Delivery Drivers Share the Weirdest Stories from the Job
We all find ourselves in different professions for a reason: through experience, passion, or just fate. While you might think you have seen the worst in a particular career, wait until you hear the story of these delivery drivers.
It's everyone's dream to make a living, and sometimes, people don't get to choose a job; if there were an option for determining where you want to work, everyone would be doing their dream job. There are jobs with less interaction with people, and other jobs involve meeting people frequently.
For instance, delivery drivers encounter different people and witness strange things. Some delivery drivers on Reddit shared the experiences they have gone through in their line of duty. Let's check out what they had to say.
Comments have been edited for clarity and grammar.
1. My Encounter with a Bear in Customer's Yard

A bear walking. | Source: Pexels
u/WinniefredThadeousPoo: I used to deliver Edible Arrangements. One time, I was doing a delivery at a house in your average northeastern suburban neighborhood, and I had gone to the door with the arrangement but didn't get an answer.
So I returned to my truck, put the arrangement in the back door, and stood outside the open passenger door facing the truck, trying to call the customer to see if they'd be home soon.
As the phone rings, the customer's car pulls into the driveway, and I hang up and wave. As they rolled down their window, I started to say, "Oh, hi! I have a delivery for you," the customer calmly said, "I don't want to alarm you, but there's a bear right behind you.."
I turned around, and not 3 feet away was a young bear (bigger than a cub but not yet fully grown) just sniffing around their bushes. I didn't know what to do. I froze. So I asked the customer, "What do I do??" she looked at me like I was crazy and said, "GET IN THE CAR."
I was standing outside with the door open, but in my nervous state, I slammed the passenger door but ran all the way around, got in the driver's seat, and locked the doors.
The side door to the refrigerated side of my truck was still open, but at least I was separated from the bear. The bear didn't notice me until I slammed the door shut, but all the animal did was wander up to the side door and sniff the beautiful fruit arrangements in my truck.
The bear hung out for a few minutes until the customer finally had enough and laid down on their horn until he took off running down the street.
2. A Near Death Experience

A man holding an axe. | Source: Pexels
u/MrsFlip: My SO was delivering boxes of magazines to a small shop. It was early, like 4 a.m. The shop was not open then, so he left them at the back door. After taking the boxes to the spot, he returns to the van, only to find a man sitting in the driver's seat.
It was dark, and no one else was around, so he yelled at the man to get out of the van but didn't approach. The next thing he knows, the guy is out and running after him with something large and shiny in his hands.
The SO freaks out and runs, goes around, and jumps in the van before taking off. The man eventually caught up and slammed the object into the windshield. It shattered but stayed in place, so he couldn't see anything but drove out of there anyway.
He finally pulled over to a safe place only to find an axe lodged in the window, a full-sized axe. He was shaking too much to drive after that, so he flagged someone down to call the cops. They never found the guy.
3. This One Left Me Emotional

A boy sitting at the table with his mother. | Source: Pexels
u/ChargeYourBattery: I used to deliver pizzas. This one order was to a nice house in an OK part of town. I ring the doorbell, and a lady and her young son greet me. She's been crying but is doing an excellent job of holding them back.
I remind her what the pizzas cost, and she hands me some cash. As I dig around in my bag for change, the kid pipes up, "I have to tell you something." "What's that?" I say, half listening as I work out how much change to give back. "My Dad's not coming home," he says.
"I'm sorry to hear that," I tell him. I stare at my bag as I pull out the last change, trying to avoid looking at either of them as I hand it back with the pizzas. As I leave, I tell them, "Enjoy the pizza" instead. Judging by his mum, the parents would have broken up some time that day. I'm likely the first person that kid told.
4. Unusual Encounter with Toilet-Using Woman and Confused Toddler

A woman sitting on a toilet using her phone. | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: I was a Domino's driver. I showed up at a woman's house, and her toddler opened the door. Mum is sitting on the toilet, door open, facing me while doing her business. She's yelling at her toddler to "get mummy's wallet from mummy's purse," and this kid can't be older than like..2?
So the kid, after a good excruciating five minutes of yelling, manages to get the wallet. At this point, I can't intervene and take the money out myself because the woman will think I'm stealing, so we're both trying to talk this kid through paying me.
Mum is yelling at the poor girl to "get the orange note!" but the kid pulls out her mum's opal card instead of the $20. The kid starts crying, and the woman is getting agitated.
It got to a point where I snapped and was like, "Look, lady, you're gonna have to do this' so I got to wait until she finished and then gave me the money without washing her hands—a pretty memorable experience.
5. The Stray Dog

A dog running. | Source: Pexels
u/DylanBob1991: I pulled up to the house, and a large German shepherd was in the yard, barking and snapping at me. It took me about five to ten minutes of grappling with this dog to make it to the door, and it ran around the side of the house.
So the folks open the door, pay for the food, and suddenly, the dog bursts around the corner of the yard, slams past me, and runs into the house.
He's sprinting in circles, freaking out, and knocking stuff over, including a nice-looking lamp that broke. The people there start losing their minds trying to stop the dog from turning the house into rubble.
Then, this guy suddenly asked me, "Why would you bring your dog with you on a delivery?" Which was a bonkers question that let me know this was not their dog. I helped them get it out of the house, and they tipped me zero dollars.
6. I Couldn't Miss Out on This One

A group of men hanging out. | Source: Pexels
u/DaedricDanny: I briefly worked for Jimmy John's as a delivery driver during college, and this is the story imprinted in my mind when I think of my delivery days. It was a beautiful spring day, and I was delivering about $40 bucks worth of sandwiches to a nice neighborhood and had high hopes for a good tip.
I showed up, and the house was beautiful. I hit the bell and heard some guy yell from somewhere in the house, "Oh yeah, boys, JJs is here!". Usually, I wouldn't let myself in, but I decided to roll with it. I walk through the front door, and this house starts cheering, filled with dads.
My mouth hangs open as they escort me downstairs to the "party palace." When I got downstairs, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen - a man's man cave.
They've handed me a shot to take with them, and one of the dads says, "Here's to you, brotha!". I ended up hanging out with them for almost 40 minutes and drank a beer while we watched the games.
When I finally was able to leave, they kept asking me to stay and party, and I was pretty sure I would be fired. Anyway, I stayed a little longer, and they tipped me $100.
I finally returned to my store expecting the worst, only to find my manager slightly annoyed. He said, "So, you met Mr. L, huh?" I responded, "Who?" He replied, "Mr. L called and said you would be running late and that your dedication in the line of duty is commendable - he's a pretty wild franchise owner."
7. Oops! This One's on You!

A huge decorated cake. | Source: Pexels
u/Tearjerker139: I used to work for a bakery and delivered custom cakes. On New Year's Eve, I had one last delivery, a three-tier cake for a small wedding held on the third floor of a walk-up. The cake is heavy, maybe 70 lbs, and the height did not help.
I had a cart to take from the truck to the lobby of the building, but the cake had to be carried up. I met the customer in the lobby, and after he approved the cake, I got ready to take it up.
He started insisting that I shouldn't do that and that he could handle it; the first customer to ever say that. I explained that the cake was heavy and that I had done this dozens of times. He got upset and requested that I leave it there for him.
So he signed, and I no longer had anything to do with the cake. I leave, and as I push the door, I hear the loudest scream ever. I walk around the corner only to see the guy climbing five steps before falling face-first into the cake!
8. This Was Awkward

A woman looking furious. | Source: Pexels
u/PeterGayrino: I once delivered a pizza to this regular old house. This girl around my age came to the door, and the total was around $19.43. So I told her what she owed me, and she handed me a 20 and 5. I am happy with this $5.57 tip, but out of habit, I ask, "Do you need any change?" Expecting her to say no.
The girl says she's fine, and I turn around to leave, but she stops me and says, "Wait, I gave you 25?" I simply nod. She then looks at me blankly, reaches out, snatches the five back from me, and shuts the door without another word.
Second one: I delivered to some house and knocked on the door. A man in his 50s comes to the door. He opens it halfway but then violently slams the door and screams, "WHO ARE YOU!?!?!??" I'm now unable to move because of how freaked out I am.
So it timidly said, "Ummmmm... I'm just delivering food." He slowly opens the door, takes the food, and aggressively asks, "What? No drink?" To which I look at the receipt and say, "Ummm, did you order one?"
9. This Woman Left Me Traumatized

An old woman reading a book. | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: This didn't happen at the door but in the house. I used to deliver helium and balloons. Mostly wholesale to party stores and such, but occasionally to an individual for a party. I had to deliver to a lady with loads of health problems one time.
She was legally blind, in a wheelchair, and had several brain surgeries, I believe. Once I deliver the helium tank and balloons, I explain how to set it up and attach the nozzle, and I place her hands where she can feel what I'm explaining.
As I'm getting ready to get the signature and leave, she starts talking about her brain surgeries and how she has a hole in the back of her head. I try to be polite but dismissive and get on my way but she is having none of that.
She insisted I touch the hole in her head to see what she was talking about. I politely declined, and she pressed further.
She reaches out, grabs my arm, and guides my hand to the indention in her skull, all in one swift motion before I can react. The feeling of my fingers pressed an inch or two into a hole in that lady's head will always haunt me.
10. The Naked Man and His Cat

A man holding a cat. | Source: Pexels
u/BeautifulPainz: I delivered a large order with a few pizzas and 2-liter cokes a few years ago. It was the day after the Superbowl, and the guy who answered the door must have partied too hard the day before because he was standing behind the glass door with a throw blanket wrapped around his waist, holding it closed with one hand.
This guy opens the door, and I tell him his total of $109. He hands me money, and then a big, beautiful, fluffy cat goes to freedom. The guy freaks out, screaming, "OMG, my girlfriend will KILL me if I lose her cat!" He drops the blanket and runs out after the cat naked.
I'm just standing there with pizzas on one arm, watching the show. The guy finally captures the cat, and we make eye contact. Embarrassed, he holds the cat in front of his genitals and walks quickly back to the door.
He says, "Just leave the pizzas on the porch table; I'll get them in a minute. You can keep the change." Then he disappears inside. I put his food where he asked, then returned to my car, where I realized he had handed me two 100-dollar bills, leaving me with a $90 tip! LOL Poor guy.
11. This One Freaked Me Out

A scary building. | Source: Pexels
u/Peter_O_Torcido: I used to deliver pizza for a joint that stopped taking orders at 3:30 a.m., meaning sometimes you'd be out on runs til 4 or 5 a.m.
One night, I had to make one of these 4 a.m. runs to an apartment complex. The entire building was poorly lit, and very few windows had lights on. The unit that ordered pizza had every window dark.
So I knocked on the door, hoping to wake someone up. Instantly, someone on the second floor started laughing hysterically. It freaked me out initially, but I'd dealt with high and drunk people working that job.
So I knocked again, and the laughter intensified. I pounded on the door with the bottom of my fist. Now, the laughter became unhinged. The whole while, the apartment windows stayed dark. I freaked out, got back in my car, and cranked it up—time to go.
As I popped the lights on and took one last look at the apartment, I saw someone's behind pressed hard against the downstairs window. The laughter that followed was eerie and relentless. I quickly made my exit, but the bizarre image of that laughing posterior continues to haunt my dreams.
12. A Tutu-Clad Surprise with a Furry Twist!

A ballet dancer wearing a Tutu. | Source: Pexels
u/CactusWildChild: I do delivery for a deli/pizza/ice cream shop. This happened just the other night. I was greeted at the door by a 400lb hairy man wearing nothing but a pink tutu. Thank God his family jewels were hidden.
As he signed the receipt, I heard a woman ask if it was the food, and he confirmed. This woman wearing a full Furry squirrel costume comes out of nowhere and hands me a $20 tip.
As I put my phone away, they stood there calmly, checking their order and acting like what I saw was normal, like everybody dressed that way at home. I drove my car a few houses down and laughed before returning to the shop.
13. A Hilarious Farting Mishap

A photo of an elderly woman. | Source: Pexels
u/Vlcanada250: I used to deliver furniture and one day, we stopped at a house to drop off a mattress for an elderly woman. The driver and I followed her upstairs to scout out the bedroom, and as she led us back downstairs, she started to do the one fart-per-step thing, progressing into a full-blown shart by the last step.
To this day, I don't know how we held it together as she turned and asked if we needed anything before starting. Once done, we stepped outside, hopped in the back of the truck, and lost it laughing, though we both felt terrible because she obviously couldn't control it.
14. I Learned the Hard Way

A young woman in deep thoughts sitting in aa supermarket cart. | Source: Pexels
u/ShamuWasFramed: I do food share deliveries in Austin, and I learned my lesson never to enter someone's home, even the elderly or disabled. One girl pretended to be disabled, then proceeded to lock the door behind me.
She insisted on taking photos of me and started texting them to "her brother." She went on about how Mr. Robot was based on her and that the government was watching her. She is best friends with Hillary Clinton and knows all these billionaires, and money doesn't mean anything to her.
This is Texas, so you just assume the crazies all have a gun. So I stood by the door for about 10 minutes, trying not to do anything stupid, until she decided she wanted a cigarette and opened the door to go outside.
She tipped me $2 (the minimum) a few weeks later, presumably to get access. I immediately told my support person and emailed the company about it.
15. Pizza Delivery Took a Different Turn

A pizza delivery guy. | Source: Pexels
u/Moonlight150: I once delivered a pizza and a liter of Mountain Dew to a normal-looking house. The man answered the door and took the pizza but stared at the soda in my hand as I tried to hand it to him. He began getting annoyed and said, "That's not for me, is it? I ordered Pepsi".
In a panic, I pull out the receipt to look at it and show him, and he gets all red-faced. "I can't believe this, well, what are you going to do about this and compensate me?"
He kept talking for 30 seconds as I thought of how to settle the situation in my head. Then, all of a sudden, he stops and smiles and starts chuckling to himself. "I'm only messing with you, man. It's a prank show the camera is right there."
He points to a roof corner of his patio behind me, and I look at it, trying to find this camera. "Wow, I got you again; you're easy to fool." He grabs the soda from my hand, walks into his house, and shuts the door, chuckling.
16. I Messed Up on This One

A photo of Packages left on the doorstep. | Source: Pexels
u/TheInnsanity: A package at the door turned out to be infant diapers. After closing the door, I heard the dad yell at the daughter, "Why the hell are you ordering infant diapers?" Dad was NOT supposed to see that specific package. My bad.
17. The Fat Tip

A person handing out money. | Source: Pexels
u/insertcaffeine: One cold night, I delivered to a trailer. I was all bundled up. I knocked, and a drunk old guy opened the door and said, "Wow! You brought me pizza! That was nice!" Then he asked how much he owed me.
It was somewhere around $20. The man pulled out a wad of cash. "I don't know how much to give you!" I pointed out a $20 and said I'd take that and maybe some $1s if he wanted to tip me.
"Oh, that's right, a tip!" He handed me a $100. I told him I'd take the $20 and a few $1s again and said I had no change. "You can have this. It's your tip."
I told him, one more time, that I would be glad to take the $20 and some $1s or a $5 because $100 is a big tip. He said, "You're a good boy, you can have this." So I took it! "Thank you, sir. Have a nice night!"
18. Han and Chewie Make an Unlikely Appearance

A man wearing an underwear. | Source: Pexels
u/TXFry: Currently a pizza delivery driver. Delivered to a house about a week ago, and when I knocked, an older woman and a younger guy answered. Usually, it isn't unusual for two people to answer the door, except this time, the younger guy was in nothing but a pair of boxers.
I'm not talking about just any pair of undies here. This guy had the classic screenshot of Han and Chewie in the Millennium Falcon imprinted across his genitals. The worst part was the guy trying to maintain eye contact with me the entire time I was there.
19. College Bar Crawl Took a Cheesy Turn

A man receiving his pizza order. | Source: Pexels
u/MaybeClassy: I probably gave someone a weird delivery. I was in college and drinking heavily at the bars. When I hopped from one bar to the next, I ran into a guy from class driving a dominos delivery.
I jokingly asked if I could deliver the next pizza, and he said why not. I jumped in and drunkenly delivered the next three orders while my buddy drove.
20. Encounter with a Creepy Guy

A man in a black suit. | Source: Pexels
u/glitter_gore_alien: A female delivery driver here. I delivered to a motel a couple of weeks ago. The guy answers, backs up a bit, looks me up and down, and goes, "Oh, you're the pizza lady, eh?" with this creepy tone.
I ignore it and just tell him the total. He props the door open with a chair, and it looks like he's going to get his money and pay. He pulls out his phone (a flip phone, presumably a burner), and I swear, the way he held it when he was looking at it and backed up a little, it looked like he was taking a picture of me.
Finally, he puts the phone aside and pulls out a wad of cash, but he doesn't just count out money and then hands it to me no. He slowly pulls out individual bills and gives them to me one at a time. The interaction felt creepy, and the room was on the second floor. I was ready to jump off the balcony when I was done with that delivery.
21. This Prank Went Too Far

A man looking frustrated. | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: As a pizza guy in college, I had a gun pulled on me as a "joke" at the door. The guy opened up the door with what looked like probably a .45 or something pointed in my face and said something like, "Who the hell are you?"
His wife and two young kids stood behind him, and everyone laughed at my expense. Not surprisingly, he gave me a no to good tip and immediately went on the DO NOT DELIVER list.
22. I Won a Pizzalympics Contest

A person holding a medal. | Source: Pexels
u/FargoFox: This was a few years back, but it is still unbelievable. I was delivering one pizza, and the lady asked if I would take it into the basement. Alarms immediately went off in my head. I politely tried to get out of that request by making excuses. She persisted and said she'd tip me better.
I again politely refuse, and then she says, "Oh, well, the kids will be disappointed." I asked what was happening downstairs, and she told me there was a youth group. I reluctantly agreed and headed into the basement. I got downstairs, and the place was -packed- with teenagers.
When they finally noticed me, the room exploded with energy, and everyone started chanting, "Pizza! pizza!" I made my way to a guy with a microphone. He asks my name, and I tell him, and the crowd starts chanting my name.
The guy informs me that I had just won the Pizzalympics, hangs a medal around my neck (with a pizza picture taped on it), and a volleyball trophy that looked like the person was serving a little pizza box. As I make my way back upstairs, the lady thanks me, and I return to the store, trophy and medal in hand.
23. Unusual Delivery Twist That Got Me a Generous Tip

A huge goat with horns. | Source: Pexels
u/Perceptions89: I made one pizza delivery in the middle of nowhere. The driveway had one of those partial fences, just a corner of fencing, and both sides had a "beware of dog" sign on it.
As I pulled up, I could've sworn I saw two glowing eyes at the end of the driveway in the darkness past the end of my headlights. I was thinking, " that's gotta be one big dog." I get out and go into the back seat to get the pizza bag, and I hear what I can only describe as "stampeding" footsteps.
I already had my hand on the bag, so I grabbed it and moved out. I swear on my life, a full-grown goat jumped horns first into my backseat and just sat there like, "I'm going for a ride!"
I struggled to get the goat out of my car, and after about 10 minutes, I heard a loud, low voice say, "Hey, you seen my goat?" I told him it was in my backseat. This gigantic American guy used one hand and yanked this goat out of my car. He tipped me almost the total price of his check for my troubles. It was strange.
24. Best $30 I Ever Spent

A photo of people playing paintball. | Source: Pexels
u/Armory203UW: I was delivering pizza to a place in a college town that took orders until 4 a.m. I got assigned an order at 3:58 a.m., so I assumed it would be colorful.
A young, shirtless guy opens the door and is covered in paint and blood. So are three other guys behind him. They'd been shooting each other with paintball guns for what looked to be the entire evening.
He says, "If you give us the food for free, I'll let you shoot me." I asked how many times I could shoot him to see what value I'd be getting. It was something like $30 in food. We settled on five times. Best $30 I spent that year.
25. The Generous Family

People enjoying pizza together. | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: Delivered 30 pizzas to an Amish family, about a 35-minute drive. The entire family met me outside to grab a pizza. I took the rest in and followed them inside to their dining table. The elder of the family gestured to me to sit with them by pointing an open seat.
I realized that they saved me a seat to eat with them. I didn't know much about the Amish back then, and I wasn't sure how rude it would be to say that in working and couldn't/shouldn't.
I was also thinking, on the other hand, they could have killed me (remember, I wasn't an educated 16-year-old), so I sat down and ate two slices of pepperoni pizza with them. I found the girl across the table to be very attractive.
They said a prayer and didn't talk much after that. Just asked my name and how thankful they were for me to drive all that way. I finally had to get back to work. They didn't tip, which was fine. I enjoyed the time with them.
26. The Delivery Turned To Be a Confidence Booster

A lady smiling. | Source: Pexels
u/Innalibra: The strangest experience I had was a girl who put on her special instructions: "Please tell me I'm pretty." I did. She smiled, said "Thanks," and closed the door, and I never saw her again.
27. Domino's Delivery Ends Up at Pizza Hut Diner Table!

A person holding a slice of pizza. | Source: Pexels
u/Rudy81401: I was working at Domino's Pizza Place. I was told to deliver pizza to Avenue Street, only to find that it was a competitor pizza place, and I was cringing so badly when he picked up the pizza in the parking lot.
He then started to head inside to eat DOMINOS PIZZA at the PIZZA HUT DINER TABLE. I and the cashier of Pizza Hut stared at each other for around a minute before I left.
28. The Ghost Hunters

A photo of a huge camera. | Source: Pexels
u/bobbyp869: I knocked on the door, and a few voices told me to come inside. When I opened the door, weird cameras and lights were pointing at me, and a man and a woman were sitting on a couch across the room.
They knew I was nervous and confused, and they asked me to bring the pizza over to them. I walked the pizza over, and the woman said, "You just walked through a ghost." They were amateur ghost hunters looking for ghosts in a trailer.
29. 'Breaking Pizza Bad'

A person wearing a gas mask. | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: I delivered pizza, and the guy answered the door in undies and a gas mask—literally Walter White. I ask him how his night is going, and he motions for the debit machine.
He pays, gets his munch, and tips me 45 dollars (his pizza costs $20 or something.) I couldn't decide whether to laugh, be afraid, or thank him for the tip. But that was a very strange delivery.
30. Pizza Delivery Turned into a Game of Pool

A man and a woman playing pool. | Source: Pexels
u/LooseLasagna: I delivered to a typically sketchy neighborhood and expected no tip or a small one. I rolled up to this lady's house, and she said, "I don't have the money and my husband will be here in 20 minutes with some cash."
It was the last delivery of the night, so I wasn't worried about taking too long, and then she opened up her garage door. A pool table, a fridge, and a TV were in there. She gave me a beer, and we played pool until her husband came and gave me the money and a $20 tip. It's one of the better nights working that job, lol.
31. The Delivery Turned into a Pig Chase in LSU Jersey

A white pig. | Source: Pexels
u/JuiceWaave: Pulled up to this easily $1.5-2million dollar house. Lady opens the door, and as she signs the receipt, I hear, "Bethany! Willis is in the dog food again!" This house is deep in Louisiana, all in a typical southern drawl.
I look behind her and see a man chasing a full-grown pot-belly pig wearing an LSU jersey away from what I assume is the dog food area. Willis returned to the area shortly after.
32. The Mysterious House of Oddities

A house with strange things. | Source: Pexels
u/duudewhaaat: So I delivered like five pizzas to this guy once. I had to ring the doorbell several times before he came to the door. When he got to the door, he said nothing except to come on in real quick.
Now, you aren't supposed to go into people's houses, but I decided, who cares, I can defend myself. I get inside this guy's huge house, and it is full of weird shit. There was a full suit of armor right by the door, and he had this Halloween CD playing creepy, deep-voiced laughs.
While he's searching for his wallet, the biggest dog I've ever seen walks up to me and falls at my feet, pushing me over. So I'm sitting next to a suit of armor petting this huge ass dog waiting for this middle-aged man to pay me.
33. She Left Me Smiling

A woman standing infront of a window. | Source: Pexels
u/alexkeatoniskeen: This isn't so much a weird story as a sweet one. I was a host for Louise's Trattoria, and the delivery guy was out, so they had me go on a delivery run—a small BBQ chicken pizza, about nine bucks or so.
I drive it to an apartment building in Glendale and go up to the third floor. An older woman opens the door. She was probably in her 70s. She already had her money in her hand.
Now, Louise tacks on a $3 delivery fee, which she didn't know about, so when I told her the total, she was surprised. She just barely had enough to cover the pizza and delivery fee. No tip. She looked around for some more cash but couldn't find any, then immediately started apologizing for not being able to tip me.
I didn't care -- I was just happy to leave the restaurant. I hear a woman calling me out as I walk back to my car. "Young man!" I see her leaning out of a window on the 3rd floor. She's holding a dollar bill in her hand. She drops it, and it flutters down like a leaf.
I just remember the look on her face. This woman didn't have much money, but who didn't want to be that person who didn't tip? That relieved smile.
34. I Had to Call the Cops

A young girl standing in a flower field. | Source: Pexels
u/[deleted]: I delivered pizzas at many different places, but there was one delivery I would always make to a house, and a little girl (maybe 10) would always answer the door and pay for the pizza. The orders were sometimes early in the evening, sometimes late.
One evening, I delivered a pizza to her, and she didn't have enough money. I suggested she go get one of her parents, and she said her mom wasn't there, and her daddy "wasn't alive anymore." I asked when her mom might return), and the girl said, "Thursday."
It was Monday. I said are you sure, and she said yes, her mommy's boyfriend lives in [nearby town], and she leaves on Monday and comes back on Thursdays "most of the time." So, I sat there wondering, "Well, what should I do now?" I thought about giving her the pizza and saying, "Here you go, bye."
After a while, I asked if I could borrow her phone. I called the police and sat with the little girl on the steps until the police arrived. I noticed her hair and clothes were dirty. I thought about this poor girl sitting alone in her house for days.
When the police came, I told them my story, and they told me to leave— not sure what happened to her. No pizza orders from that house anymore — I would check all of the orders whenever I worked.
35. The Unfortunate Timing

A man feeling embarrassed. | Source: Pexels
u/MTULaxer: I work at a shipping shop that ships UPS and FedEx. One of the UPS drivers told me about a time he was delivering a package, and when he knocked, the guy inside yelled, "Come on in."
So he opens the door and walks in on a couple having sex. They were expecting someone else. He assumed they wanted him to join them. So now, whenever he knocks, he follows up with, "It's UPS."
36. Encounter with the Cops and a Wanted Man

A police officer arresting a man. | Source: Pexels
u/Jeffatron: I delivered beer to liquor stores, gas stations, and bars. There was one moment in particular that left me dumbfounded. I was leaving a gas station I had just delivered to and put away my hand-truck.
As I walked towards the truck cab, I saw in my mirror a huge, unkempt man approaching me from behind. As I began to turn around, six to eight police cars pulled up to the station, with every officer getting out, hands on their weapons.
They shouted to get on the ground, and I froze, not knowing what to do. The officers rushed, and one grabbed me and pulled me aside. I have no idea what he said to me because a helicopter was now present. At this point, the approaching man was now handcuffed.
I had to wait a bit while the officers took account of the situation, but one of the officers got on his walkie-talkie, saying, "We got him!" I still have no clue who that guy was, only that he could be dangerous.
37. The Unusual Heist

A person wearing a "Money Heist," mask. | Source: Pexels
u/Hartastic: I am not a delivery guy, but for one year, I worked for one of the major shipping companies. It was the Christmas season, which is their busiest time of year. One night, one of their delivery guys picks up his truck full of packages to start his shift, and there's some problem with his paperwork.
He heads back into the shipping hub office to straighten it out, leaving his keys in the ignition like an idiot. He comes back out, and the truck's been stolen.
The punch line is that many packages in the truck were delivered to their appropriate destinations. I guess someone wanted to steal a parcel truck without pulling a Grinch.
38. The Delivery That Ended with Unusual Bargain and a Tip!

People training judo. | Source: Pexels
u/marmalade: I went to this strange house in the middle of nowhere to deliver pizza. Four men were playing cards around a table in this old, white kitchen. They all looked pretty drunk. While I was debugging the pies, two of them got up to grab more beer.
Well, that's what I thought. Instead, the men grab me in kind of an armlock/ headlock from behind, and while I'm stammering, the third one picks up a meat cleaver from the kitchen mantlepiece and holds it near my throat. I stop resisting because it looks damn sharp.
"So, say I was to cut your throat right now, what would I get?" he asks, probably referring to my change. I'm like, "Uh, three free pizzas and about twenty years?"
The two guys holding me started laughing, and they let me go. The guy tipped me ten for being a good sport. I returned to the shop and put the address straight onto the "do not deliver" list. No pizza for you, one year.

A delivery guy holding a package. | Source: Pexels
Delivery drivers face long hours, traffic, and challenging weather conditions while striving to meet tight deadlines. Customers should respect their work, as it's just like any other job. Harassment, pranks, or rudeness only add unnecessary stress.
Giving delivery drivers ample time and treating them with kindness goes a long way in making their jobs easier and ensuring a positive experience for everyone involved.