Woman crying in a hospital bed | Source: Shutterstock
Woman crying in a hospital bed | Source: Shutterstock

My Greedy Sons Could Not Wait for My Death, I Brilliantly Taught Them a Lesson — Story of the Day

Yevhenii Boichenko
Apr 02, 2024
08:22 A.M.

Jake is about to learn how important it is to value your parents. However, this lesson comes at a high cost. This day was about to become horrific as his mother was on the verge of dying. This situation presented Jake with a challenge to show what kind of son he is and to test his humility.


The morning light barely seeped through the curtains of their small, cramped apartment when the daily routine commenced—a routine Jake had become all too familiar with.

The air, still cool from the night, was quickly filled with the heat of an argument between him and his wife, Lucy.

“Jake, how many times do we have to go through this?” Lucy’s voice rose, tinged with frustration. She stood in the kitchen, a cup of unfinished coffee in one hand, symbolizing yet another rushed morning.

“We’re barely making ends meet, and it feels like you’re not even trying to find a solution.”

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Jake, seated at the old, wobbly table they had salvaged from a yard sale, rubbed his forehead, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.


His job at the local factory paid him a salary that was laughable at best, and with no savings to speak of, their dream of having their own home seemed more like a fantasy with each passing day.

“I am trying, Lucy,” Jake replied, his voice low and steady, a stark contrast to the rising tension in the room. “It’s just… hard. You know the job market is tough.”

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“But it’s not just the money,” Lucy continued, her voice softening a bit as she took a seat across from him. “It feels like you’re miles away, even when you’re right here. You don’t listen, you don’t see how much we’re struggling.”

Jake looked up, meeting her gaze. He saw the disappointment, the weariness, but also the flicker of hope that somehow, things would get better.


He took a deep breath, the words he had heard so many times before echoing in his mind—words about his failure to provide, his absentmindedness, his past mistakes that seemed to loom over their future like a dark cloud.

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“I hear you, Lucy,” he said, reaching across the table to gently take her hand. “I promise, I’ll do better. We’ll figure this out, together.”

In the midst of their heated conversation, the shrill ring of the phone sliced through the tension like a sharp knife.

Jake glanced at the caller ID, his heart sinking a little when he saw it was his mother, Rosa. He hesitated for a moment, knowing that a call from her at this hour was unusual and probably meant trouble. With a sigh, he picked up.


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"Jake, honey, I need you," Rosa's voice came through, weaker than usual, which immediately alarmed Jake. "I'm feeling very sick... Can you take me to the hospital? I don't think I can wait any longer."

Jake's mind raced. The last thing he needed was another problem on his plate, but this was his mother. He couldn't just ignore her plea for help.

"Mom, can't Ryan do it?" he found himself asking, even though he knew it was a long shot. His brother Ryan was notorious for not picking up his phone, especially when it was most needed.

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"I've tried calling him. Several times. He's not answering, Jake," Rosa's voice was tinged with desperation. "Please, I don't know what to do, and it hurts so much."

Jake could feel a knot forming in his stomach. His mother was in pain, alone and scared. And here he was, trying to find a way out of helping her. The guilt started to settle in, heavy and uncomfortable.

"Okay, Mom, okay. I'll be there as soon as I can," Jake finally said, his voice firm with resolution. He could see Lucy's expression soften, her earlier frustrations replaced with concern for her mother-in-law.

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Jake rushed through the hospital doors, supporting his mother, Rosa, whose frailty had never been more apparent.


The hospital's sterile, buzzing environment was a stark contrast to the warmth of their family home, yet here they were, navigating through the maze of corridors to find the emergency room.

As they waited, Jake's eyes constantly darted towards the entrance, looking out for his brother. When Ryan finally appeared, his casual stride and unbothered demeanor irked Jake to his core.

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Ryan didn't seem to grasp the gravity of their mother's condition, his face devoid of worry or urgency.

"You're late," Jake couldn't help but snap as Ryan approached, his voice laced with a mixture of relief and frustration. "Mom's been asking for you."


Ryan shrugged, a look of inconvenience briefly crossing his face. "Had some things to handle," he said, his tone dismissive. "What's the big deal anyway?"

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Jake felt a surge of anger at Ryan's cavalier attitude. "The 'big deal' is that our mother is sick, Ryan. Seriously sick. And all you can think about is your 'things'?" The scorn in Jake's voice was palpable, echoing slightly in the busy hospital hallway.

Ryan met Jake's gaze, unflinching. "Look, I'm here now, aren't I?" he retorted, his calmness only fueling Jake's frustration.

"Besides, when was the last time you did something for Mom? This self-righteous act doesn’t suit you. If it weren’t for the house, I doubt you’d be here either."


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The accusation stung, mainly because part of Jake knew there was a sliver of truth to it.

Their mother's house was the only valuable asset in their family, and the thought of losing it was something neither of them wanted to confront. Yet, hearing Ryan imply that his motives were anything but pure hit a nerve.

Despite the boiling anger, Jake recognized this was neither the time nor the place for such an argument. With a heavy sigh, he turned his attention back to Rosa, who needed him to be strong.

As Jake and Ryan's argument escalated, the tension was suddenly cut by the arrival of Doctor Thomas.

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He approached with a clipboard in hand, his expression serious and professional, yet there was a hint of empathy in his eyes. He cleared his throat, drawing the brothers' attention away from their dispute.

"Gentlemen," Doctor Thomas began, his voice firm, "I need to discuss your grandmother's condition with you. She's quite ill and will require ongoing, constant care." He paused, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in.

The brothers momentarily forgot their bickering, united by concern for their grandmother.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor Thomas continued, explaining the specifics of the medication regimen Rosa would need.

"She'll need these medications several times a day," he said, pointing to the list on his clipboard. "It's crucial that these are administered on time to manage her symptoms effectively."


Jake, feeling overwhelmed, grasped at what seemed like a solution. "Can't she just stay here for that? Wouldn't the hospital be better equipped to handle her care?" he asked, hope tinting his voice.

The doctor sighed, understanding the wishful thinking behind Jake's question. "While we can provide the care she needs, the cost of a prolonged hospital stay can be quite substantial," he explained gently, knowing the financial strain it would imply for many families.

The mention of cost struck a chord with Jake. The reality of their situation was clear: they couldn't afford to keep Rosa in the hospital for an extended period.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders as he realized the implications. "Okay," Jake said finally, a resigned tone in his voice. "We'll take care of her at home."


Ryan remained silent, letting Jake make the arrangements. Despite their earlier conflict, it was evident that the well-being of their grandmother was a concern that both shared, even if they showed it in different ways. The doctor explained the details and left.

The conversation between Jake and Ryan had reached a stalemate. Ryan's declaration that he would inherit half of their mother's house, with no intention of contributing to her care, left Jake feeling both angry and isolated.

"So, that's it? You're just going to leave all the responsibility to me?" Jake asked, disbelief and frustration evident in his voice.

Ryan shrugged, indifferent. "Look, Jake, I've got my own life to worry about. Mom's house is as much mine as it is yours.

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That's just how it is." With those cold words, he turned and walked away, leaving Jake to grapple with the reality of the situation alone.

As Jake sat in the sterile hospital waiting room, the list of medications and care instructions from Doctor Thomas in his hand felt heavier than mere paper. Each line was a reminder of the daunting task ahead.

His mother's health, the complexity of her care, and now the weight of doing it all without Ryan's help made his head spin with worry and uncertainty.

Feeling a mix of desperation and determination, Jake knew there was only one thing to do. He pulled out his phone and dialed Lucy's number. She answered on the second ring, her voice a comforting presence in the chaos of his thoughts.

"Lucy, it's me," Jake began, trying to keep his voice steady. "We... we need to move in with Mom for a while. She's really sick, and the doctor says she needs constant care. Ryan's not going to help, so it's all on us."

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line as Lucy processed his words.

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Then, with a softness that made Jake's heartache, she replied, "Okay, Jake. We'll make it work. We always do." Her support was unwavering, a beacon of hope in the midst of his fear.

Hanging up, Jake felt a mixture of relief and apprehension. Moving in with his mother was not going to be easy, especially under these circumstances. But with Lucy by his side, he felt a spark of optimism amidst the uncertainty.

Together, they would face the challenges ahead, adapting to their new roles as caregivers in a situation that had thrust them into the unknown.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Upon arriving at his mother's house, Jake couldn't help but feel a mix of reluctance and necessity as he looked around the familiar space.


"Well, it seems this old place might actually come in handy," he remarked with a forced chuckle, trying to lighten the mood despite the circumstances.

Handing over the list of prescriptions and doctor's recommendations to Lucy, Jake's demeanor revealed his apprehension.

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"I... really can't handle this on my own," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of plea and resignation. "We need this house, but this," he gestured to the list, "is all so overwhelming."

Lucy, although understanding, couldn't hide her own reluctance. The weight of their intentions, shadowed by the desire for the house rather than pure concern for Jake's mother, made the tasks ahead seem even more daunting.


Their lack of genuine motivation became apparent as they began the care routine. Administering pills and injections felt more like a chore than an act of love, and their efforts were half-hearted at best.

Jake fumbled with the medication, reading and re-reading the instructions, while Lucy hesitated with every injection, her discomfort with the task evident.

Cleaning up after Rosa and ensuring her comfort was a task they both found challenging. The responsibility of caring for an ill person was new territory, and their attempts were clumsy, often leaving Rosa's needs only partially met.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

The atmosphere in the house grew tense, the air filled with the unspoken acknowledgment of their struggles and the underlying reasons for their presence.


The days turned into a test of their patience and commitment. The realization that their actions were driven by false intentions rather than genuine concern for Rosa's well-being weighed heavily on them.

The hardship of caregiving, combined with their initial motivations, led to moments of reflection and guilt.

In the quiet of the evening, as Rosa slept and the reality of their situation settled in, Jake and Lucy found themselves confronting the moral complexities of their decisions.

The house, once seen as a potential inheritance, now felt like a burden, a constant reminder of their inadequacy as caregivers and the selfishness that had brought them there.

The experience, far from bringing them closer to their goal, instead highlighted the difficulties of caregiving and the importance of genuine compassion—lessons they learned the hard way.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


The strain of caring for Jake's mother began to show quickly, with the constant demands of her care taking a toll on both Jake and Lucy.

The once peaceful atmosphere of the house was replaced with one of tension and frustration, particularly for Lucy, who felt increasingly out of her depth and overwhelmed by the responsibilities that had fallen on their shoulders.

One afternoon, after a particularly challenging day of managing medications, cleaning, and dealing with the myriad needs of Jake's mother, Lucy reached her breaking point. The frustration and exhaustion she had been bottling up finally erupted.

"Jake, I can't do this anymore," Lucy declared, her voice trembling with emotion. "I didn't sign up to be a full-time caregiver. I feel like I'm losing my mind here."

Jake, who was equally tired and stressed, looked at Lucy, seeing the toll the situation was taking on her. He understood her frustration but felt torn between his loyalty to his mother and his love for Lucy.

"Lucy, please, let's just try to figure this out together," Jake pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "There must be another way to handle this without..."


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"No, Jake!" Lucy interrupted, her patience worn thin. "It's either your mother goes, or I do. I'm not a maid, and this isn't what I envisioned our life to be. You need to decide what's more important to you."

The ultimatum hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the dire state of their relationship and the impact his mother's care was having on their life together.

Jake felt a deep sense of helplessness, caught between his duty as a son and his commitment as a husband. The realization that their situation was untenable and that something had to give weighed heavily on his heart.

Jake's footsteps were heavy as he approached his mother's room, his mind swirling with Lucy's ultimatum and the heavy burden of what he was about to do.


He paused at the door, taking a deep breath to steady himself before stepping inside. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm light on his mother's weary face.

"Hey, Mom," Jake began, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "How are you feeling? Any better today?"

His mother, Rosa, looked up at him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pain and contentment.

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"Oh, Jake," she replied with a gentle voice, "I'm still feeling quite ill, but having you and Lucy here... it means the world to me. As long as I have my family by my side, I can face anything."

Jake's heart clenched at her words. The stark contrast between his mother's gratitude for their presence and the real reason behind it filled him with guilt.


He managed a hypocritical smile, nodding in agreement while his mind raced with thoughts of the solution he had found online—a free religious home for the elderly that seemed like an escape from the situation.

"Mom, you know we're here for you, right? Always," Jake said, his voice laced with a tinge of sadness he hoped his mother didn't detect.

Rosa reached out, her hand frail and trembling, to grasp Jake's. "I know, dear. And I'm so grateful for it," she said, her smile genuine and filled with love.

As Jake left his mother's room, the weight of his upcoming decision pressed heavily on his shoulders. He retreated to a quiet corner of the house, where he opened his laptop and began searching for the elderly home's contact information.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


The screen's glow illuminated his face, casting shadows that seemed to mirror the darkness of his thoughts.

The sun had barely risen, casting a soft glow through the windows, as Jake began the difficult task of packing his mother's belongings into his car.

The air was cool, and a light mist hung over the morning, adding a surreal quality to the moment. His movements were methodical, yet his heart felt heavy with the weight of the decision he had made.

Rosa watched her son, confusion etched across her face. "Jake, where are we going? Why can't I stay here, in my home?" Her voice was laced with worry, her hands wringing the hem of her shirt as she spoke.

Jake paused, turning to face his mother. He could see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes, and it pained him to know that he was the cause.

"Mom, you're going to a place where they can take care of you better than I can," he said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "They have professionals there, nurses and doctors, who will look after you day and night."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


He went on to describe the benefits of the facility, emphasizing the around-the-clock supervision, opportunities for socializing with people her age, and the promise of fresh air and a change of scenery.

Jake hoped these assurances would ease her concerns, even as he wrestled with his own doubts.

"But what about you and Lucy? Having family nearby... isn't that important too?" Rosa's voice was soft, a hint of sadness lurking beneath her words.

Jake felt a knot form in his throat. "We'll always be just a phone call away, Mom. Anytime you need anything, we'll be there," he replied, forcing a smile.

Behind him, Lucy's smirk went unnoticed by Rosa, but it was a stark reminder of the real reason behind this decision.

As they drove away from the house, Rosa sat quietly, looking out the window. Jake focused on the road ahead, but his mind was filled with the image of his mother's confused and sad face.

He knew that the promises he made were meant to comfort her, but they rang hollow in his own ears.

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The realization that he was sending his mother away to ease his and Lucy's burdens weighed heavily on him, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifice he was asking his mother to make for their convenience.

As they entered, they were greeted by a kindly receptionist who guided them to the administrator's office. The room was bright and filled with pictures of smiling residents, but the atmosphere couldn't lighten Jake's mood.

The administrator, a gentle man with a keen eye, began to ask Jake questions about Rosa's situation. "We're happy to help, but we need to ensure that those who stay with us truly have no other options.

It's important that our residents need the level of care we provide," he explained, looking from Jake to Rosa and back again.

Jake, caught in a web of his own making, responded with a lie that tasted bitter on his tongue.

"She... she doesn't have anywhere else to go. We can't provide the care she needs," he said, avoiding Rosa's confused gaze.

Rosa, looking smaller and more vulnerable in the office chair, whispered, "But I don't like it here, Jake. I want to go home."


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Jake felt a stab of guilt so sharp it almost made him confess the truth. Instead, he knelt beside his mother, taking her hand gently.

"Mom, you'll be okay here. They have professionals to look after you, friends you can make. I'll come to visit a lot, I promise," he said, forcing a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The administrator, satisfied with Jake's assurance, agreed to let Rosa stay. As Jake walked his mother to her new room, his promise to visit often echoed hollowly in his mind.

Rosa's reluctant acceptance of her new surroundings and Jake's forced optimism painted a painful picture of their shared helplessness.


As he walked through the aisles, lost in thought, he hardly noticed the people around him. That is, until a familiar voice called out his name.

"Jake, is that you?" The voice belonged to Dr. Thomas, the kind doctor who had been overseeing his mother's care.

Jake turned, forcing a smile onto his face. "Dr. Thomas, what a surprise to see you here," he said, attempting to sound casual.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Dr. Thomas smiled warmly, but his eyes were sharp with concern. "How's Rosa doing? I hope she's getting better," he inquired, genuinely interested in Rosa's well-being.

Jake hesitated for a moment, his heart racing. Lying to Dr. Thomas felt wrong, especially after all the care and attention he had given Rosa.


Yet, the words came out effortlessly, "She's...recovering. Lucy and I are doing our best to take care of her at home. It's just...the medications, they're more expensive than we anticipated."

Without a moment's hesitation, Dr. Thomas reached into his wallet and pulled out a hundred dollars, handing it to Jake. "You're a good son, Jake. Taking care of your mother like this," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Jake felt a lump form in his throat. Accepting the money felt like accepting a medal for an unearned victory. "Thank you, Dr. Thomas. This means a lot," he managed to say, the words tasting bitter in his mouth.

Leaving the store, Jake's initial intention to buy essentials vanished, replaced by a desire to forget the lies he had just spun. He bought a bottle of champagne and some fine food, telling himself it was to make the evening special for Lucy

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


As Jake returned home, his mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The encounter with Dr. Thomas had left him feeling both grateful and guilty, the doctor's generosity a stark contrast to his own deceit.

Yet, the prospect of finally living in the house of their dreams with Lucy provided a temporary escape from his conscience.

Upon entering the house, Jake set about preparing a special dinner. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of sizzling and the aroma of cooking, creating a cozy atmosphere that had been missing for so long.

He wanted everything to be perfect, to make this evening a symbol of their new beginning.

"Smells wonderful," Lucy remarked as she entered the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Jake from behind. "What's the occasion?"

Jake turned, offering her a smile that masked his inner turmoil. "Just celebrating us, and finally being in this house, just the way we always wanted," he replied, his voice tinged with a forced cheerfulness.

Lucy, sensing his effort to make the evening special, smiled and played along. "And what about Ryan? What will we do about him?" she asked, her tone light but curious.


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Jake paused, considering his words carefully. "Ryan doesn't need the house, and we can use Mom's inheritance to make sure he's taken care of," he explained, hoping to reassure Lucy and perhaps himself as well.

Lucy nodded, seemingly satisfied with his plan. "As long as we're together and happy, that's all that matters," she said, her voice filled with optimism.

The dinner table was set with care, the champagne bottle that Dr. Thomas's money had bought chilling in a bucket.

As they sat down to eat, the room was filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses, a picture of contentment.

In the midst of their quiet celebration, the unexpected ring of the phone pierced the air, startling Jake and Lucy.


Jake hesitated before answering, the caller ID displaying Dr. Thomas's name. A lump formed in his throat as he braced himself for the conversation.

"Jake, I just received a call from the nursing home... about Rosa," Dr. Thomas's voice was stern, filled with disbelief. "Why did you tell me she was recovering at home? How did she end up in a nursing home?"

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Jake's mind raced for a plausible explanation, the weight of his previous lies bearing down on him.

"Uh, Dr. Thomas, it was just... temporary. We had no one to look after her, and we thought it would be best for her care," Jake stammered, each word feeling heavier than the last.


Dr. Thomas interrupted, his patience worn thin. "Jake, I'm tired of the lies. I'm at the nursing home now. Your mother's condition has worsened significantly. We need to get her to the hospital immediately."

The reality of his mother's situation hit Jake like a cold wave.

The lies he had woven to protect their new life now unraveled, leaving him exposed and filled with remorse. The thought of his mother suffering because of his decisions was a bitter pill to swallow.

"Okay, Dr. Thomas. We'll meet you there," Jake managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

After hanging up, Jake stood frozen, the phone still in his hand. Lucy looked at him, her eyes filled with questions and concern.

Jake's facade of control crumbled as he explained the situation, the truth spilling out amidst apologies and expressions of guilt.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


As Jake and Lucy hurried through the hospital's sterile corridors, the weight of their situation felt heavier with each step.

The air was thick with the antiseptic smell that hospitals have, a constant reminder of the gravity of illnesses treated within these walls.

Upon their arrival, Dr. Thomas met them with a grave expression. "Rosa's condition has deteriorated due to the lack of proper care," he stated, his voice stern.

Jake noticed the doctor's brief pause as he caught a whiff of alcohol, his gaze turning even more disapproving. This made Jake feel smaller, more irresponsible.

They were led to Rosa's room, where the sight of her lying so still, surrounded by beeping machines, was a shock to their system.

The hum of the life support equipment filled the room, a stark contrast to Rosa's motionless form on the bed.

Dr. Thomas explained the dire situation. "Rosa needs an operation immediately. It's the only way to save her life," he said, looking directly into Jake's eyes, searching for some sign of understanding and commitment.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


"But if you're not able to afford the surgery, we have to consider the option of turning off the life support machines. It would allow her to pass away without any pain."

The room felt colder as the doctor's words hung in the air, leaving a heavy silence in his wake. Jake and Lucy exchanged a look of despair, the reality of their choices crashing down on them.

The decision they faced was unimaginable, a choice between life and death that was now in their hands because of the path they had chosen.

In the sterile, white room of the hospital, the beeping of machines filled the silence between Jake and Lucy, a constant reminder of the decision that lay heavily on them.

Jake, his face a mask of shock and despair, couldn't believe the words that had just left Lucy's mouth.

"Lucy, how can you even say that?" Jake's voice was barely above a whisper, his disbelief evident. "This is my mother we're talking about. We can't just... give up on her."

Lucy, however, seemed unfazed by the gravity of the situation, her eyes cold and calculating. "Jake, think about it.

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This could be a blessing in disguise. Once the machines are turned off, we won't have any more obstacles. The house will be ours, free and clear. All our problems will be solved."

Jake recoiled as if struck, the harshness of her logic clashing with the turmoil inside him. "But selling the house could give us the money we need for Mom's surgery. We can save her, Lucy. We have to try," he pleaded, the desperation in his voice rising.

Lucy's expression hardened, her patience wearing thin. "And then what, Jake? We go back to struggling every day, worrying about bills and debts? I'm tired of living like that. It's either the machines or me. You have to decide."

The ultimatum hung in the air, a stark, painful choice that Jake never imagined he'd have to face. On one side, the chance to save his mother, to do the right thing, but risk losing everything else.

On the other, a path that promised financial stability and a future with Lucy, but at a cost so morally repugnant it made his stomach churn.

Jake looked back at his mother, her face peaceful amidst the tangle of tubes and wires, and felt his heart break.

The thought of losing Lucy terrified him, yet the idea of betraying his mother's trust, of ending her life for personal gain, was unthinkable.


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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

With a heavy heart, Jake approached Dr. Thomas, who was waiting for them by the nurse's station, his face etched with concern.

The weight of the decision he was about to convey felt like a boulder on his shoulders, each step towards the doctor feeling more difficult than the last.

"Dr. Thomas," Jake began, his voice faltering. "We've... we've made a decision. We're not going to proceed with the surgery."

The words felt foreign as they left his mouth, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging inside him.

Dr. Thomas's reaction was immediate and visceral. His brows furrowed, and a look of profound disappointment crossed his features.


"I must say, I'm appalled by your decision," he said, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Are you sure this is what you want? This surgery could save her life."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Jake nodded, the lump in his throat making it hard to speak. "Yes, doctor. We've... considered all our options. This is our decision." The words were a mere whisper, barely audible over the bustling sounds of the hospital.

The doctor sighed deeply, his disappointment evident. "Very well," he said, resignation lacing his tone.

"I'll prepare the necessary paperwork. But I want you to understand the gravity of your decision. This isn't just about paperwork; it's about a life, your mother's life."


Jake felt the sting of the doctor's words deeply, each one a reminder of the grim reality of their choice. As Dr. Thomas walked away to attend to the paperwork, Jake stood frozen, the enormity of their decision settling in.

The sound of his own heartbeat seemed to echo through the hallway, a somber rhythm that matched his steps back to his mother's room.

The walk back felt longer than before, each step heavy with regret and sorrow. Jake's mind was a whirlwind of emotion—grief, guilt, and an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

The decision to not proceed with the surgery, though made under pressure, weighed heavily on him, a burden he knew he would carry for the rest of his life.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


The atmosphere in the lawyer's office was thick with tension as Jake, Lucy, and Ryan arrived to discuss the division of their late mother Rosa's estate.

Initially, there were brief, hollow exchanges of condolences, a thin veil over the greed and anticipation each felt about the inheritance.

The conversation quickly escalated into an argument. Jake and Lucy, standing united yet deceitful, argued that they deserved the entire house for their supposed care of Rosa.

"We were the ones by her side, ensuring her comfort," Jake claimed, avoiding eye contact, while Lucy nodded in agreement, her eyes cold.

Ryan, on the other hand, was quick to challenge them. "That’s rich, coming from you two.

I know for a fact you weren’t around as much as you claim," he retorted, his voice firm and unwavering. "I deserve my fair share, regardless of your stories."

The lawyer, an elderly man with years of experience dealing with family disputes, raised his hands for silence.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


"Please, let's be civil. Sit, and let's discuss this calmly," he suggested, his voice a commanding presence in the room.

As they took their seats, feigning a sorrow they were far from feeling, the lawyer began to review the documents.

The announcement of a will took them by surprise, and they leaned in, a mix of curiosity and greed in their eyes.

The lawyer’s voice broke the silence. "Rosa has decided to leave all money, the house, and property to charity," he announced, his gaze sweeping over the trio, who sat in stunned silence before outrage took over.

"This can’t be right!" Lucy exclaimed, slamming her fist on the table. "You must be mistaken."

"Yeah, there's no way Mom would do that to us," Jake added, his voice a mixture of disbelief and anger.

Ryan, though equally shocked, quickly joined in the accusations. "You're lying! Show us that will again," he demanded, his tone accusatory.

The lawyer remained calm, unaffected by their threats and accusations. "I assure you, I am not lying.

This was Rosa’s wish, to see her estate used for charity. It’s all here, in her own words," he explained, pointing to the will.


The revelation sent shockwaves through Jake, Lucy, and Ryan. Their outrage was a mask for the panic and disbelief that set in, realizing that their greed had blinded them to the values Rosa had held dear.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

The lawyer's office, previously filled with tension and greed, fell into stunned silence as Rosa, very much alive and radiating strength, made her entrance.

Jake, Lucy, and Ryan turned to face her, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief.

"Mom! You're... you're okay?" Jake stammered, standing up so abruptly his chair clattered to the floor. Beside him, Lucy and Ryan echoed his surprise, their faces lighting up with feigned joy at her "miraculous" recovery.


But Rosa was unmoved by their theatrics. "Sit down," she commanded, her voice firm and clear. "I have something to say."

As they complied, Rosa continued, "I was never sick. This was all a test—a test you failed spectacularly."

Her disappointment was palpable, cutting through the room like a knife. "I had to see for myself if you truly cared for me, or if it was all just for my money."

The trio exchanged guilty glances, their earlier pretense of concern quickly dissolving under Rosa's knowing gaze. "But, Mom, we... we were just worried about you," Jake tried to explain, his voice faltering.

Rosa shook her head, her decision made. "No. I've seen enough. You won't receive a cent of my money. It's clear to me now where your priorities lie."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock


Ryan and Jake, now desperate, began to plead, their apologies and promises filling the room, a last-ditch effort to sway her decision. "We're sorry, Mom. We didn't mean it, please..."

But Rosa was resolute, her mind made up. "Save your breath. My decision is final." With that, she turned and walked out of the office, her head held high, leaving her children in stunned silence.

The lawyer, witnessing the scene unfold, quietly began to gather his papers, the will lying on the desk a testament to Rosa's final act of defiance against their greed.

The air outside the lawyer's office was cool and brisk, a stark contrast to the heated emotions that had just unfolded inside. As the trio stepped out, Ryan turned to Jake, his face contorted with blame and frustration.

"This is all your fault, Jake! If you had just taken better care of Mom, none of this would have happened!" he accused, his voice laced with anger.

Jake, already reeling from the shock of his mother's revelation and the loss of the inheritance, felt a surge of anger at Ryan's words. Clenching his fists, he took a step toward Ryan, ready to let his emotions spill over into action.


Before he could reach Ryan, Lucy stepped between them, her hands pushing Jake back. "Stop it, both of you!" she exclaimed, her voice sharp. "Fighting isn't going to solve anything now."

Ryan, casting one last disdainful look at Jake, shook his head and stormed off, leaving a heavy silence in his wake.

Lucy turned to Jake, her expression cold and distant. "You know, Jake, Ryan's right. You are an idiot.

A complete failure," she said, her words cutting deeper than any physical blow could. "I can't believe I wasted so much time on you, thinking we could have a future together."

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Shutterstock

Jake stared at her, stunned. The realization that he was about to lose not just his family's wealth but also his wife was overwhelming. "Lucy, please, I—"


"No, Jake. I've made up my mind," Lucy interrupted, her decision clear and final. "I'd rather be alone than spend another minute with someone like you. Expect the divorce papers."

With those final words, Lucy turned and walked away, leaving Jake alone with the crushing weight of his choices.

As he stood there, the reality of his situation sinking in, Jake felt a profound sense of loss. Not just for the inheritance or his marriage, but for the person he had become in pursuit of wealth.

The lessons of the day were harsh and unforgiving. Jake realized that his greed and deceit had cost him everything that truly mattered: his family, his wife, and his integrity.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Lili an elderly woman stumbles across a little kid. The boy named Harry asks her to take care of him and his friends. The foster family they live in is horrible, and the kids are living in poor conditions. Police return the boy to his foster parents, and Lily decides to save the kids by herself. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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