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Woman holding expensive gifts | Source: Shutterstock

Man Notices His Wife Getting Expensive Gifts from Someone, Follows Her Once – Story of the Day

Anton Usatiuk
Mar 20, 2024
10:51 A.M.

Jacob, a middle-aged car mechanic, noticed unusually expensive earrings on his wife's ears one evening. As he attempted to discover their origin, he realized she was concealing something. This realization led him to follow her one day, a decision that would forever alter the course of his life.


Jacob turned the key in the lock, a small smile playing on his lips as he entered his quiet house. It was a rare early dismissal from work—a reward for his exceptional performance recently. He’d always taken pride in his job as a mechanic at the local service station, but this past week had been particularly good.

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His hands, still bearing faint traces of grease, were a testament to his hard work; he had serviced more cars than any other mechanic and received glowing reviews from customers.

Stepping into the familiar comfort of his living room, Jacob felt a wave of relaxation wash over him. He shrugged off his jacket, revealing a t-shirt smeared with the day’s labor. Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out four cans of beer—a small celebration for his early freedom. He had stopped by the store on his way home, anticipating this moment of solitude.


Jacob made his way to the sofa, the cans of beer clinking gently in his grasp. He plopped down, sinking into the cushions, and reached for the TV remote. With a flick of his wrist, the television came to life, the screen lighting up with the vibrant colors of a basketball game. It was his favorite team playing, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

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The house was unusually still, the only sounds being the distant cheers from the TV and the occasional hiss of a beer can opening. Jacob relished these moments of solitude. Usually, his wife Elizabeth would be home around 7 or 8 o'clock, leaving him a good three hours to unwind in his own company. It was a rare luxury in his otherwise busy life, filled with the demands of work and family responsibilities.


As he watched the game, Jacob took a long sip of his beer, feeling the cold liquid slide down his throat. He leaned back, letting his thoughts drift. It was moments like these that he cherished—simple, unburdened, and peaceful.

Jacob sat there, absorbed in the game, yet his mind began to wander. He realized it had been years since he'd last enjoyed such a moment of solitude. Life had been a whirlwind of work at the service station and time spent with his family. His daughter, Amanda, who had just turned 13, was growing up fast, and his days often revolved around her and his wife, Elizabeth.

As the game's excitement unfolded on the screen, a sense of introspection washed over Jacob. He found himself questioning the paths he had taken in life. "Have I done everything right in life?" he wondered, his gaze fixed on the players moving swiftly across the court. "Am I happy?" The question lingered in the air, mingling with the distant cheers from the TV.

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The players' energetic moves blurred as Jacob's thoughts deepened. "Do I really love Elizabeth, and does she love me?" he pondered, feeling a twinge of uncertainty. It was rare for him to question his marriage, but in the stillness of the house, with his family away, these thoughts seemed to bubble up from a hidden place in his heart.

Engrossed in his reflections, Jacob barely noticed the game coming to an end. The buzzer sounded, snapping him back to reality. He looked around the quiet living room, feeling a sudden urge to be productive. Standing up, he decided to tackle the dry leaves that had accumulated in the yard and sort out the clutter in his garage. It was time to shift his focus, to clear his mind through physical work.

As he stepped outside, the cool air hit him, bringing a sense of clarity. "One step at a time," he muttered to himself, ready to engage in the simple yet satisfying task of tidying up.

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Suddenly Jacob heard the familiar sound of a car pulling into the driveway. He wiped his hands on his jeans, took off his gloves, and walked out of the garage. Elizabeth's car came into view. She parked and got out, looking tired but smiling.

"Hello, dear!" Jacob greeted her as he approached the car.

Elizabeth's face brightened with a surprised smile. "Jacob! You're home early today?" she asked, giving him a quick hug.

"Yeah, Peter said I could leave early. I've been working hard," Jacob replied, reaching for her bag. "Let me help with that."

As he took her bag, something shiny caught his eye. Elizabeth was wearing earrings he hadn't seen before. They looked expensive and new.

"What kind of earrings are those?" Jacob asked, trying to sound casual.

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Elizabeth touched her ear, as if she'd forgotten about them. "Oh, these? They're... um, not mine," she stumbled over her words. "They're Katie's. She let me borrow them. I've always wanted earrings like these," she added quickly, looking away.

Jacob noticed her hesitation. He didn't want to start an argument right there, so he nodded, pretending to believe her. But deep down, he felt a nagging doubt. This was not like Elizabeth. Something was off.

"Nice of Katie to lend them to you," Jacob said, forcing a smile. "Let's get inside. I bet you're tired after work."

They walked towards the house together. Jacob's mind was racing. He needed to find out the truth, but he had to be smart about it. He couldn't confront Elizabeth without proof. He decided then and there to keep a close eye on things. He had to know if his suspicions were right.

That evening, the house settled into a quiet rhythm. Jacob, Elizabeth, and their daughter, Amanda, shared a simple dinner, chatting about their day with the usual small talk. After dinner, Jacob helped Amanda with her bedtime routine, tucking her in and wishing her sweet dreams. He then returned to his bedroom, where Elizabeth was already in bed, reading a book.


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Jacob lay beside Elizabeth, his mind racing with doubts and suspicions. He turned to his side, pretending to be comfortable, but his thoughts were far from peaceful. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling about the earrings Elizabeth wore.

The story she told him about borrowing them from a friend didn't sit right with him. He suspected she was hiding something, maybe even cheating on him.

As he lay there, Jacob reflected on their life together. They had settled into a routine, a comfortable pattern of family life. But now, these suspicions made him question everything. He wondered if their relationship had become just a habit, lacking the spark it once had.

Despite these doubts, he didn't bring up his concerns with Elizabeth. He was scared of what he might discover.


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He waited, listening to Elizabeth's breathing, until it became deep and even, signaling she was asleep. Jacob carefully slid out of bed, trying not to disturb her. His heart pounded as he reached for her phone on the nightstand. He knew it wasn't right to snoop through her messages, but his need for answers overpowered his guilt.

Jacob quietly stepped into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He turned on the phone, his fingers trembling slightly as he navigated to her call history and text messages. He scrolled through, looking for any sign, any clue that could confirm or dispel his fears. As he delved deeper into her phone, Jacob felt a mix of fear and desperation. He needed to know the truth, no matter how painful it might be.


Jacob's fingers trembled as he scrolled through Elizabeth's recent contacts. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but his heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation. He moved on to her social media history, his eyes scanning the screen for any sign of infidelity. Just then, the bathroom door swung open abruptly.

Elizabeth stood there, her eyes wide with shock. "What are you doing, Jacob?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Are you reading my messages?"

Man with smartphone in toilet. | Source: Shutterstock

Man with smartphone in toilet. | Source: Shutterstock

Jacob, caught off guard, struggled to find words. "I... I just..." he stammered, then his frustration boiled over. "How could you think I'd believe that story about the earrings? Kate letting you wear them? It's absurd! Who are you really seeing? How long has this been going on?" His voice rose with each word, a crescendo of suspicion and hurt.


Elizabeth's face flushed with anger. "Jacob, lower your voice! You'll wake Amanda!" she hissed. "Are you actually accusing me of cheating? Have you lost your mind?"

In the heat of the moment, Elizabeth reached for her phone in Jacob's hands. Jacob, however, held it away from her. "Trust you? After the earrings and now this? How can I?" he retorted.

The struggle for the phone intensified, their hands grappling in a tense dance. Suddenly, the phone slipped from Jacob's grasp and plunged into the toilet with a dreadful splash.

Elizabeth gasped, her eyes wide with shock and anger. "Jacob! My phone! You've ruined it!" She reached into the toilet in a vain attempt to save it, but it was too late. The phone was dead, unresponsive to her frantic presses on the power button.

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"You've changed, Jacob," she said, her voice breaking with emotion. "We can't even talk anymore. You've become someone I don't recognize." With those words, she stormed out of the bathroom, her footsteps echoing down the hallway.

Jacob stood there, stunned and alone. The realization hit him hard. He was sure Elizabeth was hiding something. His suspicions had taken over, clouding his judgment. He decided then and there to follow her the next day. He needed to know the truth, whatever it was.

Quietly, Jacob went to their bedroom and picked up Elizabeth's bag. His hands still shaking, he slipped his fitness bracelet inside, hiding it carefully.

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It was a desperate move, but he had to know. He had to find out if his fears were true. As he placed the bag back where he found it, a sense of dread filled him. He was stepping into a world of doubt and mistrust.


That night, the house was silent but for the sound of Elizabeth's quiet sobs from the living room sofa. Jacob lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing with a million thoughts. What had he become? Was he really willing to spy on his own wife? But the nagging doubt persisted, and he couldn't shake it off.

As sleep eluded him, Jacob's mind replayed the evening's events over and over. He had crossed a line, but he felt he had no choice. He needed answers, and he was determined to get them, no matter the cost. The night stretched on, each second a reminder of the chasm growing between him and Elizabeth.

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Jacob's day at the workshop was a blur of routine tasks, but his mind was elsewhere. He kept glancing at his phone, checking the location of Elizabeth's fitness bracelet. The small dot on the app's map showed she was at her office, just as she should be on a regular workday. But Jacob's heart was heavy with doubt, and his hands worked mechanically, fixing cars without his usual focus.


As the day wore on, the sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the workshop floor. That's when his phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Elizabeth. He wiped his greasy hands on a rag and opened the message, his heart pounding.

“I need space after yesterday. I’m spending the evening at Cynthia’s house. I’ll be home late,” the message read. Jacob's eyes narrowed. This was unexpected. Was she really going to Cynthia’s, or was this a cover for something else?

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This could be his opportunity to find out the truth. Jacob's decision was swift. He approached his colleague, Willy, who was busy under the hood of a car.

"Hey, Will," Jacob said, trying to sound calm. "Can you cover for me for the rest of the day? Something urgent came up."


Willy looked up, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "Sure, Jacob. I can handle this. But you owe me one, okay?" he said with a grin.

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Jacob forced a smile. "Thanks, man. I owe you big time."

He hurried to the locker room, his heart racing. He changed out of his work clothes, his movements quick and anxious. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was about to uncover something he wasn't prepared for.

As he left the workshop, the evening air felt cool against his skin. He got into his car, his mind racing with possibilities. Was Elizabeth really at her friend's house, or was this a lie? He had to know. He started the engine and drove off, following the location on the app.


The streets were beginning to fill with the soft glow of streetlights as Jacob drove. He felt a mixture of fear and determination. This was it.

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He was about to find out what was really going on. His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he neared the location indicated by the app. The moment of truth was close at hand.

Jacob's heart pounded as he arrived at the address his tracking app had led him to. Before him stood a large, elegant estate, its well-manicured lawns glowing under the evening lights. It was far more luxurious than anything he had imagined. A sinking feeling took hold of him as he thought about the expensive earrings Elizabeth had worn. They must have come from someone who lived in a place like this.


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He stepped out of his car, a mix of anger and disbelief swirling in his chest. He moved closer to the house, intent on confronting whoever was inside. But as he reached the front door, a thought stopped him. What if this made things worse? What if his confrontation pushed Elizabeth further away?

Instead, Jacob decided to circle the house, peering through windows, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening inside. He saw empty rooms, richly furnished, but no sign of Elizabeth. His heart raced with each step, his mind a whirlwind of emotions.

Then, he came to a window with the curtains partially drawn. It was a bedroom, and there, to his shock, was Elizabeth. She was not alone. With her was a man Jacob never expected to see – his boss, Peter. They were close, too close for just friends or colleagues. The truth hit Jacob like a ton of bricks. Elizabeth was having an affair with Peter.


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Jacob felt a surge of anger and wanted to burst in, to confront them both. But he hesitated, his mind racing with the potential consequences. If he confronted them now, it might lead to a quick end to his marriage. Elizabeth would have no reason to stay once her secret was out.

Instead, Jacob took a deep breath and stepped back. He needed a plan, a way to expose the affair without directly confronting them. An idea formed in his mind – he could send evidence of the affair to Peter's wife, anonymously. It was a way to bring the truth to light without directly involving himself.

With a heavy heart, Jacob turned away from the window. He walked back to his car, his mind a turmoil of emotions. He had come looking for the truth, and he had found it, but it was more painful than he had ever imagined. As he drove back home, the night seemed darker, and his future uncertain. He knew what he had to do next, but the path ahead was fraught with pain and difficulty.


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Jacob arrived at work the next morning, his mind set on a clear goal. The events of the previous night replayed in his head, fueling his determination. He had spent the entire evening thinking, strategizing the best way to gather evidence of Peter's affair with Elizabeth. His plan was simple but risky.

In his pocket was a small recording device, a discreet bug he had purchased from a specialty store that morning. It was tiny, barely noticeable, designed to record conversations without being detected. Jacob felt the weight of it in his pocket, a constant reminder of the path he had chosen.

As the morning passed, Jacob waited for the right moment. He needed to be careful, to avoid raising any suspicion.


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Finally, a few hours into his shift, he saw his chance. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves and walked towards Peter's office.

Jacob hesitated at the doorway of Peter's office, his heart pounding. "Hello, Peter, may I come in?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Peter looked up from his laptop with a welcoming smile. "Hello, friend. Yes, of course, come in!" he said, gesturing towards a chair. "What brings you to my office today?"

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Jacob entered, his mind racing with the plan he had to execute. "I wanted to discuss my vacation plans. I'm thinking of taking two weeks off next month," he said, trying to sound casual.

Peter nodded, looking understanding. "Of course, Jacob. You've been working hard. You definitely deserve some time off to relax," he replied warmly.

"Thank you, thank you," Jacob murmured, feeling a twinge of guilt for deceiving Peter.

Peter leaned back in his chair, seeming curious. "So, what are your plans for the vacation? Going to spend some quality time with your wife? Linda, isn't it?" he asked, a little uncertainly.

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Jacob felt a surge of irritation at Peter's feigned forgetfulness. "It's Elizabeth," he corrected him, keeping his voice calm. "My wife's name is Elizabeth."


"Ah, Elizabeth, of course," Peter corrected himself quickly. "Do you have any special plans with Elizabeth?"

Jacob shuffled his feet, buying time as he reached for the bug in his pocket. "We haven't decided yet. Might just stay home or might go somewhere. Still figuring it out," he replied, his fingers closing around the small device.

As he spoke, Jacob noticed Peter turning his attention back to his laptop, giving him the perfect opportunity. Quickly and discreetly, he slipped the bug under Peter's desk, attaching it where it would be hard to spot.

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"Just one more thing, Peter," Jacob said as he stood up, ready to leave. "I can count on that vacation time, right? In case we do make plans?"


"Absolutely, Jacob. Anytime you need," Peter assured him, not noticing Jacob's swift movements. "You're a valuable part of the team here. Enjoy your time off."

"Thanks, Peter. I appreciate it," Jacob said, his voice belying the turmoil inside him. He left the office with a sense of accomplishment, but also a heavy heart. He had just set in motion a plan that could change everything. As he walked back to his workstation, he couldn't help but feel the gravity of what he had just done. The die was cast, and now all he could do was wait and see what would happen next.

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He had to be patient, to let the plan unfold. Jacob kept glancing at his watch, each minute dragging on longer than the last.


Finally, two hours later, his patience paid off. He discreetly put on the special headphones he had brought, the ones connected to the bug in Peter's office. His heart raced as he listened, every sound amplified in his ears. Then he heard it - the sound of Peter's voice, and on the other end, unmistakably, was Elizabeth.

Jacob's breath caught in his throat as he listened. Peter's words were like daggers. “Hello, Lizzy. Yes, your husband just came in and asked for leave. Are you going to go somewhere on vacation? It is strange, maybe he will tell you about it today. Maybe we can spend tomorrow night at my house? Tell him that you were called on a business trip. Ok, I'm waiting and I love you, Lizzie!” Peter said, his voice casual yet intimate.

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Jacob felt a mix of anger and heartache. "This is what I was waiting for," he thought bitterly. The evidence was clear, irrefutable. He quickly saved the audio recording onto his smartphone, a heavy sense of sadness settling in his chest.

He knew he had to act, to bring this truth to light, but he couldn't do it directly. Creating a new profile on a social network, he took every precaution to ensure his anonymity. He uploaded the audio file, his hands steady but his heart heavy. He then sent the recording to Peter's wife through this newly created profile, his finger hesitating for just a moment before pressing 'send.'

Jacob sat back, the headphones still in his ears, but now only silence filled them. He had done what he felt was necessary, but it brought him no joy. It was a painful truth that he had uncovered, one that would change the lives of everyone involved.

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As he waited for the aftermath of his actions, Jacob couldn't help but reflect on the journey that led him here. He had sought the truth, but now that he had it, he felt only emptiness and sorrow. The workshop around him buzzed with the usual sounds of work, but to Jacob, it all seemed distant, like he was in a world apart from everyone else.

The day was drawing to a close at the workshop, and Jacob, his mind heavy with thoughts, began to prepare for home. The events of the day replayed in his mind as he changed out of his work clothes, the fabric of his shirt feeling rough against his skin.

His movements were mechanical, his thoughts elsewhere. He gathered his belongings, each item feeling like a weight, a reminder of the drastic steps he had taken.

Jacob stepped out into the cooling evening, the sky painted in hues of orange and purple as the sun set. He got into his car, the familiar space offering no comfort today. As he drove, his mind was a whirlwind of anticipation and anxiety. He was waiting for any news, a sign that his actions had brought some revelation, some closure.

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But as he neared home, the unexpected happened. His phone rang, the screen displaying "Peter." Jacob's heart sank. He hesitated for a moment before answering, bracing himself for what was to come.

"Hello, listen to me, idiot," Peter's voice came through, harsh and angry. "First, you're fired! Secondly, you did not succeed. You probably did not know, but my wife and I have not been in a romantic relationship for a long time. She called and told me about the recording that was sent to her. You think it could have been done by someone other than you, idiot? And thirdly, if you try to break me up with Elizabeth again, I will go to the police and charge you with espionage and illegal surveillance on me, understood?”

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Jacob's grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white. He was at a loss for words, his plan unraveling before him. The call ended abruptly, leaving Jacob in stunned silence. His phone died, its screen going black, mirroring the despair he felt inside.


He was almost home now, the familiar streets offering no comfort. The weight of Peter's words hung heavy in the air. Jacob had lost his job, his plan had failed, and the threat of legal action loomed over him. The implications of his actions were now starkly clear. He had ventured too far, driven by emotion and suspicion, and now he faced the consequences.

As he parked the car and sat there for a moment, Jacob felt a profound sense of loss. He had set out to uncover the truth, but in doing so, he had lost his job, endangered his future, and perhaps even his family. The quiet of the car enveloped him, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside.

He knew he had to face Elizabeth and Amanda, but how could he explain what had transpired? How could he make them understand his actions?

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock


With a heavy heart, Jacob finally stepped out of the car and walked towards his house. The door, once a symbol of comfort and family, now seemed like a barrier to a difficult conversation that awaited him. His footsteps were heavy, each step taking him closer to a reality he wasn't prepared to face.

Jacob stepped through the front door, the familiar sound of it closing behind him felt different this time. He paused, taking in the sight of Elizabeth moving through the house, her arms full of various items. It was clear she was packing.

"Elizabeth? What's going on?" Jacob asked, his voice tinged with confusion and worry.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Elizabeth stopped and turned to face him, her expression solemn. "Peter called me," she said, her voice steady. "I think you understand what's happening."


Jacob felt a knot form in his stomach. "Are you leaving me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Elizabeth sighed, setting down the things in her hands. "Yes, Jacob. We can't be together anymore," she replied, her eyes not meeting his.

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Jacob's heart raced as he stepped closer to her. "Please, Elizabeth, don't do this. We can work things out," he pleaded, his hands reaching out to her.

Elizabeth shook her head, stepping back. "It's not just about what happened with Peter. There's been no love between us for a long time, Jacob. We've been drifting apart, and now... this is the end," she said, her voice laced with a mixture of sadness and resolve.


Jacob felt a mix of emotions - guilt, regret, and a deep sense of loss. He wanted to say more, to argue, to convince her to stay, but the words wouldn't come. The reality of the situation was clear, and the finality in Elizabeth's voice left no room for doubt. The life he had known was unraveling before his eyes.

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Jacob watched Elizabeth as she continued to gather her things, his heart heavy with the realization of what was happening.

"Elizabeth, please, let's talk about this," Jacob implored, his voice filled with urgency. "We can fix whatever's wrong. I know I've made mistakes, but we can work through this, can't we?"

Elizabeth paused, her back still turned to him. "Jacob, it's not just about the mistakes," she said, her voice calm but firm. "It's about how we've been with each other. We've been distant, living like strangers under the same roof. I can't keep pretending that everything is fine."


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"But I love you, Elizabeth. We can try to find that spark again, can't we? For the sake of our family, for Amanda," Jacob pleaded, his voice breaking slightly.

Elizabeth turned to face him, her expression one of sadness. "I'm sorry, Jacob, but it's not just about trying. The love... it's just not there anymore. And we can't force it to be. It's better for both of us, and for Amanda, to accept this and move forward."

Jacob reached out to her, desperation clear in his eyes. "Don't do this, Elizabeth. Please, we can seek help, go to counseling, anything."

Elizabeth gently moved his hand away. "I've made up my mind, Jacob. It's time for us to go our separate ways. It's the best decision for all of us."


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Jacob stood there, feeling helpless as Elizabeth continued to pack. The finality in her words left him reeling, the life he had known slipping away right before his eyes.

Jacob stood in the middle of the living room, his emotions boiling over. "Amanda is staying with me!" he declared, his voice raised in anger.

Elizabeth shook her head, her expression firm. "No, Jacob. I've spoken with Amanda. She's coming with me. She wants to live with her mother," she responded.

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At that moment, Amanda emerged from her room, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "Yes, I want to go with Mom," she said quietly, standing beside Elizabeth.

Jacob's heart sank at Amanda's words. The betrayal he felt was overwhelming. "Traitors! All of you!" he yelled, his voice echoing through the house. He grabbed his jacket in a rage. "Fine! Go then! But when I come back to this house tomorrow, I don't want to see any of you here!" His words were sharp, cutting through the tense air.

He stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him. The cold air hit him, but it did nothing to cool his seething anger. All he could think about was revenge on Peter, the man he blamed for ruining his life and tearing his family apart. His thoughts were dark, consumed with a desire for retribution, a need to make Peter pay for what he had done. The idea of revenge consumed him as he walked away, lost in a haze of anger and despair.

Jacob stepped into the garage, a place that had been a second home to him. The familiar sights and smells did little to lift his spirits. He spotted Willy, his colleague and friend, working on a car.

"Hello, friend!" Willy greeted him with a surprised look. "I heard from Peter you're not working here anymore. Is that true?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.


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Jacob nodded, his heart heavy. "Yes, it's true, Will," he replied, trying to keep his emotions in check.

Willy frowned, wiping his hands on a rag. "What happened, Jacob? Why are you leaving?" he asked, genuinely worried.

Jacob sighed, not wanting to delve into the painful details. "I don't really want to talk about it, my friend," he said, shifting the topic. "What's Peter's car doing here?" he asked, nodding towards a car with an open hood.

Willy glanced at the car. "Oh, that. Peter asked me to check it out. It's just a routine check, but there's some strange noise in the engine. Can't figure out what's wrong yet," he explained.


A plan started forming in Jacob's mind, a chance to get back at Peter. His voice was calm, but inside, he was boiling with anger and hurt. "Let me take a look at his car. I know it well. And I owe you for covering for me yesterday," Jacob offered, managing a smile.

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Willy seemed relieved. "That would be great, Jacob. Thanks! I'll grab a coffee and a quick smoke then," he said, grateful for the help.

"Sure, friend. Take your break," Jacob responded, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge.

Jacob waited until Willy was out of sight, then quickly moved to Peter's car. His hands were steady, but his heart was racing. He knew what he was about to do was wrong, but his desire for revenge blinded him. Ducking under the hood, Jacob located the brake fluid supply hose. With a swift motion, he cut it, ensuring that Peter would have no brakes when he drove the car. The thought of Peter getting into an accident filled Jacob with a twisted sense of satisfaction.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

After making his move, Jacob stepped away from the car, trying to look casual as Willy returned twenty minutes later. "Hey, Jacob, did you find out what that sound was?" Willy asked, curious.

Jacob forced a smile. "Yeah, it's just a normal sound for this model. Peter's engine always had an occasional crackle. Nothing to worry about," he lied, his voice steady.

Willy seemed relieved. "Thanks, friend. You're a lifesaver. Take care, okay?" he said, grateful for Jacob's help.

Jacob nodded, putting on his jacket. "No problem. By the way, when is Peter picking up his car?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

Willy checked his watch. "He called earlier. Said he'd be here in about an hour to pick it up," he replied.


Jacob left the garage, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. He drove home, the gravity of his actions weighing on him. Once home, he sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and waited. He was waiting for the news about Peter, for confirmation that his plan had worked.

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But instead of the expected news, his phone rang. It was Willy. Jacob's heart sank as he answered, a sense of dread filling him. What had happened? Had his plan gone awry? The call from Willy was unexpected, and Jacob braced himself for what he was about to hear.

"Hey, buddy. Listen, something weird just happened," Willy began, sounding hesitant. "Elizabeth and Amanda came by the garage. Elizabeth said Peter asked her to use his car. He even confirmed it over the phone. They just left in Peter's car. Is this related to why you were fired?" Willy asked, his tone cautious.


Jacob's heart skipped a beat. "When did they leave in the car?!" he shouted into the phone, panic rising in his voice.

"Just about 15 minutes ago. Why? What's going on, Jacob?" Willy's voice was full of worry now.

Jacob couldn't speak. He ended the call abruptly, his mind racing. He frantically dialed Elizabeth's number, but she didn't pick up. Desperation mounting, he tried calling Amanda, but there was no answer from her either.

As Jacob was trying to process the situation, his phone rang again. This time it was an unknown number. Hesitantly, he answered.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

"Good afternoon, Mr. Greenwood," a woman's voice said from the other end.


Jacob's voice was shaky. "Who is this?"

"You're speaking with nurse from the local hospital. I have to inform you that your wife and daughter were just brought in. They've been in an accident. They're both in critical condition. The doctors are doing everything they can," the woman explained, her tone professional yet sympathetic.

Jacob felt the room spin around him. The phone slipped from his grasp and clattered to the floor. His legs gave way, and he collapsed to his knees, his mind reeling with shock and disbelief. The reality of what he had done, and its horrific consequences, hit him all at once. His plan to hurt Peter had backfired in the most unimaginable way, putting the lives of his wife and daughter in jeopardy. The weight of his actions crushed him as he fell to the floor, overwhelmed by guilt and fear.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock

For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock


Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

Roman worked as a janitor in the later years of his life. When he dies, he dies alone – he and his wife are separated, and his children live with her. But what happens when they discover a large sum of money transferred into their accounts? Here's the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com



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