reached out tentatively, her hand stopping just short of touching his. "I still care about you, Caleb," she whispered. "Despite everything, I do."

The room fell silent again, the air thick with unsaid words and unshed tears. Caleb lay there, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

He was at a loss, unsure of how to process everything that had happened. The one thing he was certain of was the long road of healing and redemption that lay ahead of him.

Ward | Source: Shutterstock

Ward | Source: Shutterstock

Denise took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on Caleb, who lay on the hospital bed, his expression a mix of confusion and pain.

The room was quiet, the only sound being the occasional beep of the heart monitor. Denise knew she had to explain everything, to clear the air, no matter how difficult it might be.

"Caleb," she began, her voice steady despite the turmoil she felt inside. "You think I ruined your life, but you need to understand, you did this to yourself."


Caleb's eyes, which had been staring blankly at the ceiling, shifted to look at her. His face was a canvas of mixed emotions – anger, confusion, and a hint of curiosity.

"I wanted to help you, Caleb," Denise continued. "I was willing to pay off all our debts with the inheritance. I just wanted you to see what we had, to appreciate our life together."

Caleb's brow furrowed, and he shifted uncomfortably on the bed. "Help me? By making me jealous?" he asked, his voice tinged with skepticism.

"Yes," Denise replied softly. "I thought if I made you a little jealous, you'd remember how much we meant to each other.

Woman | Source: Shutterstock

Woman | Source: Shutterstock

That's why I rented the Rolls-Royce and had James, my co-worker, pick me up. It was all staged, Caleb. There was never anything between James and me."


Caleb lay there, processing her words. The revelation that the entire scenario was a setup by Denise to reignite their relationship left him stunned.

He thought about the Rolls-Royce, the man he had accused of pursuing Denise for her money, and the fire – all consequences of a misunderstanding, a desperate attempt by Denise to salvage their crumbling marriage.

"But why?" Caleb finally asked, his voice a mere whisper. "Why go through all that instead of just talking to me?"

Denise sighed, a sad smile touching her lips. "I tried, Caleb. But you were so consumed by our financial problems, you wouldn't listen. I thought a grand gesture might make you see things differently."

Caleb's gaze drifted away from Denise, staring at the wall. He felt a wave of emotions – guilt for not seeing Denise's efforts, embarrassment for his own actions, and a deep sense of regret.

He had been so wrapped up in his own problems that he had failed to see the lengths Denise was willing to go to help him, to save their marriage.

The room was silent again, each lost in their thoughts. Caleb was trying to reconcile the truth Denise had revealed with his own actions. The realization that his own insecurities and pride had led to this situation was a bitter pill to swallow.


Billing | Source: Shutterstock

Billing | Source: Shutterstock

Denise, seeing the turmoil on Caleb's face, reached out and gently placed her hand on his. "I just wanted us to be happy, Caleb. That's all I ever wanted."

Denise's eyes held a mixture of sadness and resignation as she continued her explanation. Caleb, still reeling from the revelation of her staged plan, was about to understand the full consequences of his actions.

"Because of what you did, Caleb," Denise began, her voice tinged with weariness, "I had to use almost all of the inheritance money."

She paused, gathering her thoughts. "The Rolls-Royce wasn't ours. It was rented. And after you set it on fire, I had to pay for its loss. It was a lot of money, Caleb."


Caleb's heart sank. The enormity of what he had done was beginning to dawn on him. He had not only endangered himself and potentially others, but he had also obliterated their chance at financial stability.

"And that's not all," Denise continued, her voice growing softer yet heavier with every word. "The rest of the money... I had to use it for your treatment here in the hospital. The burns you suffered, the care you needed, it was expensive."

Caleb lay there, motionless, the hospital sheets seemingly growing tighter around him. A sense of profound guilt washed over him.

Denise had come into a significant amount of money, something that could have solved all their problems, and now it was gone, all because of his impulsive, misguided actions.

Ring | Source: Shutterstock

Ring | Source: Shutterstock


"So now," Denise said, looking down at her hands, "there's nothing left. I can't help with the loans, with the house. The money that was supposed to be our fresh start is gone."

The room felt incredibly small to Caleb at that moment. His mind raced, filled with regret and disbelief at how quickly things had spiraled out of control.

He had been so consumed by his own pain and anger that he had failed to see the bigger picture, the collateral damage of his actions.

"Denise, I... I don't know what to say," Caleb stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I never... I didn't think..."

In the sterile hospital room, the air grew heavy as Denise reached into her bag and pulled out a stack of papers. Caleb, his eyes red and swollen from tears, watched her movements, a sense of dread building in his chest.

"These are divorce papers, Caleb," Denise said, her voice steady but tinged with sadness. She placed them gently on the small table beside his bed. "I can't do this anymore. I never want to see you again."

Caleb's heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice. The words struck him like physical blows, each one landing with a painful clarity. He looked at the papers, the finality of their meaning sinking in.


"I was willing to give you everything," Denise continued, her eyes not meeting his. "I wanted to help us start over, to pay off our debts, to have a fresh start. But you didn't appreciate any of it. You let your anger and jealousy consume you."

Caleb wanted to say something, anything that could make this better, but the words wouldn't come. He felt numb, the reality of the situation too much to bear.

Denise took a deep breath, her eyes welling up with tears. "Goodbye, Caleb." With those final words, she turned and walked out of the room, her steps echoing in the quiet corridor.

Leaving | Source: Shutterstock

Leaving | Source: Shutterstock

Years had gone by since the night that changed everything for Caleb. The once ambitious man now found himself standing in the back of a small, bustling café, his hands submerged in soapy water as he washed dish after dish.


The steam from the hot water rose in the air, mingling with the clatter of plates and the constant chatter of the café patrons.

Caleb's boss, a stern man with little patience, watched him from across the kitchen. "Caleb, you're being too slow and clumsy!" he barked, his voice cutting through the noise of the kitchen. "Pick up the pace, and be careful with those dishes!"

Caleb nodded silently, not daring to talk back. He was all too aware of his boss's critical gaze, often feeling it linger on the scars that marred his skin - a permanent reminder of the night he set the Rolls-Royce on fire.

The burns had healed, but they had left behind twisted, disfigured skin that drew stares and whispers.

He turned back to the sink, his movements mechanical. The job was monotonous, but it was all he could manage with his limited skills and scarred appearance. Each day was a struggle, a constant reminder of how far he had fallen.

Dishes | Source: Shutterstock

Dishes | Source: Shutterstock


As Caleb scrubbed at a particularly stubborn spot on a plate, his gaze drifted to the window that looked out into the café. It was a small window, but it offered him a view of the world he once belonged to.

That's when he saw her. Denise. She was sitting at one of the café tables, her appearance as elegant and beautiful as ever. Time seemed to have been kind to her, her grace and poise still intact.

Beside her was a man, well-dressed and courteous, who laughed at something she said. The sight of her, so happy and carefree, was a sharp contrast to Caleb's own situation.

Caleb's heart ached as he watched Denise. He thought about their life together, the dreams they once shared, and the love that had once bound them. Now, she was a stranger to him, living a life he was no longer a part of.

As Denise and the man stood up to leave, Caleb watched as the man helped her into her coat with a gentle touch. They walked to the front of the café, and Caleb's eyes followed them, unable to look away.

Outside, a sleek Rolls-Royce waited. The man opened the door for Denise, and she slid into the car with an ease that spoke of a life far removed from Caleb's.


Happy | Source: Shutterstock

Happy | Source: Shutterstock

Caleb turned back to the sink, his hands resuming their work automatically. The sight of Denise, so close yet so unreachable, filled him with a deep sense of loss.

He realized how much he had lost - not just Denise, but also the life they could have had together.

His boss's earlier words echoed in his mind, a cruel reminder of his current reality. Caleb knew he had to endure, to keep going despite the pain and the memories that haunted him.

The café, with its constant flow of dishes and the never-ending work, was his world now.

The sun began to set outside, casting long shadows across the café. Caleb continued to wash dishes, his movements slow and deliberate.


He was a man living in the aftermath of his actions, trying to find a way to move forward in a life that had once held so much promise.

As the last rays of sunlight disappeared, the café began to empty, and the noise of the day gave way to a quiet stillness. Caleb finished the last of the dishes and wiped down the counter.

He took one last look out the window, the image of Denise and the Rolls-Royce etched in his mind, a bittersweet reminder of what had been and what could never be again.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Ethan, an 11-year-old boy, is walking home alone from school when he spots a strange man following him in a van. When the man's dark intentions unfold, Ethan finds himself in a perilous situation. Ethan has to think fast and escape the man's clutches, but how will he do that when the man is constantly watching him?. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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