A woman's hand with a wedding ring| Source: Shutterstock
A woman's hand with a wedding ring| Source: Shutterstock

Girl Visits Her Boyfriend to Make a Surprise, Wife She Never Knew about Opens the Door – Story of the Day

Yaryna Kholodiuk
Mar 05, 2024
02:03 P.M.

In a twist of fate, Lisa decides to surprise her boyfriend Max, only to find herself at the doorstep of his wife, Kate. Shocked and betrayed, Lisa and Kate form an unlikely alliance to seek revenge on the man who deceived them both. But as their plan unfolds, Lisa finds herself entangled in a web of deception far deeper than she ever imagined.


As the sun began to set over the city, casting a warm orange glow on the bustling streets, Lisa, a young and ambitious 28-year-old lawyer, stepped out of the law office where she worked.

Her day had been filled with legal briefs and client meetings, but as she walked towards the parking lot, her mind shifted to more personal matters.

Waiting for her by a sleek, silver car was Max, Lisa's fiancé. Max, a successful businessman known for investing in innovative startups, stood there holding a beautiful bouquet.

Successful, handsome man | Source: Shutterstock

Successful, handsome man | Source: Shutterstock

Despite their relatively new relationship, having blossomed just three months prior, their connection was undeniable. Max had already proposed, and they were now in the whirlwind phase of preparing for their wedding.


The flowers in Max's hands were a vibrant mix of red roses and white lilies, their fragrance mingling with the evening air. As Lisa approached, a smile spread across her face, a mix of surprise and delight lighting up her eyes.

"These are for you," Max said, handing her the bouquet with a charming smile.

Lisa took the flowers, their scent enveloping her. "They're beautiful, thank you!" she exclaimed, leaning in to give Max a tender kiss on the cheek. His expression softened at her touch, a look of adoration in his eyes.

Happy young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Happy young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Gallantly, Max opened the passenger door of the car for Lisa. She got in, placing the bouquet carefully on her lap, admiring how the colors brightened the car's interior. Max closed the door and walked around to the driver's side, sliding into the seat comfortably.


Max turned to Lisa as they settled in, his eyes glinting with pride and affection. "Let me see your ring again," he said with a playful tone. "I want to see how well it suits you."

Lisa extended her hand towards Max, the engagement ring sparkling on her finger under the soft light of the car's interior. The diamond caught the light, sending little prisms dancing around the cabin. Max took her hand gently, admiring the ring.

But then, his gaze shifted, noticing another ring on Lisa's hand. It was an antique, its design intricate and aged, yet it held an elegance that spoke of a rich history.

Max maneuvered the car smoothly out of the parking lot, his hands steady on the wheel. The city lights flickered by as they drove, casting fleeting shadows inside the car. Lisa, still holding the bouquet, watched the streets pass by.

Beautiful young couple | Source: Shutterstock

Beautiful young couple | Source: Shutterstock


Max broke the silence first. "What's this ring?" he asked, nodding toward Lisa's hand.

"It's a family heirloom," Lisa replied, her voice soft but clear. "Passed down from generation to generation."

Max glanced at the ring, his eyes lingering on its intricate design. "Looks very expensive."

Lisa nodded a hint of pride in her voice. "Yes, it's valuable but precious to me as a memory."

The car hummed along, filled with soft music playing on the radio. Outside, the city blurred into streaks of color as they drove.

Engagement ring | Source: Shutterstock

Engagement ring | Source: Shutterstock

Max's expression changed, his brow furrowing slightly, a sign of deep thought. Lisa noticed the shift. "Is everything okay?" she asked, her tone laced with concern. "Worried about dinner with my parents?"


Max hesitated, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "No, it's just..." he trailed off, the words seeming to get stuck.

"What? What happened?" Lisa pressed, her worry growing.

Max took a deep breath, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "My father... he's in the hospital and needs an expensive surgery."

Lisa's heart sank at the news. "How awful," she responded, her voice filled with sympathy.

Couple | Source: Shutterstock

Couple | Source: Shutterstock

Max continued, a note of distress creeping into his voice. "The problem is, I've put all my money into the new startup I told you about and can't afford the surgery."


Lisa pondered momentarily, then offered, "Let me lend you the money."

"Really?" Max's voice was a mix of surprise and relief.

"Of course, we're getting married soon. How much is needed for the surgery?"

Max hesitated before answering. "In total, including the subsequent treatment, it's 50,000."

Lisa felt a wave of awkwardness wash over her. "I don't have that kind of money..."

Hands | Source: Shutterstock

Hands | Source: Shutterstock

Max glanced at her, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Weren't you saving up for a house? I'll repay you once I get the money from the startup."


Lisa bit her lip, considering. "I'll think about it. I'm sure we can find a solution to gather such a large amount."

Max nodded a grateful smile on his face. "Alright, thank you."

As Max and Lisa continued their drive, the car's serene atmosphere was suddenly broken by the shrill sound of Max's phone ringing. He glanced at the caller ID, his eyebrows knitting together in concern before he answered.

"Hello?" Max's voice was tense, starkly contrasting to his earlier relaxed tone. Lisa watched him, noticing the change in his demeanor.

Phone in hand | Source: Shutterstock

Phone in hand | Source: Shutterstock

She could only catch bits of his conversation, but Max's growing unease was evident. His hand tightened on the steering wheel, and his responses were short, punctuated by worried glances in the rearview mirror.


Finally, Max ended the call, his expression grim. Lisa waited, sensing something was wrong. "What happened?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Max sighed, running a hand through his hair. "That was my housekeeper," he began, his voice strained. "There's been an accident at my house in the neighboring city. A pipe burst and flooded the entire basement."

Lisa's eyes widened in shock. "That's terrible! Is it very bad?"

Couple | Source: Shutterstock

Couple | Source: Shutterstock

Max nodded, his worry evident. "Yes, it's a mess. I need to go there and see what can be done."

Lisa remembered their plans for the evening and hesitated before asking, "Should we postpone the dinner with my parents then? Maybe we can do it tomorrow?"


Max's expression was apologetic, but his mind seemed made up. "I'm sorry, Lisa, but I won't be able to make it tomorrow either. This is going to take some time to sort out."

Lisa felt a mix of emotions. She understood the urgency of Max's situation, but she couldn't help feeling hurt. She had been looking forward to introducing Max to her parents, and his sudden change of plans, even if justified, stung.

Max seemed to sense her disappointment. "I am sorry, Lisa. I know how important this was to you."

Couple in car | Source: Shutterstock

Couple in car | Source: Shutterstock

As they approached a red traffic light, Max brought the car to a gentle stop. Lisa, still wrestling with her feelings, made a quick decision. She unbuckled her seatbelt. "I think I'll get out here," she said, her voice firm.


Max turned to her, surprised. "What? Why?"

Lisa opened the car door, and the city noises flooded in. "I need some time to think, and I don't want to keep you. You have to deal with your house."

"But Lisa, let me at least drive you home," Max pleaded, his concern evident.

Lisa shook her head, stepping out of the car. "No, it's fine. I'll walk." She closed the door before Max could respond and started walking away, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts.

Leg | Source: Shutterstock

Leg | Source: Shutterstock

Lisa walked briskly, her bouquet still in hand, her thoughts racing. She felt a blend of frustration and sadness, unsure if she was more upset about missing the dinner or Max's sudden and unexplained urgency.


Lost in her thoughts, Lisa barely noticed the distance she had covered. She finally paused, taking a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions inside her. She realized she needed to talk to someone to share her feelings and get some perspective.

Deciding to visit her parents anyway, Lisa hailed a cab. She got in as the vehicle pulled over, directing the driver to her parents' house.

Lisa arrived at her parents' house, her emotions still churning from the events of the evening. The home, a cozy, welcoming place, seemed to embrace her as she stepped inside.

Her parents, Mary and Tom, were in the living room, their faces lighting up as they saw her. But their smiles faded when they noticed Lisa's troubled expression.

Elderly couple | Source: Shutterstock

Elderly couple | Source: Shutterstock


"Lisa, dear, what's wrong? Where's Max?" Mary asked, concern etched in her voice.

Lisa took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. "Mom, Dad, I fought with Max," she began, her voice wavering slightly. She recounted the evening's events, from the beautiful flowers to Max's sudden announcement and her decision to leave the car.

Tom, a seasoned policeman with years of experience in dealing with conflicts, listened intently, his expression thoughtful. Mary reached out, taking Lisa's hand in a comforting grip.

After Lisa finished her story, Tom spoke up. "Lisa, sometimes in relationships, it's important to put aside our pride," he advised, his voice steady and reassuring. "Why don't you go to him and make a surprise visit? It might help clear things up."

Lisa hesitated. "I would, Dad, but I don't know where Max lives," she admitted, a hint of embarrassment in her tone.

Woman | Source: Shutterstock

Woman | Source: Shutterstock


Tom stood up, a determined look on his face. "I can find out for you," he said, moving towards his study. Lisa knew her father had resources and contacts from his years in the police force that could help.

A few minutes later, Tom returned with a slip of paper in his hand. "Here's the address," he said, handing it to Lisa. "Think about visiting him. It might help you both understand each other better."

Lisa looked at the address, feeling apprehension and resolve in her heart. "Thanks, Dad," she said, a small smile on her lips.

Mary hugged Lisa. "Whatever you decide, we're here for you, sweetheart."

Later that evening, Lisa left her parents' house, feeling a whirlwind of emotions. The night air was cool against her skin as she walked down the street, the piece of paper with Max's address folded neatly in her hand.

Woman at night | Source: Shutterstock

Woman at night | Source: Shutterstock


As she walked, Lisa thought about her relationship with Max. They had moved quickly, their whirlwind romance taking them both by surprise. But now, she wondered if they really knew each other as well as they thought.

Lisa reached a small park, the city lights casting long shadows on the ground. She sat on a bench, the address in her hand.

The questions swirled in her mind, but deep down, she knew she needed answers. She needed to see where Max lived to understand this part of his life he hadn't shared with her.

Making up her mind, Lisa stood up from the bench, her determination renewed. She would go to Max's house. Not to argue, not to blame, but to seek understanding. Perhaps she would find the clarity she needed about their relationship in doing so.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Lisa hailed a cab and gave the driver Max's address. The city passed her window as she journeyed to confront the uncertainties ahead.

Woman in car | Source: Shutterstock

Woman in car | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa stood nervously in front of Max's house, her heart pounding in her chest. The house was larger than she had expected, its imposing facade looming over her. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, her hands shaking slightly.

The door opened, and a woman appeared. She was around the same age as Lisa, with sharp, discerning eyes.

"You must be Max's housekeeper? Is Max home?" Lisa asked, trying to sound confident.

The woman raised an eyebrow. "No, I'm his wife, Kate. And you are?"

Lisa felt a wave of nausea wash over her. She didn't understand what was happening. "I'm Lisa... his fiancée," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock


Kate let out a nervous laugh, disbelief etched on her face. "What fiancée? He's married," she said, showing her wedding ring. It was a simple band, but it carried a weight of certainty. "We've been together for seven years. What are you talking about?"

In response, Lisa held up her hand, showing the engagement ring Max had given her. "He never said he was married. He swore he only loved me. I... I don't understand what's happening," Lisa stammered, her mind reeling.

Kate's expression turned from disbelief to anger. "What's happening is this. You..." she began, her voice rising in fury. Kate started throwing things at Lisa, her movements erratic. "...dirty slut, thought you could seduce a married man." Objects flew past Lisa, some narrowly missing her. "How dare you even come here."

Lisa raised her hands in defense, backing away. "Listen, I didn't know he was married. I'm sorry, but I truly didn't know," she pleaded, her voice shaking.

"Get out of here and never come near my husband again," Kate shouted, her face red with anger.

Worried woman | Source: Shutterstock

Worried woman | Source: Shutterstock


Before Lisa could say another word, Kate slammed the door in her face. Lisa stood there, stunned, as the reality of what just happened sank in. Her legs felt weak, and she stumbled down the front steps, her mind a blur of confusion and hurt.

Lisa sat on the stairs outside Max's house, her tears falling freely. The world around her seemed distant, as if she were in a bubble of her sorrow.

She buried her face in her hands, her mind replaying every moment she had shared with Max. Each memory, once sweet, now stung with the pain of betrayal.

He had said he loved her, that she was the love of his life. Lisa had believed him and envisioned a future filled with happiness and mutual respect. But now, those words felt like a cruel joke.

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock


The door opened again as she sat there, lost in her thoughts. Lisa looked up, wiping her tears, expecting to see Kate's angry face. Instead, she saw Kate holding a bottle of wine and two glasses. Her expression was no longer one of anger but something softer, more reflective.

Kate sat next to Lisa on the stairs, the bottle of wine between them. For a moment, they sat in silence, two women connected by the betrayal of the same man.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted," Kate finally said, her voice low. "I shouldn't have thrown things. That wasn't right."

Lisa just nodded, too overwhelmed to speak. The shock of everything was still fresh, the wound too new.

Kate's voice was laced with bitterness. "This jerk cheated on both of us," she said, her words sharp with betrayal. "Can't believe seven years of marriage wasted." She poured wine into the glasses with a steady hand and passed one to Lisa.

Wine | Source: Shutterstock

Wine | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa took the glass, her thoughts swirling like the wine it contained. She drank it all in one gulp, feeling the liquid burn down her throat. Kate did the same and refilled their glasses, her movements quick and agitated.

"I'm really sorry," Lisa stammered, her voice thick with emotion. "If I had known, I would never...I'm not like that."

Kate just nodded, her expression hard to read. They sat silently, the weight of their shared pain hanging between them. Lisa fiddled with the ring Max had given her; its shine was now mocking her.

"What about his father?" Lisa suddenly asked, the question slipping out.

"What about his father? He died five years ago." Kate echoed, her brow furrowing.

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock


"Max told me his father was very sick and needed 50,000 for treatment," Lisa explained, her voice trembling.

Kate's eyes widened in shock. "That jerk, not only was he cheating on you, but he also wanted to scam money from you."

Tears began to flow down Lisa's cheeks again, her heart aching with the enormity of the deception. "What should I do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kate set her jaw, a determined glint in her eyes. "Here's what we'll do. We'll go to him right now and tell him what we think of him. Then I'll kick him out of the house and let him go to hell."

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Lisa questioned, her voice unsure.

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock

Sad woman | Source: Shutterstock


"It's a great idea," Kate asserted, her tone leaving no room for doubt.

Pulling out her phone, Kate dialed Max's number. After a brief conversation, she hung up and turned to Lisa. "He says he's at the office," she informed her.

The girls called a taxi, their resolve hardening with each passing moment. As they rode towards Max's office, Lisa felt a mix of fear and determination. She had never confronted anyone like this before. Beside her, Kate seemed focused, her anger giving her strength.

Arriving at Max's office building, they paid the taxi driver and stepped out into the cool night air. The building loomed large and imposing, its windows dark except for a few lights on the upper floors.

"Are you ready?" Kate asked, her voice steady.

Women on street | Source: Shutterstock

Women on street | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "Let's do this," she replied, trying to muster her courage.

Lisa and Kate entered Max's office building, their steps echoing in the quiet lobby. The security guard at the front desk glanced up and recognized Kate immediately. Without a word, he nodded, allowing them to pass.

The elevator ride up to Max's office was tense, each floor passing silently. When the doors finally opened, Lisa took a deep breath, bracing herself for what would come.

They stepped into Max's office, but it was empty. His chair was vacant, and his computer was turned off. The room felt eerily quiet, starkly contrasting the chaos of emotions between Lisa and Kate.

"Liar, probably on a date with some prostitute," Kate muttered, her voice dripping with scorn. She then turned to Lisa, her expression softening. "Sorry, you're not a prostitute. I'm just all nervous."

Angry woman | Source: Shutterstock

Angry woman | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa nodded, understanding the mix of anger and pain Kate was feeling. "We need to find something we can use against him," she said, her lawyer instincts kicking in. "Maybe I wasn't the only one he was scamming for money."

Together, they began to rummage through Max's desk. Papers were shuffled, and drawers were opened. Lisa, with her legal background, scrutinized each document they found.

They found loan statements, all taken out in Kate's name, and documents showing their house was mortgaged. The betrayal was deeper than either of them had imagined.

"He didn't just want to scam money from you," Kate said, her voice filled with disbelief. "Can't believe, what a jerk."

Lisa's fingers found a locked drawer in the desk. With a shared look of determination, they broke it open. Inside, they found numerous fake passports with Max's photo but different names.

Drawer | Source: Shutterstock

Drawer | Source: Shutterstock


"So his name isn't even Max. He lied to me my whole life," Kate said, her voice breaking. "Maybe even our marriage isn't valid. Why keep up the lie for so long."

"Maybe he wanted to scam all your money," Lisa suggested, her mind racing with the possibilities.

Kate nodded, a sad realization dawning on her face. "You're right. When we met, I was just starting my career. Max pushed me to start my own company. And just a year ago, the company started making good money. My whole life was a lie."

"I'm so sorry," Lisa said, her voice filled with empathy.

Kate was quiet for a moment, lost in thought. "And in three days, we were supposed to go to Chicago for an auction. Max convinced me to sell a painting I love." She stopped, realizing she had said too much.

Tired woman | Source: Shutterstock

Tired woman | Source: Shutterstock


"What auction?" Lisa asked, curious.

"Never mind, we won't be going now. There are more important things," Kate said, brushing off the question.

Lisa looked at the fake passports. "With these, we can just hand him over to the police."

"That's too easy, plus he'll have time to escape. I want to see his face when he realizes he's lost everything," Kate said, her voice hard. "I have a plan. You transfer the money to him, and when he tries to withdraw it - we'll track where the money was withdrawn with the police and catch him 'red-handed.'"

"But I don't have that kind of money," Lisa protested. "Well, I do. I'm saving for a house. But I don't want to lose everything."

Two women | Source: Shutterstock

Two women | Source: Shutterstock


"Do you want to put him behind bars?" Kate asked, her gaze intense.

Lisa nodded, her resolve firming. "Yes, I do."

"Then we have to take a risk," Kate said, her eyes meeting Lisa's.

Lisa thought momentarily, weighing the risks against the need for justice. Finally, she said, "Alright, let's do it."

Their plan was set. They would use Lisa's savings to lure Max into a trap. It was a risk, but one they were willing to take to see justice served. They knew the road ahead would be challenging as they left Max's office, but they were determined to see it through.

Women on street | Source: Shutterstock

Women on street | Source: Shutterstock


The sun shone brightly through the windows of Lisa's living room, casting a warm, comforting light over the two women sitting there. Lisa and Kate, united by a common betrayal, were formulating a plan to confront the man who had deceived them both.

The atmosphere in the room was tense, filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

Lisa picked up her phone, her fingers slightly trembling. She dialed Max's number, her heart pounding with each ring. Sitting close by, Kate leaned in slightly, her ears straining to catch every word of the conversation.

"Hey, Max," Lisa said, her voice carefully neutral. "I was thinking, would you like to meet for lunch today?"

Max's voice came through on the other end of the line, sounding surprised but pleased. "Sure, Lisa. I can come by your place and pick you up. How about in an hour?"

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa forced a smile, though she knew Max couldn't see it. "That sounds great. See you soon."

As she ended the call, Lisa let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Kate, who had been silently listening, gave her a nod of approval. They both knew the importance of this meeting.

No sooner had they settled back into their seats than Kate's phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and rolled her eyes. "It's Max," she whispered to Lisa before answering.

Kate's voice was cold and detached as she spoke to Max. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kate," Max's voice was casual, almost carefree. "I'm going to be late coming home. Don't wait for me."

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock


Kate's grip on the phone tightened, her knuckles turning white. "Okay, Max," she replied, her voice steady despite the anger boiling inside her.

As she hung up, the reality of their situation hit them once again. Max was living a double life, lying to both of them without a hint of remorse.

Kate's face was angry and determined as she ended the phone call with Max. "What a jerk," she muttered, her voice tinged with disgust.

The reality of the situation hit them once again. Max was living a double life, lying to both of them without a hint of remorse.

Lisa, sitting across from her, felt a surge of nervous energy. "What now?" she asked, her mind racing with their plan.

Two worried woman | Source: Shutterstock

Two worried woman | Source: Shutterstock


Kate looked at Lisa, her eyes steady. "When you have lunch, you'll transfer the money to him. Then we'll go to the police and wait for this scumbag to withdraw the money from his account."

Lisa nodded, the weight of their plan settling on her shoulders. "Okay, it's almost over, and we'll catch him soon," she said, trying to sound confident.

Kate stood up, her movements brisk. "I should leave. Max can't see me here," she said, gathering her things. Lisa watched her, feeling a sense of camaraderie with this woman who, just a day ago, was a stranger.

As Kate reached the door, she turned back to Lisa. "You're strong, Lisa. You can do this," she said, offering a supportive smile.

Lisa nodded, feeling a mix of fear and resolve. "Thanks, Kate. I'll call you as soon as it's done."

Woman near door | Source: Shutterstock

Woman near door | Source: Shutterstock


With that, Kate left the apartment, leaving Lisa alone with her thoughts. The room felt suddenly quiet, the ticking of the clock on the wall filling the space. Lisa took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. This was the moment she would confront Max and expose his lies.

She checked her phone, seeing it was almost time for Max to arrive. Standing up, she paced the room, rehearsing what she would say and how she would act. Every step felt heavy, every thought clouded with what was to come.

Max arrived promptly to pick up Lisa, his car gleaming under the bright sun. Lisa stepped outside to meet him. She wore a calm expression, masking the turmoil inside.

"Hey, Lisa," Max greeted her with a casual smile as she got into the car. "You look great."

"Thanks," Lisa replied, keeping her voice steady. The drive to the restaurant was filled with small talk, but Lisa's mind was elsewhere, focused on her and Kate's plan.

Sad woman in car | Source: Shutterstock

Sad woman in car | Source: Shutterstock


They arrived at a quaint, cozy restaurant, the kind of place that felt both inviting and intimate. Max held the door open for Lisa, playing the role of the perfect gentleman. Lisa thanked him, her stomach in knots, as they were led to their table.

During lunch, as they picked up their food, Lisa found an opening to discuss the topic. "Max, I've thought it over," she began, her voice steady. "I've decided to give you the money for your father's treatment."

Max's face lit up, a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "Really? Lisa, that's... thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me."

Lisa forced a smile, feeling a pang of sadness for the man she thought she knew. "It's okay. I'm happy to help," she said, though her heart ached with the lie.

She took out her phone and initiated the transfer, her fingers moving mechanically. Max watched, a satisfied smile creeping onto his face.

Woman with phone | Source: Shutterstock

Woman with phone | Source: Shutterstock


After the transfer was complete, they finished their meal in strained silence. Max seemed more relaxed, almost jovial, while Lisa felt a growing sense of dread.

On the drive back to Lisa's house, Lisa felt a hollow sensation in her stomach. She had done it – the money was transferred, and their plan was in motion.

As they pulled up to her house, Max turned to her. "Can I come in for a bit?" he asked, his eyes hopeful.

Lisa shook her head, feigning illness. "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well. Maybe another time," she said, trying to sound apologetic.

Max's expression fell slightly, but he nodded. "Of course. Do you mind if I use your bathroom before I go?" he asked.

Woman feeling bad | Source: Shutterstock

Woman feeling bad | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa hesitated, then agreed. "Sure, go ahead."

Max went inside, and Lisa waited in the living room, her anxiety growing. After a few minutes, Max reappeared. "Thanks, Lisa. I hope you feel better soon," he said, smiling half-heartedly before leaving.

Lisa picked up her phone and dialed Kate's number. She needed to tell her, to let her know the plan was in motion. But the call went unanswered. Lisa tried again, her fingers trembling, but still no response.

The room's silence felt oppressive, the clock ticking, a reminder of the time slipping away. Lisa sat down, trying to calm her racing thoughts. She needed to stay focused, to remember why she had done this. It was about justice, about exposing Max for who he truly was.

With each passing minute, Lisa's resolve strengthened. She would see this through, no matter what. Max would not get away with what he had done to her and Kate.

Worried woman | Source: Shutterstock

Worried woman | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa felt a knot of anxiety in her stomach as she approached Kate and Max's house. The neighborhood was quiet, almost eerily so, with the sound of her footsteps echoing as she walked. When she reached the front door and found it slightly ajar, her heart raced with apprehension.

Pushing the door open, Lisa stepped inside, her eyes quickly scanning the surroundings. Once filled with life and warmth, the house was now completely empty.

The living room, where she had expected to see furniture and personal items, was barren. No couch, no pictures on the walls, not even a stray magazine. It was as if no one had ever lived there.

A cold realization washed over Lisa. Max and Kate had run away together. All the pieces of the puzzle suddenly fit together. Kate knew about Max's scams. She had been a part of them all along. The panic that Lisa felt was overwhelming. She had been deceived, not just by Max but also by Kate.

She walked through the house, her footsteps echoing in the empty rooms. Each room she entered was the same – devoid of any signs of life.

Empty room | Source: Shutterstock

Empty room | Source: Shutterstock


In the kitchen, the cupboards were open and bare. In the bedroom, the closet doors were ajar, with not a single piece of clothing left behind. Clearly, they had planned this, taken everything of value, and disappeared.

The betrayal stung deep. Lisa had lost her money, her trust, and a part of herself to these con artists. She felt a mix of anger, sadness, and disbelief.

Lisa stepped outside after searching the entire house and finding nothing but emptiness. The sky was overcast, mirroring her mood. Clutching her phone tightly, she dialed her father's number, each ring echoing in her ears as she waited for him to answer.

"Dad, it's me, " she said, her voice shaky when he picked up. "I need to tell you something important."

"Lisa? What's wrong?" her father, Tom, asked, his voice immediately laced with concern.

Woman with phone | Source: Shutterstock

Woman with phone | Source: Shutterstock


She took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "Dad, I've been scammed. Max, he... he took all my savings. And Kate... she was in on it too. Their house is empty. They've run away."

There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line. Lisa could almost picture her father, a seasoned policeman, processing the information with a mix of professional detachment and paternal worry.

"Oh, Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear that," Tom finally said, his voice soft but firm. "Do you know where they might have gone?"

"No, Dad. I have no idea. It's like they vanished into thin air," Lisa replied, her voice cracking with emotion.

Tom was silent for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "Listen, Lisa, I need to be honest with you. It's nearly impossible to trace where the money was withdrawn from. These scammers are clever. They know how to cover their tracks."

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. The reality of the situation was hitting her hard. Not only had she been deceived, but there was also a strong chance she might never get her money back or find Max and Kate.

"But, Dad, there has to be something we can do. They can't just get away with this!" Lisa said, desperation creeping into her voice.

"I understand how you feel, Lisa, and I promise we'll do everything we can. I'll start looking into it immediately," Tom assured her, his voice calm and steady.

"Thank you, Dad. I just... I can't believe they did this to me," Lisa said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I know, sweetheart. I know," Tom said gently.

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock


As she ended the call, Lisa felt a mix of emotions. She was heartbroken and angry but also felt a glimmer of hope. With her father's help, maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to bring Max and Kate to justice.

Lisa returned home, her mind still reeling from the day's shocking revelations. She felt a sense of violation as she stepped into her house, a place that once brought her comfort and safety. She was no longer certain of anything, least of whom she could trust.

As she walked through her bedroom, her eyes fell on the small jewelry box on her dresser. An uneasy feeling settled in her stomach. She approached the dresser and opened the box, her heart sinking as she realized her family ring was missing.

Frantically, Lisa began searching her house. She looked under the bed, in the closets, and through all her drawers. The ring was nowhere to be found. Despair washed over her as she sat on the edge of her bed, her head in her hands. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks – Max had stolen the ring when he used her bathroom.

Memories of the ring, passed down through generations in her family, filled her mind. It was more than a piece of jewelry; it was a connection to her past, to her family's history. The thought of Max taking it, probably to sell it off to the highest bidder, filled her with a mix of anger and sadness.


Messy room | Source: Shutterstock

Messy room | Source: Shutterstock

Then, she remembered the auction Kate had mentioned. Lisa's mind raced as she considered the ring possibly being there. She opened her laptop and began searching online for any auctions happening soon.

She scoured websites and auction house listings, but nothing came up. It had to be an underground auction that wouldn't be advertised publicly.

Lisa knew she needed help to get into such an auction. She thought of one of her clients, whom she had defended in a similar case. She had helped him out of a tough situation and hoped he would be willing to return the favor.

Picking up her phone, Lisa dialed the client's number. Her heart pounded as she waited for him to answer.


Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock

Woman on phone | Source: Shutterstock

"Hi, it's about a personal matter. I need your help," Lisa began, her voice urgent. She explained the situation, her words tumbling out in a rush. She told him about Max, the stolen ring, and her suspicion about the underground auction.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. "I see. That's a tough situation," the client said. "But you've helped me in the past, so I'll see what I can do."

Lisa felt a glimmer of hope. "Thank you. I really appreciate it," she said, her voice filled with gratitude.


After ending the call, Lisa waited anxiously. She felt powerless, a feeling she detested. All she could do was hope that her client would come through for her.

Hours passed, and with each passing minute, Lisa's anxiety grew. She tried to distract herself by tidying up the house, but her thoughts kept returning to the missing ring and the possibility of confronting Max and Kate.

Worried woman | Source: Shutterstock

Worried woman | Source: Shutterstock

Finally, her phone pinged with a new email notification. It was from her client. Her hands trembled as she opened the email, eyes scanning the contents.

The email contained an invitation to the auction. It was being held discreetly, with a list of items up for bid. There was no mention of her ring, but that didn't mean it wouldn't be there.


Lisa felt a mix of relief and determination. She had a lead, a way to possibly retrieve her ring and confront Max and Kate. She knew it would be risky, but she was ready to face whatever came her way.

She printed out the invitation, her mind already planning her next steps. She would need to be careful and smart about how she approached this. But she was resolved to see this through, to get back what was rightfully hers and expose Max and Kate for the frauds they were.

That night, Lisa went to bed with a sense of purpose. She might have been betrayed and hurt, but she was not defeated. She was going to fight back. And with that thought, she finally drifted off to sleep, her resolve firm and unyielding.

Woman with laptop | Source: Shutterstock

Woman with laptop | Source: Shutterstock


Lisa arrived at the undisclosed location of the underground auction, her heart pounding in her chest. The night was cool and dark, adding to the secretive atmosphere of the event. She had donned a simple, nondescript wig to disguise her appearance, hoping it would be enough to keep her unrecognized.

As she entered the dimly lit room, murmurs and hushed conversations washed over her. The place was filled with an eclectic mix of people, some looking like high-society figures, others more like shadowy collectors.

Lisa's eyes scanned the room cautiously, taking in the extravagant items on display. Her gaze was drawn to the stage, where items of significant value were auctioned off individually.

Then she saw her family ring glinting under the stage lights. Her heart skipped a beat. Kate was on the stage, holding the ring with an air of triumph. She was dressed elegantly, her voice confident as she addressed the crowd.

"This ring," Kate began, her voice carrying across the room, "is not only exquisite in its craftsmanship but also rich in history. It once belonged to an aristocratic family, passed down through generations."

Auction | Source: Pexels

Auction | Source: Pexels


Lisa felt a surge of anger at Kate's lies. She leaned towards the woman beside her and whispered, "That's my ring. It's not what she's saying. It's completely ordinary."

The woman glanced at Lisa, her eyes briefly showing a flicker of interest before she turned away, dismissing her.

Determined to get her ring back, Lisa started bidding. Each time she raised her bid, someone from the crowd would outbid her. The price climbed higher and higher, far beyond what Lisa had anticipated. Her heart raced with each new bid, but she was resolute.

Finally, when the bid reached 300,000, the room fell silent. No one challenged Lisa's offer. Looking both surprised and pleased, Kate announced, "Sold to the lady in the back for 300,000! Congratulations, madam, you've won a piece of history."

Kate's gaze fell on Lisa, and for a moment, their eyes locked. There was a flash of recognition, then disbelief in Kate's eyes.

Auction | Source: Shutterstock

Auction | Source: Shutterstock


"How will you be paying today?" Kate asked, her voice faltering slightly.

Lisa stood up, the eyes of the entire room on her. She walked onto the stage amidst a round of polite applause. Standing face to face with Kate, Lisa shouted, "Max will pay for everything."

At that very moment, the doors of the auction room burst open, and police officers streamed in. The crowd erupted into chaos, people scattering in all directions, trying to escape.

Kate, realizing the situation was unraveling, attempted to flee, but the police were quick to catch her. As they handcuffed her, Lisa felt a mix of satisfaction and sadness. Kate had been her friend, yet she was deeply involved in this deceit.

The police began to secure the room, questioning attendees and taking statements. Lisa explained her situation to the officers, showing them evidence of her ownership of the ring.

Police | Source: Shutterstock

Police | Source: Shutterstock


As the auction room was cleared, Lisa stood there, watching the police work. Her family ring was finally back in her possession, but the victory felt bittersweet. She had lost trust in people she cared about, but she had also learned about her own strength and resilience.

At the police station, Lisa sat in a cold, sterile room, a stark contrast to the chaos and drama of the auction house. The walls were bare, and the only sound was the low hum of the fluorescent lights overhead.

Through a one-way mirror, Lisa watched as Kate sat in the interrogation room. Kate's posture was defeated, her eyes downcast. The confident, poised woman Lisa had known was gone, replaced by someone who looked scared and alone.

The detective, a middle-aged man with a stern face and kind eyes, sat across from Kate. "We can make this easier for you, Kate," he said, calm but firm. "But you need to tell us everything. Where is Max?"

Kate hesitated, her eyes flickering to the mirror. Lisa wondered if Kate knew she was there, watching. Finally, Kate's shoulders slumped. "I'll tell you where he is," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I want a deal. A reduced sentence."

Criminal woman | Source: Shutterstock

Criminal woman | Source: Shutterstock


The detective nodded, motioning to an officer to take notes. "Alright, we can discuss that. But first, we need to know where Max is."

Kate took a deep breath and began to speak. She gave them an address, a place where Max was likely hiding. The detective listened intently, jotting down notes.

Lisa felt a wave of relief wash over her. Max was going to be caught. Justice would be served.

After Kate's interrogation, Lisa waited in the station, watching as officers hurried back and forth. The atmosphere was tense, a sense of urgency in the air.

Then, the moment Lisa had been waiting for arrived. The police brought Max into the station. He looked disheveled, his usual suave demeanor gone. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw Lisa sitting there.

Man in hadcuffs | Source: Shutterstock

Man in hadcuffs | Source: Shutterstock


"Lisa..." he began, but the officers led him past her and into the interrogation room.

Lisa stood up, her heart pounding in her chest. She walked to the mirror, watching Max sit down, looking defiant even in his desperate situation.

The detective entered the room and sat down across from Max. "You're in a lot of trouble, Max," he began. "We have evidence of your scams, your lies. And now, Kate has given you up in exchange for a reduced sentence."

Max's face hardened, his jaw clenching. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, but his voice lacked conviction.

"We have all we need to put you away for a long time," the detective continued. "Fraud, theft, identity theft. The list goes on. It's in your best interest to cooperate."

Criminal man | Source: Shutterstock

Criminal man | Source: Shutterstock


Max looked down, his facade crumbling. He knew the game was up. There was no escaping the evidence stacked against him.

Lisa watched, a mix of emotions swirling inside her. Seeing Max brought back all the pain and betrayal she had felt. But it also brought a sense of satisfaction. He was finally going to face the consequences of his actions.

As she left the police station, Lisa felt a sense of closure. The chapter of her life involving Max and Kate ended, but a new chapter began. She was ready to move on, to rebuild her life with the lessons she had learned. She stepped out into the night, the city lights bright against the dark sky, ready to face a new day.

Police box red lamp | Source: Shutterstock

Police box red lamp | Source: Shutterstock

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If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Laura wakes up after a business trip and notices that her daughter is missing. She starts searching for her daughter. Ten years later, the daughter appears on their doorstep and tells the whole truth. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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