Source: Shutterstock
Source: Shutterstock

Lady Comes to Sister's Wedding & Sees Her Boyfriend in a Wedding Tuxedo at the Altar – Story of the Day

Yaryna Kholodiuk
Mar 20, 2024
10:43 A.M.

Madison attends her sister's wedding and sees her boyfriend in the groom's suit at the altar, who left her pregnant alone several months ago. Madison cannot allow the wedding ceremony to take place and disrupts the ceremony, doing everything possible.


Madison stood outside the grand, ornate doors of the wedding hall, a sense of apprehension tightening in her chest. The invitation she clutched in her hand was a delicate, ivory card, elegantly scripted with her sister Nora's name and her fiancé's.

Madison hadn't seen Nora since they'd parted ways after leaving their parents' home years ago. Their conversations had dwindled to nothing, leaving a chasm of silence between them.

Holding the invitation, Madison couldn't help but wonder, "Did mom pressure her into inviting me?" It seemed the most logical explanation.

Woman with a wedding invitation | Source: Shutterstock

Woman with a wedding invitation | Source: Shutterstock

As she approached the hall, Madison's other hand instinctively caressed her swollen belly, a gentle, protective gesture. She was in the final stages of pregnancy, her baby due any day.


Despite her condition, she felt compelled to attend the wedding, if not for Nora, then perhaps to find some closure for herself.

Balancing her small, thoughtfully chosen gift for the couple, Madison entered the hall. The interior was breathtaking, adorned with flowers and soft, glowing lights, creating an ambiance of warmth and celebration.

The guests mingled, their laughter and conversations melding into a pleasant hum. But Madison's attention was drawn elsewhere.

There, amidst a group of smiling guests, stood Josh by the altar. Her heart skipped a beat. Josh, her boyfriend, the man she loved, had vanished without a trace eight months ago. He was there, looking as charming as ever, engaged in light-hearted banter with the guests.

Groom in black tuxedo | Source: Shutterstock

Groom in black tuxedo | Source: Shutterstock


Madison felt a surge of emotions – relief, confusion, and a twinge of anger. How could he just reappear like this at her sister's wedding?

Nora's quick approach caught Madison off guard. "Madison!" she exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. "I'm so glad to see you!" The hug that followed was a mix of excitement and awkwardness, a physical manifestation of their long estrangement. Madison, after a brief hesitation, hugged her back.

"I'm glad to see you too," Madison replied, her voice tinged with surprise and relief. It had been so long since they had shared words, let alone a hug.

Nora's gaze then dropped to Madison's prominent belly, her eyes widening in surprise. "What a surprise," she said, a hint of curiosity in her tone. "Tell me all about it later, but now I want to introduce you to someone." She took Madison's hand, leading her through the crowd towards the altar.

As they approached, Nora beamed with pride. "Madison, meet Tom, my future husband," she introduced, gesturing towards the man beside her.

Wedding altar | Source: Shutterstock

Wedding altar | Source: Shutterstock


Madison's heart seemed to stop for a moment. "Josh..." she whispered, her eyes locked on the man she knew too well.

"Tom," Nora corrected quickly, a slight frown creasing her forehead.

Madison's gaze shifted back and forth between Nora and the man she knew as Josh. He extended his hand with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Nice to meet you, Madison. Nora has told me a lot about you."

Madison took his hand mechanically, her mind racing. "I highly doubt that," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, full of confusion and disbelief.

Sensing the tension, Nora rolled her eyes and guided Madison away from the altar. As they walked, Madison's thoughts were in turmoil. She couldn't comprehend why Josh, her Josh, was standing there, calling himself Tom, and seemingly oblivious to their shared past.

The decor of the wedding | Source: Shutterstock

The decor of the wedding | Source: Shutterstock


"Did he run away because he was scared?" she wondered, her hand subconsciously resting on her belly, seeking comfort in the life growing inside her.

The hall seemed to spin around her, a blur of faces and voices that she barely registered. Her mind was stuck on Josh, on the man she loved. The pain of his absence, which had dulled over the months, now resurfaced with an intensity that took her breath away.

"Why didn't he recognize me? Why didn't he say anything?" The questions raced through her mind, each more painful than the last. She felt a sense of betrayal, a profound, aching loss that was hard to describe.

The realization that he might have left her, not just physically but emotionally and mentally, was almost too much to bear.

Nora's voice, distant and muffled, barely reached her. Madison was lost in her thoughts, her memories of Josh, and the stark reality of the present. The joy of the wedding, the celebration around her, felt surreal, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging inside her.

White color wedding table | Source: Shutterstock

White color wedding table | Source: Shutterstock


As they stepped outside the hall, the cool air hit Madison's face, bringing her back to the moment. She looked at Nora, her sister, who was blissfully unaware of the storm of emotions that Madison was going through.

A sense of isolation wrapped around her, feeling alone in a crowd, holding onto a secret that could shatter the world as she knew it.

Nora led Madison away from the bustling wedding hall to a nearby old barn, its wooden structure standing tall against the clear sky. The air was fresher here, away from the crowd, filled with the scent of hay and earth.

Inside, the barn was dimly lit by streaks of sunlight piercing through the cracks in the wood. Dust particles danced in the beams of light, creating a serene, almost magical atmosphere.

Nora, seeming more relaxed now, reached into her bag and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. With a casual flick, she lit a cigarette, the end glowing bright against the dim backdrop of the barn. She then offered the pack to Madison with a calm gesture.

Close up view of a woman smoking | Source: Shutterstock

Close up view of a woman smoking | Source: Shutterstock


Holding her belly gently, Madison shook her head and pointed to it, a silent reminder of her pregnancy. "No, thanks," she said softly, her voice echoing slightly in the vast space of the barn.

"Right, the baby," Nora said, lighting up her cigarette with a slight flick of her lighter. She took a long drag, exhaling a cloud of smoke that drifted lazily in the barn's stale air. "Remember how we used to sneak out of the house to smoke?" Her voice hinted at mischief, a throwback to their rebellious teenage years.

Madison chuckled softly, a distant memory surfacing in her mind. "Yeah, and I remember when mom smelled cigarettes on us, and you blamed it all on me, saying you were just standing nearby." Her voice was light, but the memory carried the weight of their complicated past.

Nora laughed, a genuine, carefree sound that echoed in the barn. "You were older!" she said, her eyes sparkling with humor. "Come on, Madison, you can't still be mad at me for that."

Madison shook her head, a half-smile on her lips. "Just reminding you," she replied, her tone playful yet tinged with a hint of old resentment that had faded over time.

Interior view of the old rural barn | Source: Shutterstock

Interior view of the old rural barn | Source: Shutterstock


Nora's expression softened, and she took another drag from her cigarette. "I know we haven't talked much these years," she said, her gaze shifting to the ground, "but I wanted to share this day with you."

Madison felt a warmth in her chest at those words. "Thank you, that's nice," she replied, her previous apprehensions about attending the wedding melting away slightly.

Nora glanced down at the cigarette between her fingers. "This is probably my last cigarette. I promised Tom to quit smoking. He doesn't like it." She spoke with a hint of reluctance as if parting with an old friend.

Madison raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Who would have thought you'd quit smoking for a guy."

Nora smiled a soft, affectionate smile that spoke of deep feelings. "Tell me about it," she said, "but I really love Tom, so I want to be better for him, for us." Her voice was gentle, filled with a love that was new to Madison's ears.

Female hand holding a cigarette | Source: Shutterstock

Female hand holding a cigarette | Source: Shutterstock


Curiosity piqued, Madison asked, "How did you meet?"

Nora's smile grew wider as she reminisced. "I was his nurse," she began. "He was brought to the hospital after some fisherman found him on the shore. He remembered nothing, not even his name, so the name Tom was made up by us and the doctors, and it just stuck."

Madison's eyes widened in surprise. "So he has amnesia?"

Nora nodded. "Yes, the police think he was at sea and caught in a storm. He must have hit his head hard, so he remembers nothing."

As Madison listened, a realization dawned on her. This explained why Josh, or Tom, didn't recognize her. But a nagging thought lingered in her mind. There was a good chance Josh was just pretending because he was afraid of responsibility.

He had run away eight months ago, after all. She subconsciously stroked her belly, a protective gesture for the life growing inside her, a life Josh had left behind.

Pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

Pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock


The revelation made Madison feel a mixture of emotions - relief that she wasn't forgotten, but also anger and sadness that Josh might have chosen to leave his past, including her, behind.

The complexity of her feelings was overwhelming, and she found herself grappling with the reality of her situation, now more convoluted than ever.

Nora's gaze fell on Madison's belly, a look of curiosity mixed with surprise. "So maybe you'll tell me how it happened?" She motioned towards Madison's pronounced belly with a slight tilt of her head.

Madison sighed, her hand instinctively resting on her belly. "Long story short - I'm pregnant, and the father ran away," she said, her voice carrying a mix of sadness and resignation.

Nora's expression turned to one of sympathy mixed with anger. "That bastard. My Tom would never do that," she said firmly, her eyes darkening at the thought of such betrayal.

Beautiful pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

Beautiful pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock


Madison couldn't help but let out a small, bitter laugh inside. The irony was too much. Tom, who Nora believed would never abandon someone, was actually Josh, who had done exactly that to her. However, she kept these thoughts to herself, not wanting to burden her sister with the complicated and painful truth.

Nora, seemingly trying to shake off the negative thoughts, reached into her bag and pulled out the pack of cigarettes and lighter again. She stared at them for a moment as if making a decision, then handed them to Madison. "Take these from me so I'm not tempted," she said, a determined look on her face.

Madison took the lighter and cigarettes, placing them in her bag. She understood this gesture was more than just getting rid of temptation; it was Nora trying to make a change for the better.

As they left the barn, the sun was setting, casting long shadows on the ground. The light created a beautiful, almost surreal backdrop to the wedding hall in the distance.

Madison felt a mix of emotions as they walked back. There was a sense of reconnecting with Nora, yet a deep-seated worry about her future and the unresolved issues with Josh, or Tom, as he was now known.

Garden - Horizontal view | Source: Shutterstock

Garden - Horizontal view | Source: Shutterstock


The walk back was quiet; each sister was lost in her thoughts. Madison was grappling with the day's revelations and the uncertainty of her future. Nora was probably thinking about her wedding, her new life with Tom, and the changes she was making for herself.

As they neared the hall, Madison felt a growing sense of unease. The evening was supposed to be a celebration, but for her, it turned into a journey through a past filled with fond memories and heartbreaking revelations.

The weight of her situation felt heavier with each step she took, her hand resting protectively on her belly, a constant reminder of the life growing inside her and the decisions she would have to make for both of them.

Entering the hall again, the noise and the lights felt overwhelming. The joyous atmosphere of the wedding was a stark contrast to the turmoil inside her.

Madison knew she had to put on a brave face to smile and congratulate Nora, but her heart was heavy, her mind racing with thoughts of Josh, the life they had shared, and the life she was now facing without him.

Beautiful wedding room | Source: Shutterstock

Beautiful wedding room | Source: Shutterstock


Feeling a whirlwind of emotions churning inside her, Madison made a decision. She needed to find Josh, or Tom as he was now known, and confront him. The possibility that he genuinely didn't remember her was too painful and confusing to leave unaddressed. She glanced around the wedding venue, eyes scanning the crowd for him.

She stepped out of the wedding hall, feeling the cool evening air brush against her skin. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the property. It was beautiful, yet Madison hardly noticed; her mind was focused on finding Josh.

As she walked, her hand rested on her belly, a protective gesture for the life growing within her. The soft rustling of leaves and the distant sound of laughter from the hall followed her as she moved further into the property.

Then she saw him. Josh was walking alone near a small garden, his hands in his pockets, looking lost in thought. He seemed different, yet painfully familiar. Madison's heart began pounding in her chest, a mix of dread and desperation flooding her.

Madison's voice echoed with desperation as she called out to the man she once knew so well. "Josh! Josh!" But he didn't turn, didn't give any sign of recognition. Her heart pounding, she tried again, using the name everyone else knew him by. "Tom!"


Close-up back view | Source: Shutterstock

Close-up back view | Source: Shutterstock

At that, he turned, a look of confusion on his face. Madison approached him, her mind racing with memories and questions. "Do you really not remember me?" she asked, her voice quivering with hope and fear.

The man who looked like Josh, now called Tom, furrowed his brow. "Remember, we just met recently."

Madison's heart sank. "No, Josh, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about us." Her voice was firm, but her eyes were pleading.

"Josh? Sorry, but I don't understand." He looked genuinely confused, and Madison felt a surge of frustration.

Desperately, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly. "We were together, Josh, remember? I'm pregnant with your child."


Pregnant belly | Source: Shutterstock

Pregnant belly | Source: Shutterstock

His eyes widened in shock. "No, I don't remember... What? Pregnant?"

"Yes, and I love you. I want us to be together," Madison said, her voice breaking with emotion.

The mention of Nora seemed to bring a pained expression to his face. "Does Nora know?"

Madison shook her head. "I haven't talked to her yet. I wanted to talk to you first." Her eyes searched his, looking for any sign of the Josh she knew.

Overwhelmed, Josh sat on the ground, covering his face with his hands. "I don't remember you. I'm sorry." His voice was muffled, filled with confusion and distress.


The groom | Source: Shutterstock

The groom | Source: Shutterstock

Madison's heart ached. "But we're going to have a baby; it's not too late to cancel everything, and then we could..." Her voice trailed off, filled with a mixture of hope and desperation.

"Cancel the wedding?" Josh's voice was incredulous, his face a mask of conflict.

"Well, yes, I'm carrying our child." Madison's voice was soft but insistent.

Josh stood up, a look of resolution on his face. "I can't cancel the wedding. I love Nora."

Madison felt a pang of despair. "No, Josh, you love me; you just don't remember." Her plea hung in the air, heavy with emotion.


Two people holding hand | Source: Shutterstock

Two people holding hand | Source: Shutterstock

Josh's expression hardened slightly. "I love Nora and want to be with her. And my name is now Tom."

Madison's heart felt like it was breaking. "But what about the baby?"

He looked at her, his expression softening. "We will help you, but I can't and don't want to leave Nora." Turning away, he walked off, leaving Madison standing there, a mix of emotions coursing through her.

Madison watched him go, her mind racing with memories of their time together. She was convinced that somewhere deep inside, Josh might remember her. She recalled how he used to look at her, the love they had shared. How could he just forget all of that?


As Josh's figure receded, Madison was left with a profound sense of loss and confusion. The pain of his denial was almost too much to bear.

One person walking in the woods | Source: Shutterstock

One person walking in the woods | Source: Shutterstock

But deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that the Josh she knew, the Josh who had loved her, was still there, buried beneath the surface of this man who now called himself Tom.

A year ago, Madison and Josh were nestled together on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. The TV played softly in the background, but it was as if they were in their little world. Madison leaned against Josh, feeling the warmth of his embrace.

She couldn't help but think about how fortunate she was to have him in her life. "He loves me, and I love him," she thought, a smile playing on her lips. They had been together for over half a year, and every moment felt like a blessing. In her heart, she felt a growing hope that Josh would propose soon.


The room was cozy, filled with the lamp's soft glow and the TV's faint sound. The tranquility of the moment made Madison feel safe and cherished.

She looked around their small living room, appreciating its simplicity and warmth. It was their haven, a place where they could be themselves, away from the rest of the world.

Spacious living room | Source: Shutterstock

Spacious living room | Source: Shutterstock

Suddenly, Josh reached for the remote and turned off the TV. The sudden silence felt heavy, filled with unspoken words. Madison turned to look at Josh, her brow furrowed in curiosity. His face was serious, a stark contrast to the relaxed evening they were having.

"Is everything okay?" Madison asked, concerned, etching her features as she noticed the severe look on Josh's face.


"Yes, just..." Josh's voice trailed off as he reached into his pocket. Madison's heart skipped a beat. She had been dreaming of this moment, imagining it in her head a million times. "This is it! He's going to propose!" she thought, her mind racing with excitement.

But instead of a small ring box, Josh pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to her. Confused, Madison took it, her hands trembling slightly. "What's this?" she asked, her voice quivering with confusion and disappointment.

She unfolded the paper and saw that it was a contract. Her eyes quickly scanned the document, trying to make sense of it. "I've been offered a job on a fishing boat, and I agreed. It's a two-month contract," Josh explained, his voice steady but his eyes not meeting hers.

Back view on cute lovers | Source: Shutterstock

Back view on cute lovers | Source: Shutterstock


Madison felt a wave of disbelief wash over her. "And you didn't even consult with me?" she asked, her voice rising slightly.

Josh looked uncomfortable, his gaze shifting. "It all happened so fast..." he started to explain.

"How fast, Josh?" Madison pressed, feeling a mix of hurt and frustration.

"Madison, it's just two months," Josh tried to reassure her, but his words felt hollow.

Madison couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How could you agree to this without talking to me?" Her voice was a mixture of sadness and disbelief. She couldn't understand how he could make such a significant decision without considering her.

Unhappy couple | Source: Shutterstock

Unhappy couple | Source: Shutterstock


"I'm sorry, really," Josh said, his voice filled with regret. He reached out to stroke her head in a comforting gesture.

Madison looked at him, her eyes searching for answers. "What about us?" she asked, her voice soft but filled with worry.

Josh's expression softened. "Just two months, then I'll be back, and everything will be as it is now," he promised, his hand gently caressing her hair.

Madison felt a flicker of hope at his words. "Maybe I'll be able to save up for a nice ring," he added, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Really?" Madison's eyes lit up at the thought, a glimmer of happiness breaking through her worries.

Crop close up of eyes | Source: Shutterstock

Crop close up of eyes | Source: Shutterstock


"Mhm," Josh confirmed, his smile growing wider.

Feeling a mix of emotions, Madison leaned in and hugged Josh tightly. "But only for two months," she said, her voice muffled against his chest.

"Only two months, I promise," Josh said, his arms wrapping around her reassuringly. He kissed her gently, sealing his promise with the moment's sweetness.

The room was quiet again, the weight of Josh's impending departure hanging in the air. Madison felt a complex blend of love, worry, and a faint sense of betrayal.

She clung to Josh, trying to memorize the feel of him, the scent of him, knowing that the next two months would be a test of their love and commitment. As they sat holding each other, Madison tried to push away her fears and doubts, focusing instead on the promise of their future together.

Loving caring man | Source: Shutterstock

Loving caring man | Source: Shutterstock


It had been almost two months since Josh left for the fishing boat. The apartment felt empty without him. Madison often listened to his footsteps or waited for his laughter, but all she met was silence.

She missed him terribly, feeling longer than the last every day. She kept herself busy, but the loneliness was always like a shadow.

One evening, as she was sitting on the couch, lost in thoughts and memories, her phone suddenly rang, jolting her from her reverie. She glanced at the screen - it was Josh. Her heart leaped with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Hastily, she answered.

"Josh!" she exclaimed, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Hey, Madison," Josh's voice came through, sounding distant yet familiar. "I've missed you."

Businesswoman using mobile phone | Source: Shutterstock

Businesswoman using mobile phone | Source: Shutterstock


Madison's heart warmed at his words. "I've missed you too," she replied, clutching the phone tightly.

There was a brief pause before Josh spoke again. "Listen, Madison, I have some news."

"What is it?" Madison asked, a sense of unease creeping into her voice.

"I... I have to stay at sea for a few more weeks," Josh said hesitantly.

Madison felt a pang of disappointment, her heart sinking. "But you promised it would only be for two months," she said, her voice tinged with hurt.

Close up | Source: Shutterstock

Close up | Source: Shutterstock

"I know, and I'm sorry, but they're offering more pay, and I thought it could help us," Josh explained, his voice filled with regret.


Madison's disappointment quickly turned to anger. "You promised, Josh. You said two months, and now you're extending it? It's not fair!"

"I understand why you're upset, Madison, I do," Josh said, his tone apologetic. "But it's a good opportunity, and the extra money will help us when I'm back."

Madison felt a mixture of anger and sadness. "It's not just about the money, Josh. I need you here. You said it would just be two months."

Josh sighed on the other end. "I know, and I hate that I'm letting you down. But it'll pass quickly; you won't even notice how fast these few weeks will go by."

Close up of unhappy woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

Close up of unhappy woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

Madison couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I notice every day, Josh. Every day without you feels so long."


"I'm sorry, Madison. I really am," Josh said, his voice low.

Madison felt tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't want to cry, didn't want to show how much this hurt her. "I need to go," she said, her voice breaking.

"Madison, please..." Josh started, but she didn't want to hear anymore.

She hung up the phone, tears streaming down her face. She felt betrayed and alone. She had been counting the days until Josh's return, and now he was extending his stay. The apartment felt even emptier, the silence even louder.

Young beautiful woman | Source: Shutterstock

Young beautiful woman | Source: Shutterstock

Madison sat on the couch, hugging her knees to her chest. She felt a deep sense of sadness, a longing for Josh's presence. She understood that the extra money was necessary, but it didn't ease the loneliness, the longing for him to be back home with her.


The room was dimly lit, and the only sound was the soft hum of the television. Madison felt a deep sense of loneliness that seemed to echo through the apartment.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She sighed, not really in the mood for company, but she got up and answered it anyway.

Standing at the door were her friends, Lisa and Kate. They both had concerned looks on their faces. "Hey, Madison," Lisa said softly, stepping inside with Kate following behind.

"Hi," Madison replied, forcing a weak smile.

Girls having fun at home | Source: Shutterstock

Girls having fun at home | Source: Shutterstock

"We thought you might need some company," Kate said, giving Madison a gentle hug.


Lisa looked around the quiet apartment. "You know what? You need to get out for a bit. Let's go to a club, dance a little, and just unwind."

Madison hesitated. She didn't feel like going out, but the idea of spending another evening alone wasn't appealing either. "I guess I could use a change of scenery," she finally said.

The three friends got ready and were soon at a bustling club. The music was loud, the lights flashed, and people danced everywhere.

Madison felt out of place at first, but Lisa and Kate were right by her side, and gradually she started to relax.

Crowd raising their hands | Source: Shutterstock

Crowd raising their hands | Source: Shutterstock

As they moved through the club, Madison caught sight of someone familiar. It was Michael, her ex-boyfriend. She hadn't seen him in a long time.


Memories flooded back of how easy things were with him, how he was always there for her. He noticed her, too, and walked over.

"Madison? Is that you?" Michael asked a look of surprise on his face.

"Hey, Michael," Madison said, feeling mixed emotions.

They started talking, and it was like no time had passed. Michael was easy to talk to, and Madison laughed and enjoyed the conversation. They decided to grab a drink together, and one drink led to another. As the night went on, they both got more and more drunk.

Bar | Source: Pexels

Bar | Source: Pexels

The club's loud music faded into the background as they focused on each other. Madison felt a strange sense of comfort being with Michael, a soothing familiarity in her current state of heartache.


Hours passed, and the club started to empty. Madison realized how late it was. "I should probably head home," she slurred slightly.

"Come on, I'll walk you out," Michael offered, steadying her as they exited the club.

Outside, the cool night air hit Madison, but she still felt unsteady on her feet. "I don't think I can make it home alone," she admitted.

"Hey, it's okay. You can crash at my place. It's just around the corner," Michael said, his voice gentle.

People walking | Source: Pexels

People walking | Source: Pexels

Madison knew she shouldn't, but everything felt hazy and confusing. She nodded, and they walked to Michael's house. It was a small, cozy place, and soon, they found themselves sitting on his couch, still talking.


As the night turned into early morning, one thing led to another, and they ended up sleeping together. Madison's mind was foggy with alcohol, and she acted on impulse, pushed by her loneliness and the comfort of being with someone familiar.

Madison's eyes fluttered open in the morning light, and she immediately felt a sense of disorientation. As her surroundings came into focus, she recognized the room – it was Michael's.

Memories of the previous night flooded back, and a heavy feeling of regret settled in her chest. She turned her head and saw Michael still asleep beside her, his breathing even and unaware of her waking turmoil.

Quietly, with movements gentle enough not to disturb him, Madison slipped out of the bed. Her head throbbed slightly, a reminder of the drinks from the night before. She found her clothes scattered around the room and quickly dressed, her mind a whirlpool of thoughts.

Woman sitting on bed | Source: Pexels

Woman sitting on bed | Source: Pexels


As she put on each piece of clothing, Madison's thoughts were heavy with guilt. She couldn't believe she had let things go this far.

She had been with Josh, who loved her, yet she found herself in her ex-boyfriend's bed. The guilt was like a stone in her stomach, growing heavier with each passing moment.

Gathering her belongings, Madison moved silently through Michael's house. She glanced at him one last time before leaving the room. He was still sleeping, oblivious to the storm of emotions inside her.

Once outside, the crisp morning air hit her face, bringing a sense of clarity but no relief from her guilt. She strolled, each step feeling heavier than the last. She thought about Josh, out there on the sea, working for their future, unaware of what had just happened.

Madison's mind was a tangle of emotions. She felt betrayed, not just towards Josh but towards herself. She had always thought she was stronger than this and would never hurt someone she loved. But here she was, walking away from a mistake that could never be undone.

Woman walking on street | Source: Pexels

Woman walking on street | Source: Pexels


As she walked, the streets were quiet, the world seemingly asleep and unaware of the turmoil inside her. She felt alone, more alone than she had ever felt. The thought of facing Josh, of looking him in the eyes after what she had done, filled her with dread.

She knew she couldn't tell Josh. The thought of hurting him, of seeing the look of pain and betrayal in his eyes, was unbearable. She decided to keep it a secret, bury it deep inside, and try to forget it happened.

But as she walked, she knew it wouldn't be that easy. The guilt was there, a constant reminder of her betrayal.

Madison arrived home feeling exhausted, not just physically but emotionally. The apartment was still and quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos in her heart.

She looked around, seeing reminders of Josh everywhere – pictures of them together, his clothes in the closet, his favorite mug on the kitchen counter. Each item was a stab of guilt, a reminder of the love she had betrayed.

Couple photos | Source: Pexels

Couple photos | Source: Pexels


She sat on the couch, her mind replaying the night's events. She tried to justify her actions, to find some reason for what she had done, but there was none. She had acted impulsively, driven by loneliness and a moment of weakness.

Madison knew this was something she would have to live with, a secret she would have to keep buried. She loved Josh, and she didn't want to lose him.

But as she sat there alone, she couldn't help but wonder if the truth would eventually come out. The guilt was overwhelming, and she knew she must carry it.

Two weeks had passed since the night at the club, but it felt like a lifetime for Madison. Each day was heavier than the last, weighed down by the secret she carried.

Then, one morning, she woke up feeling incredibly nauseous. It wasn't just a typical feeling of sickness; it was overwhelming and relentless. She knew something wasn't right.

Woman in bed | Source: Pexels

Woman in bed | Source: Pexels


Madison made a decision, called her doctor, and scheduled an appointment. She got ready, moving slowly, trying to ignore the unsettling feeling in her stomach. Her head spun when she left her apartment, and she felt a strange dread.

The hospital was busy when she arrived. The smell of bleach and antiseptic in the air made her feel even sicker. She checked in at the front desk and sat, trying to focus on something other than the nausea.

When the doctor called her name, Madison got up slowly and followed him to the examination room. The doctor was kind, asking her questions in a soft voice. "What brings you in today?" he asked.

Madison explained her symptoms: constant weakness, nausea, and a sudden sensitivity to smells that she'd never experienced before. The doctor listened carefully, nodding as she spoke. "Let's do an ultrasound to check everything," he suggested.

Madison lay on the examination table, a cold gel spread over her belly. She watched the doctor's face as he moved the ultrasound wand over her skin. His expression was neutral and focused, giving nothing away. But when he finally spoke, his words dropped like a bomb.

Ultrasound | Source: Pexels

Ultrasound | Source: Pexels


"You're pregnant," he announced.

Madison's heart stopped for a moment. Pregnant? The word echoed in her mind. She sat up slowly, a mixture of shock and despair washing over her. The implications were enormous and overwhelming.

She left the hospital in a daze, her mind racing with thoughts and fears. The drive home was a blur; she was standing in front of her apartment door before she knew it. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and stepped inside.

The living room was quiet, the TV turned off, the curtains drawn. And there, sitting on the couch, was Josh. He looked up as she entered, a smile spreading across his face.

"Surprise!" Josh's voice filled the room as Madison stepped into the living room. His arms were wide open, a beaming smile on his face.

Man surprise woman | Source: Pexels

Man surprise woman | Source: Pexels


Madison stood frozen for a moment, her mind racing. "Josh? What... what are you doing here?" she stammered, her surprise genuine.

Josh quickly closed the distance between them and wrapped her in a warm embrace. Madison hesitated, then slowly returned the hug, her mind a whirlpool of emotions.

"I was expecting a happier reaction," Josh said, pulling back slightly to look at her. "I finished work early. I didn't want to tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise. Aren't you happy?"

Madison's heart was pounding. She knew she had to hide her turmoil. For a few seconds, she remained silent, struggling to find the right words. Then, forcing a smile, she replied, "I'm thrilled! I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," Josh said, his voice filled with relief and love.

Man hugging woman | Source: Pexels

Man hugging woman | Source: Pexels


As they stood there, Madison's mind was in chaos. The news of her pregnancy was still fresh, the reality overwhelming. She knew she couldn't tell Josh about the baby yet, not until she had figured out a way to explain it, to make it believable that it was his.

She led Josh to the couch, suggesting they sit and catch up. Madison nodded and smiled as Josh talked about his time at sea, the storms, and the calm days, but her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking about navigating this complex web she had found herself in.

That night, as they lay in bed together, Madison knew what she had to do. She wanted to rekindle their relationship, to reconnect with Josh most intimately. She hoped that by doing so, she could pave the way to tell him about the baby, to present it as a new chapter in their lives together.

Madison returned home, clutching the ultrasound pictures close to her heart. Opening the door, she saw Josh sitting on the couch, looking relaxed. Her heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She took a deep breath and approached him.

"Josh, I have something to show you," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

Ultrasound | Source: Pexels

Ultrasound | Source: Pexels


Josh looked up, a smile spreading across his face. "What is it?" he asked curiously.

Madison handed him the ultrasound pictures. "I'm pregnant," she announced, watching his face closely for his reaction.

Josh's eyes widened in surprise, and then a huge smile broke across his face. "We're going to have a baby?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with joy. He stood up and hugged her tightly.

Madison nodded, returning his hug, but she felt a pang of guilt. "Yes, we are," she said softly.

As they sat down together, Josh's expression turned serious. "I need to tell you something," he began. "I think I should go back to work on the ship."

Ultrasound | Source: Pexels

Ultrasound | Source: Pexels


Madison's heart sank. "What? Why?" she asked, confusion and fear creeping into her voice.

Josh took her hand. "It's the best way I can earn money for the baby. Then, when I come back, we can get married and start a family properly," he explained, his voice earnest.

Madison shook her head, her heart racing. "No, I don't want you to go anywhere. You can find a job here, in the city," she pleaded.

Josh sighed. "Madison, I can earn more on the ship. It'll be better for us, our baby," he reassured her.

Madison felt a surge of anger. "How can you even think of leaving now? I need you here," she said, her voice rising.

Portrait of Sad Crying Woman | Source: Shutterstock

Portrait of Sad Crying Woman | Source: Shutterstock


Josh tried to calm her down, but Madison was too upset. She stood up abruptly and stormed into the bedroom, locking the door behind her. She leaned against it, sliding down to the floor, tears streaming down her face.

Inside the room, Madison felt a whirlwind of emotions. She was scared, angry, and overwhelmed. She didn't want to be alone, especially not now. The thought of Josh leaving her to return to the ship when she needed him the most was unbearable.

She sat there for a long time, trying to compose herself. She could hear Josh's soft and apologetic voice outside the door, asking her to come out and talk.

But Madison couldn't face him, not yet. She felt betrayed, even though she understood his reasons.

The room felt small and suffocating, starkly contrasting the freedom of the open sea where Josh wanted to be. Madison looked at the ultrasound pictures, her heart aching. She knew that she had to think about the baby now, about what was best for their future.

A pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

A pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock


The following day, Madison awoke with a heavy heart. The previous day's events weighed on her mind as she lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.

She remembered the argument, the locked door, the tears. Finally gathering the courage to face the day, she slowly got out of bed and opened the bedroom door.

The apartment was quiet, too quiet. Madison's heart sank as she realized that Josh wasn't there. She walked through the living room, her eyes scanning for any sign of him, but he was nowhere to be found. A sense of panic started to rise in her chest.

As she entered the kitchen, her eyes fell on a piece of paper on the counter. It was a note from Josh. With trembling hands, she picked it up and began to read.

Josh's handwriting was familiar, and seeing it made her heartache. He wrote that he had left to provide for their child and needed to do this for their future. He assured her of his love, saying he would always love her.

Hands of young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Hands of young woman | Source: Shutterstock


Tears filled Madison's eyes as she read the note. She felt a mixture of emotions - anger, sadness, abandonment. She couldn't believe Josh had left without saying goodbye, without giving her a chance to talk it out. She felt betrayed, left alone to deal with the pregnancy by herself.

Desperate to talk to him, to understand why he made this decision, Madison grabbed her phone and dialed Josh's number. Her hands shook, and her heart raced as the phone rang. But there was no answer.

She tried again, leaving a voicemail, her voice cracking as she spoke. "Josh, please, we need to talk. Please call me back," she pleaded.

But there was no response. As the day went on, Madison tried calling several more times, each call going straight to voicemail. She felt a growing sense of despair; the silence from Josh's end was deafening.

Madison was left alone in the apartment, surrounded by reminders of Josh. His clothes still hung in the closet, his favorite mug sat on the kitchen shelf, and pictures of them together adorned the walls. Each item felt like a painful reminder of what she had lost.

Photo wall | Source: Shutterstock

Photo wall | Source: Shutterstock


She sat on the couch, clutching the ultrasound pictures, feeling utterly alone. The reality of her situation was overwhelming.

She was pregnant and alone, with the father of her child gone, perhaps for months. She thought about the future, raising a child alone, and the challenges ahead.

Present time at the wedding hall...

Madison stood silently in the back, her eyes fixed on the bride and groom at the altar. She watched as Josh, who she still believed only loved her, stood there, holding Nora's hands and exchanging vows.

Her heart ached with every word he said, especially when he professed his love for Nora. Madison couldn't accept it; in her heart, she was convinced that Josh's true love was only for her.

Close-up of the wedding ceremony | Source: Shutterstock

Close-up of the wedding ceremony | Source: Shutterstock


Clutching the lighter that Nora had given her earlier in her hand, Madison's thoughts swirled chaotically. The lighter felt heavy, its significance far more significant than its small size.

She looked around the hall, her eyes landing on the curtains by a nearby window. An idea, reckless and driven by her turbulent emotions, took root in her mind.

Madison slowly approached the window, her movements almost trance-like. She glanced around to ensure no one was watching before she flicked the lighter, bringing the tiny flame to the edge of the curtains.

The fabric caught fire quickly, the flame starting small but growing rapidly, consuming the material.

For a moment, no one seemed to notice. The ceremony continued, and the guests were absorbed in the beautiful scene at the altar. But as the fire grew, panic began to set in. People started screaming, pointing towards the flames that were now licking up the walls.

Texture of a fiery explosion | Source: Shutterstock

Texture of a fiery explosion | Source: Shutterstock


The serene atmosphere of the wedding turned into chaos. Guests rushed towards the exits in a frantic attempt to escape. Madison stepped back into the crowd, her heart pounding, watching the scene unfold with a mix of horror and detachment.

Amid the panic, Madison saw Nora trip over a board and fall to the ground. Her bridal gown splayed around her; she looked vulnerable and scared.

Josh immediately rushed to her side, scooping her in his arms and carrying her outside to safety. His actions' love and concern were clear, piercing Madison's heart like a knife.

Outside, people were coughing and gasping from the smoke, their faces marked with fear and confusion. Firefighters arrived, rushing into the hall with hoses and equipment, fighting to extinguish the fire that had engulfed the once beautiful venue.

Madison stood outside, lost in the crowd, her eyes searching for Josh. She found him comforting a crying Nora, his arms wrapped protectively around her.

Beautiful bride in white dress | Source: Shutterstock

Beautiful bride in white dress | Source: Shutterstock


The sight of them together, the reality of their love and commitment, was stark against the backdrop of the chaos Madison had created.

Seeing them together, Madison felt a wave of emotions crash over her. There was pain, jealousy, and a profound sense of loss.

As the firefighters worked to control the fire, Madison knew that her life would never be the same. She had crossed a line, driven by her emotions, and now she had to face the consequences.

The finality of the situation settled in her heart, a heavy burden that she would carry with her.

Madison, her face a mix of guilt and desperation, approached Josh amidst the chaos and smoke. "Josh, I'm sorry about the fire," she stammered, "but now you have time to think about our conversation."

Front view portrait of a sad woman | Source: Shutterstock

Front view portrait of a sad woman | Source: Shutterstock


Nora, who was standing beside Josh, looked confused. "What conversation?" she asked, her voice shaky from the ordeal.

Josh's face was stern, his patience wearing thin. "Madison, I've already told you everything. I love Nora and will be with her," he said firmly.

Nora's confusion deepened, and she looked between Madison and Josh, trying to understand the situation. "If only you would give me a chance, you would remember how much you love me," Madison pleaded, her voice breaking.

Nora turned to Josh, her expression one of disbelief. "Tom, what is she talking about?" she asked, her voice tinged with fear and confusion.

Josh didn't answer right away. His gaze fell on the lighter in Madison's hand, and realization dawned on him. "It was you! You started the fire!" he exclaimed, his voice loud and filled with disbelief.

An vintage gasoline lighter | Source: Shutterstock

An vintage gasoline lighter | Source: Shutterstock


Madison stammered, her words tumbling out in a panic. "I... I didn't..." she began, but the truth was evident in her guilty eyes.

Nora, her face pale and her voice trembling, turned to Madison. "Madison, but why?" she asked, her heart aching with the betrayal.

Madison's emotions spilled over, her words fueled by her misguided love and obsession. "Because Josh, or Tom as you call him, is mine! He was supposed to marry me. He should never have been yours," she shouted, her voice echoing through the crowd.

Josh's face hardened, his eyes filled with anger and sorrow. "This is too much, Madison. You not only ruined the wedding, you risked people's lives. And for what?" he demanded, his voice rising with each word.

"I couldn't let you marry; it's wrong. We're supposed to be together, Josh," Madison said, her voice a mix of desperation and conviction.

Woman suffering from depression | Source: Shutterstock

Woman suffering from depression | Source: Shutterstock


Nora, watching the exchange, looked at Madison's belly. A flash of understanding crossed her face, and her eyes widened as she realized the child might be Josh's.

Seeing the exchange between Nora and Madison, Josh took a deep breath. His voice was calm but firm when he spoke. "It's time for you to let me go, Madison. I'm a different person now. And my name is Tom," he said, his words final and resolute.

Madison stood there, her heart breaking. The realization that Josh, now Tom, would never be hers again was overwhelming. Her actions, driven by love, had turned into something destructive and dangerous.

She looked at the crowd around her, the faces filled with shock and fear, and knew that she had lost not only Josh but herself in this pursuit.

Madison knew her actions had consequences that extended far beyond her heartache.

Pregnant | Source: Pexels

Pregnant | Source: Pexels


She had endangered lives, destroyed a wedding, and lost the love of her life in a desperate attempt to hold on to a past that no longer existed.

Josh would not leave Nora, the woman he now loved and had vowed to spend his life with. The harsh truth hit Madison like a wave, leaving her feeling empty and lost.

As the reality of her actions set in, Josh, his face a mix of anger and disbelief, called the police. Within minutes, the sound of sirens filled the air, and police cars pulled up to the scene.

The officers quickly assessed the situation, their trained eyes moving from the damaged hall to the distraught guests and finally resting on Madison.

Without resistance, Madison was handcuffed and led to a police car. She felt the eyes of everyone on her, their gazes filled with a mixture of shock, pity, and condemnation.

Close-up of hands in handcuff | Source: Shutterstock

Close-up of hands in handcuff | Source: Shutterstock


As she was guided to the car, her mind was tumultuous. She felt a deep sense of regret, not just for what she had lost but for the pain and trouble she had caused to so many people, including Josh and Nora.

As the police prepared to drive her away, Josh approached the car. He looked at Madison, his eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. "I'll take care of the child," he said, his voice firm yet filled with a sense of responsibility.

Madison looked at Josh through the car window, her eyes filled with tears. Some of her wanted to cling to the connection they once had, but she knew it was time to let go to face the reality of her situation.

"You don't need to," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's not your child." The words hung in the air, a final admission of the truth she had been hiding.

Josh's expression changed, a look of shock and confusion crossing his face. But before he could respond, the police officer closed the car door, sealing Madison from the world she once knew.

Police car | Source: Shutterstock

Police car | Source: Shutterstock


As the car drove away, Madison sat in the backseat, her hands cuffed, her mind racing. She thought about Josh, their past, and how everything had spiraled out of control.

She thought about the baby, the innocent life caught up in her web of lies and desperation. A profound sense of loneliness enveloped her, realizing she was truly alone now.

The police car turned a corner, taking Madison away from her past and towards an uncertain future. She knew it would be challenging, but for the first time in a long time, she felt ready to face whatever came her way.

Police car | Source: Shutterstock

Police car | Source: Shutterstock

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.


If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Claire and her neighbor Emily were best friends until one day, Claire found photographs of her father in Emily's drawer. Emily assures Claire that the photos mean nothing, but Claire notices how Emily and her father are hugging. After this intimate scene, Claire takes hasty actions to separate her father and Emily. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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