Couple enters bathroom cubicle | Source: Shutterstock
Couple enters bathroom cubicle | Source: Shutterstock

Bride’s Mom Spots Groom Entering Bathroom with Bridesmaid in the Middle of Wedding – Story of the Day

Caitlin Farley
Apr 04, 2024
09:41 A.M.

78-year-old Iris is trying to give her future son-in-law a special gift when she notices him slipping into a bathroom with one of the bridesmaids. Iris follows them, and what she witnesses sends her running to tell her daughter to call off the wedding.


Iris brushed past a large arrangement of fragrant blossoms as she shuffled toward her future son-in-law, Daniel. She'd brought her late husband's diamond cufflinks to the venue as a gift and hoped he'd wear them during the marriage ceremony.

But Daniel was walking too fast for Iris. She hated to admit it, but she was feeling all the seventy-odd years of her life that day. Her knees ached, her hip was stiff, and it was downright surreal to be attending her fifty-year-old daughter Eliza's wedding at this stage of her life.

However, Iris was ecstatic that Eliza had finally found someone she wanted to settle down with. And such a handsome man too! Iris watched Daniel approach one of the bridesmaids, his business partner Melissa. He leaned in close to speak to her. Melissa frowned, and then they both walked away toward the back of the restaurant.

He better not be doing business on his wedding day! Iris thought as she followed the pair. They glanced about before slipping into one of the bathrooms together. Iris paused uncertainly. There was something strange about their behavior like they didn't want to be seen together.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Iris placed the cufflinks in her purse and approached the bathroom. She opened the door a crack and entered quietly.

"I can't wait anymore, Melissa," Daniel said in a low voice, "I want you right here, right now."

"You know we can't, baby," Melissa crooned. "If anyone finds out about us, then all our plans will be ruined."

Iris shrank back against the bathroom wall and put a hand to her mouth in shock. That explained why the pair didn't want to be seen together: Daniel and Melissa were having an affair!

"Come on, sweetie," Daniel continued. "There isn't much time before I have to marry boring Eliza."

"Patience, Daniel. You just need to stay married for a couple of months...think of the big payday we'll get when you divorce her. Millions of dollars worth of assets and cash, ours for the taking, but only so long as you can behave yourself."

Daniel groaned. "What about later, during the reception? This place has a very secluded boathouse down by the lake...we could easily slip away for a while."

"Too dangerous, baby. We carry on like we always have, meeting in secret after Eliza's gone to work. I know it's hard, but it's only for a little while longer."


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Iris leaned over until she glimpsed Daniel and Melissa in one of the mirrors above the basins on the far wall. They were locked in a tight embrace as they stared into each other's eyes. As Iris watched from her hidden corner, the pair began to kiss passionately.

If there had been any room to interpret their conversation as anything other than vicious deceit, seeing them kiss confirmed that Daniel and his business partner were lowlifes out to rob her daughter.

"We can't do this right now, baby," Melissa muttered. "Someone could find us...we have to get back to the party."

"Not until you promise to meet me at the boathouse later," Daniel replied.


Melissa giggled, and Iris hurried from the bathroom. She'd heard more than enough! Now she had to warn her daughter that Daniel was a no-good gold-digger before Eliza made the biggest mistake of her life.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Iris slowly weaved her way between the tables and guests roaming the formal dining room. She soon reached the main table, but Eliza wasn't there. As Iris scanned the room for her daughter, the MC called for everyone’s attention.

"Before I ask you all to move over to the wedding hall in the next room, the bride has a special gift for the groom," the MC said.

Eliza appeared on the stage and took the microphone from the MC. "I know this is a little unorthodox," she said, "but I'm not a blushing bride having a white wedding so I hope you all will indulge me. I've waited a long time to find a man to spend the rest of my life with and I want to offer him this simple gift."


Eliza cleared her throat and signaled to the band positioned behind her. The pianist started playing the opening chords of a popular love song, and Iris's heart dropped like a stone. A hush fell over the room as Eliza began to sing.

The heartfelt emotion in Eliza's voice brought tears to many of the guest's eyes. Iris removed a hanky from her purse and dabbed at her eyes as Eliza sang the final notes. The guests applauded, and Daniel rushed onto the stage.

Eliza laughed as Daniel hugged her tightly and pressed a palm to her cheek. She looked at him like he was the brightest star in the sky. Iris cried even harder as she thought about what she had to tell Eliza and how much the news of Daniel's scheming would crush her daughter.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"What a beautiful moment," the MC cut in. "Now, I don't think the groom wants to wait much longer after being serenaded by his beautiful bride. Let's all proceed to the wedding hall so these love birds can have their first dance."

The crowd carried Iris along with them as everyone moved into the adjacent hall. At the last moment, she managed to slip free of the people surrounding her and hurry over to the bridal party.

"Eliza, I have to speak with you!" Iris said as she approached her daughter. "It's about Daniel."

"Why do you look so worried, Mom?" Eliza asked, her brow furrowed in concern. "Surely nothing could've happened to Daniel? I saw him just a few minutes ago...is he okay?"

"He is...Eliza, I overheard something and...oh, I don't know where to start! Can we speak privately a moment, sweetheart?"

Eliza gave a bemused chuckle. "My husband is waiting for me, Mom! We'll speak after the first dance, okay?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Iris stared at Eliza. She was gorgeous in her wedding dress, but more than that, Eliza was radiant with happiness.

"Are you ready, Eliza?" Melissa sidled around Iris to speak to the bride. "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation with your mom, but Daniel is in position and everyone's waiting for you."

"I've been ready for this moment for weeks!" Eliza said.

Eliza followed Melissa to the door with a beaming smile, leaving Iris to watch her leave. Her daughter deserved to know the truth, but Iris couldn't be the one who broke her daughter's heart and ruined her wedding day.

Iris watched in agony as the wedding proceeded. She fought the temptation to stand up and tell everyone about Daniel and Melissa's affair. There was only one way to expose the slimebag: Iris had to ensure Eliza caught him red-handed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


The following Monday, Iris sat in the back of Eliza's SUV in stony silence as the couple drove her to the airport to catch an early flight back home to Houston. It was nauseating to watch Daniel acting so lovey-dovey with Eliza when Iris knew the truth about him.

"You two go ahead and check in," Daniel said when they reached the airport. "I'll follow soon with your luggage, Iris."

Iris nodded stiffly and proceeded into the bustling airport with her daughter. This was the first time they'd had a moment alone together since the wedding. Iris was tempted to take this opportunity to tell Eliza everything, but it would be better to stick to her plan.

"We'll get together again for Thanksgiving, right?" Eliza asked as they walked toward the gate. "Maybe Daniel and I can fly down to spend a week or two in Houston with you."

"That would be lovely," Iris replied.

Daniel arrived then with her luggage. Iris hugged her daughter goodbye and headed for the boarding lounge. She waited fifteen minutes, then called a cab to take her back to her daughter's house. Melissa and Daniel had planned to meet today when they spoke in the bathroom, and Iris intended to be there to catch them.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Melissa's sleek, silver sedan was parked in the driveway when Iris arrived. When Iris pressed her hand to the hood, she felt the engine was still warm.

This was the perfect opportunity to set her plan in motion! She quickly called Eliza.

"Eliza, my flight was canceled," Iris said. "I called a taxi and I'm on my way to your place, but I'm feeling very dizzy and weak. Can you please meet me at your house?"

"You should've had something to eat before we left, Mom. I can't get away for another half hour, but you don't have to worry. I'll call Daniel and have him go home to help you," Eliza replied.

"No, don't trouble him, Eliza. Please, I need you to help me...it's important."


Eliza sighed. "Okay, I'll tell my assistant to shuffle my appointments around and I'll meet you there in a few minutes, okay? Will you be alright until I get there?"

"I'll manage, but please try to come quickly," Iris replied. She ended the call then and crept up to the windows at the front of the house.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Iris peered through the windows but saw nothing strange inside. She was about to move on to the next room when the door flew open. Daniel entered with Melissa in his arms. He set her down, and the pair melted into each other's arms.

Iris glanced back toward the street, but there was still no sign of Eliza. She frowned as she tried to estimate how long it would take for her daughter to drive home from her office downtown.


She glanced back in through the window but quickly looked away again when she saw how quickly the situation inside had heated up. Iris couldn't bear to witness any more of Daniel's betrayal and felt she'd already seen far more of her son-in-law than any mother should.

Iris slipped away and stood by the curb. She scanned the street in both directions but didn't see Eliza's SUV.

"Where are you, Eliza?" Iris muttered as she pulled out her phone. She dialed her daughter's number, but it went straight to voicemail.

Iris was just about to return to the windows to record Melissa and Daniel's secret tryst when Eliza pulled up.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Mom, are you okay?" Eliza asked as she stepped from her car.

"No, I'm not," Iris replied. "Melissa and Daniel are having an affair! They're in there right now, going at it like rabbits on your sofa!"

"What?" Eliza stared up at her house in shock. "Mom, are you sure?"

"Very sure, honey." Iris took Eliza's hands in hers.

"I overheard them on your wedding day...I'm sorry I didn't say anything, I tried to, but I just couldn't get the words out! No mother should have to break her daughter's heart on such a special day."

"Overheard them saying what?" Eliza frowned. "Maybe you misunderstood, Mom."

Iris shook her head. "They were talking about their affair, and their scheme to take half of your money when Daniel leaves you! I'm so sorry, Eliza. I should've told you but...I couldn’t bring myself to break your heart."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Daniel...and Melissa?" Eliza's breath shuddered as she fought to compose herself. "I can't believe they've been having an affair behind my back all this time. Or that he married me for my money! He's always been so sweet and attentive...never acted suspiciously in any way."

"They're in there right now, sweetheart." Iris turned toward the house. "I know it's hard to believe the words of somebody else, but nobody can deny what they see with their own eyes."

"Oh God!" Eliza leaned back against her car as she stared at her house in horror. "Mom..."

"You have to see it for yourself, Eliza." Iris gripped her daughter's shoulder. "Those two have played you for a fool and I know all you want to do now is fall apart, but you have to be strong. You have to leave your hurt for later because right now you need your anger, darling. Understand?"

Eliza nodded curtly and wiped her eyes. "You're right, Mom. As much as I don't want to deal with this, the only way to handle it is to catch them now and force a confrontation. They won't get away with this!" Eliza marched to the front door.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Iris was right behind Eliza as she unlocked the front door and slipped inside the house. They tiptoed toward the sitting room. The sound of Daniel's low voice and Melissa's giggles carried into the hallway. Eliza paused and took a deep breath before she flung the door open.

"What the hell is going on here?" Eliza yelled.

Iris rushed in behind her but was caught off-guard by the sight that met her eyes. It didn't make sense. Mere minutes had passed since she looked through the front window and witnessed Melissa and Daniel's intimate moment, but they were now seated on the sofa like nothing had happened.

"Uh...Melissa and I were discussing our strategy for an upcoming meeting," Daniel replied. "Didn't I tell you I'd be working from home this morning, babe?"

"You liar!" Iris pointed at Daniel. "I saw the both of you, right there on that sofa...you must've seen us coming and gotten dressed so we wouldn't catch you."

"Gotten dressed?" Melissa arched her eyebrows. "Oh my God...you think Daniel and I are having some kind of affair?"

"Keep quiet," Eliza snapped as she approached Daniel. "My mother saw you in the bathroom on our wedding day and again, now, in our house! You were so insistent on sharing our assets and wealth when we got married and now I know why: you only married me for my money!"


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"That is not true!" Daniel stood and stared into Eliza's eyes. "I told you then, and I'll say it again now, being married means sharing everything. What's mine is yours...Everything I am, everything I own; I gave it all to you when I said those vows.

"I don't know what your mother thinks she saw," Daniel continued, "but she's mistaken. Melissa and I are close, but there's nothing more to our relationship than business and friendship. I thought you knew that...I thought you trusted me."

"I did, Daniel, which is why I can't believe you've betrayed me like this!" Eliza yelled. "I opened my heart and soul to you, you jerk! All this time I thought I was so lucky to land a guy like you...I should've known it was too good to be true."


"No!" Daniel took Eliza's hand. "I do love you, Eliza, and I can prove it."

Daniel reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He dropped them into Eliza's palm.

"Those are the keys to our new home," he said. "I made the final payment yesterday with my money and picked up the keys this morning. Melissa was here to help me figure out the best way to surprise you with them, but I guess that plan is ruined now.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Remember that place on Oak Street with the picket fence?" Daniel smiled a little as he angled his head to look into Eliza's eyes. "I got it just for you. We can move in this weekend."

"He's lying," Iris insisted as she watched Eliza lift the keys with shaking fingers.


But Eliza didn't seem to hear her. She covered her hand with her mouth as she stared into Daniel's eyes.

"You were going to surprise me?" Eliza asked.

Daniel nodded.

"I thought I'd drive you out there in a blindfold...lead you out onto the lawn...but I guess now I'll be staying there alone. Not much point in sharing my life with a woman who thinks I'm cheating, is there?"

Daniel snatched the keys from Eliza's fingers and strode toward their bedroom. "I'm going to pack a few essential items now, and I'll pick up the rest this weekend. Just let me know when you're going to be out...I don't think I can handle seeing you after what you've just accused me of doing."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"Wait, you can't just leave like this!" Eliza ran after him. "We need to talk this through, please! I don't want to doubt you, but I know Mom would never tell me something like this unless it's true."

Daniel turned to face Eliza. "Like I said, I don't know what your Mom saw and heard, but there is nothing going on between Melissa and me. I've offered you proof, but if you don't believe in me and trust me the way I trust you...I don't know if this marriage can last."

"I do trust you, that's why it hurts so much to think of you having an affair! I love you Daniel—"

"And I love you too!" Daniel shouted. "You're my everything, Eliza! How could you think I would cheat on you? I would never lie to the woman I loved, nevermind go behind her back, and in the home we share too?" Daniel shook his head. "I...I just don't understand what I've done wrong to make it so easy for you to believe such awful things about me."

"Nothing!" Eliza hurried toward Daniel. "You've been amazing, that's why this whole mess is so confusing! I thought we were going to catch you when I walked through that door and now...now, I don't know."

"What does your heart tell you, Eliza?" Daniel stared into her eyes. "If you truly believe in your heart that I've been unfaithful to you, then tell me now. I'll pack my things and that will be the last you ever see of me, but if you still love me and have faith in me—"


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"I do!" Eliza put her hands on Daniel's shoulders. "And I do trust you. I'm sorry, okay? I don't understand what's going on here, but I saw for myself that nothing suspicious was happening when I came in here now, and that's enough for me. Please, forgive me?"

Iris couldn't believe what she was hearing and seeing. She leaned back against the wall in shock as she watched Eliza and Daniel hug.

Oh, he was a very good actor, that was for sure, but how could Eliza let him manipulate her like that!

"Would you look at that?" Melissa peered around the corner at the couple. "I don't know why you can't just let your daughter be happy, but it seems like your plan to split up the newlyweds has failed miserably."


"How can you deny the truth so easily?" Iris asked. "It's like you have no heart at all, and no conscience either."

"You're clearly delusional, Iris. Or perhaps you need your eyes checked." Melissa glanced over at Daniel and Eliza before leaning in and whispering: "Most of all, you should stop sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong, old lady."

It was all too much for Iris. Her heart raced in her chest as she turned to leave. She couldn't breathe in here. Her knees gave way as a dull pain spread through her torso. The last thing she saw was the floor rushing up to meet her.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Paramedics rushed Iris to the hospital, where the doctors informed her she'd had a heart attack. It was a frightening thought. She was still digesting the fact that she survived this incident when Eliza arrived to visit her.


"You gave me such a fright, Mom! I'm so glad you're okay," Eliza said as she hugged her.

"Me too," Iris replied. She then fixed a beady glare on her daughter. "But I'll feel a lot better if you tell me that you've kicked that gold-digger and his mistress out of your life."

Eliza hung her head. "Please, Mom, don't talk about my husband like that. I know you think you saw—"

"You can't mean to stick with that man after everything I told you!" Iris shook her finger at Eliza. "Wake up! He's just using you, and all that nonsense about him buying a house and then threatening to leave you was just his way of guilt-tripping you into staying!"

"But doesn't that prove he loves me? After all, why would he want me to stay if he was only after my money?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"I'd check your prenup for the answer to that, Eliza," Iris replied. "Good Lord, what more will it take for you to see that snake for what he truly is?"

Eliza shook her head. "You made a mistake, Mom. I know you're only looking out for me, but you didn't see what you think you saw, and it's not fair to punish Daniel for something that never happened just because you think it did."

"Are you even listening to yourself, Eliza?" Iris reached out and took her daughter's hand. "Sweetheart, I know it hurts, but in your heart, you must realize I'm telling the truth. Please, stop trying to pretend this didn't happen..."

Eliza determinedly avoided her mother's gaze. It broke Iris's heart to see her brilliant daughter so determined to bury her head in the sand, but she could see that nothing she said would change Eliza's mind. Instead, she'd have to do something drastic.

"Alright then, Eliza. If you won't face up to the difficult situation you're in then things are going to be quite different."

Iris didn't reply. Instead, she reached for her phone and dialed a number.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Hello, Mr. Simms, I'm calling you about my will," Iris said when her lawyer answered. "I need you to make an urgent change. I've decided to leave all my wealth and assets to charity. My daughter, Eliza, is not to inherit a single cent. Additionally, I want you to freeze her bank account."

"What!" Eliza stood, indignation and betrayal clear on her face. "You can't be serious, Mom!"

"Immediately, yes. Thank you, Mr. Simms." Iris ended the call. She looked into her daughter's eyes as she spoke to her. "I'm sorry, Eliza, but you left me no choice. I refuse to see all our family's hard-earned money being palmed over to a man who's using you."

"Fine!" Eliza's face flushed with anger. "If you want to reject me then so be it! You no longer have a daughter. I never want to see you or speak to you again!"


"Be sure to tell your loving husband that I froze your bank account and you're no longer eligible to inherit a fortune...maybe then you'll see that I'm doing this to help you, my child."

Eliza paused at the door and looked back at Iris with narrowed eyes. Iris thought for a moment that she might change her mind and come to her senses, but then Eliza left, slamming the door behind her.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The next few weeks were some of the most challenging days of Iris's life. She was transferred to a hospital in Houston to undergo surgery on her heart. Afterward, the doctor insisted on keeping her there for a longer recovery period due to her age.

It was very lonely, and even though she tried to call Eliza several times, her daughter never answered. Iris was heartbroken. She loved her daughter more than anything and couldn't believe their relationship had reached such a desperate state.


However, she'd come to realize that Eliza needed tough love right now, no matter how old she was. Love might've blinded Eliza to Daniel's scheming, but Iris prayed every evening that she would soon come to her senses.

Finally, Iris was released from the hospital and returned home. She sent Eliza a text message but wasn't surprised when it was ignored. Iris sighed and settled down in her sitting room with a book.

Roughly half an hour later, Iris's doorbell rang. She went to answer it and was shocked when she saw who was waiting on her doorstep.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Eliza!" Iris opened the door to welcome her daughter. "I'm so happy to see you..."


Iris's words trailed off as Eliza looked up at her with red, puffy eyes. As she watched, fresh tears streamed down her daughter's cheeks.

"It's Daniel, isn't it?" Iris put a hand on Eliza's shoulder and guided her inside.

"I should've listened to you," Eliza wailed. She broke down into sobs in the hallway. "You were right about him, right about everything!"

Iris wrapped her arms around Eliza and held her tightly as she wept. She hated seeing her daughter in such a state but was glad she was finally free of that gold-digger, Daniel.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

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Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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