Saleswoman talking to a customer | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe
Saleswoman talking to a customer | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Saleswoman Scams Plus Size Client — Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Apr 01, 2024
09:50 A.M.

A plus-size customer in a lingerie store is mocked and scammed by a cunning saleswoman, who profits from selling a defective bra for double the price. The scheme spirals, targeting unsuspecting customers, until an unexpected visitor arrives to deliver a well-deserved dose of karma to the saleslady.


Josie, a vibrant 36-year-old curvy woman whose confidence shone brighter than any diamond, pushed open the gilded doors of Vito Romano — Townsquare's most luxurious lingerie boutique. The occasion? An upcoming double celebration of love: Valentine's Day and her wedding anniversary!

The lavish boutique oozed an air of grandeur, the intoxicating fragrance of expensive perfume mingling with the delicate aroma of fresh lilies and fine fabric as Josie happily stepped inside. Mannequins in exquisite lingerie adorned the corners, their flawless figures complimenting the overflowing racks promising a touch of luxury.

Her reflection in the polished marble floor shimmered with excitement as she navigated the store, her footsteps echoing confidently towards the plus-size section featuring a vibrant explosion of colorful lingerie.

Josie's eyes, sparkling with joy, landed on a treasure — a ruby red lace bra that seemed to whisper promises of an unforgettable evening with her husband.

Lifting it gently, she held it against her plump figure, a wide smile gracing her lips. "This is perfect!" Josie murmured, picturing the way her husband's eyes would light up with adoration on seeing her in this bra.


But the moment of joy shattered like porcelain hitting the floor. "Excuse me, but I'm gonna have to ask you to put that back," a voice, sharp as a stiletto heel clicking on tile, sliced through her daydream...

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Josie whipped around, finding herself face-to-face with Karen, the senior saleswoman whose icy stare could freeze a glacier.

Confusion creased Josie's brow, momentarily replacing her smile. "Oh? Is there a reason why?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern.

Karen's smile was a sickly parody of genuine warmth, her tone dripping with condescension. "Honey," she drawled, the word dripping with a feigned sweetness, "that particular piece is, well, let's just say it's a bit out of your… reach."


Josie's heart lurched, the warmth in her chest replaced by a chilling emptiness. "I don't quite understand," she stammered, the red lacy bra feeling like a foreign object in her suddenly clammy hand. "Are you saying it won't fit me?"

Karen's smirk widened, her voice now a sickening blend of mock sympathy and thinly veiled superiority.

"Precisely, dear! It's simply not designed for your… body type. Plus the spillage on your sides! You don't want to be the 'talk of the town' wearing that bra, do you?!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

The words strung Josie like a thorn. A prickling heat filled her eyes, her initial excitement replaced by a burning humiliation. A part of her, stubbornly clinging to the memory of why she was there, urged her to keep shopping.


As Karen clicked the ruby red bra back onto its hanger, a steely glint flickered in Josie's eyes. "Excuse me," she said, her voice firm despite the tremor in her hands. "Do you have this in, you know, the right size? I'd love to buy it. I really love this bra."

Karen's response was a dismissive scoff, her perfectly manicured nails drumming a staccato beat on the counter. "Darling, this store caters to...let's just say, 'normal' sizes."

Her smile faltered, replaced by a fleeting look of judgment that sent a shiver down Josie's spine. She felt a wave of self-consciousness wash over her, as if her entire body was suddenly on display.

Josie's brow furrowed, the warmth that had moments ago filled the boutique replaced by a cold anger. "Normal?" she repeated, her voice tight. "Are you implying I'm NOT NORMAL??"

"Look, miss," Karen's eyes tightened, her voice laced with forced patience, "we simply don't carry lingerie for your… body proportions. Perhaps you'd have better luck elsewhere. So—"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Josie felt a surge of indignation. "Elsewhere?" she echoed, her voice rising a notch. "You're telling me, with Valentine's Day approaching in four days, you don't have anything for a woman like me?"

Before Karen could retort, Courtney, a young sales assistant with a bright smile and a friendly demeanor materialized beside them. "Excuse me," she interjected, her voice gentle yet firm. "I couldn't help but overhear. Ma'am, I believe you might have misunderstood my senior staff here."

Karen's face flushed a deep crimson, her carefully constructed facade crumbling. "Courtney," she hissed through gritted teeth, "this doesn't concern you. So stay out of it!"

Ignoring Karen's hostility, Courtney turned to Josie, her smile warm and genuine. "Ma'am," she began, "please don't get her wrong. Our store carries a wide range of lingerie options, and I'm certain we can find something absolutely perfect for you."

Josie let out a shaky breath, relief washing over her. "Thank you," she chirped, "I'm actually looking for something special, something to wear for Valentine's Day. Something that'll make my husband's jaw drop."

A mischievous glint sparkled in Courtney's eyes. "Well, then," she declared, clapping her hands together, "consider yourself in the right place! We have the perfect collection, and price won't be an issue. Let's find you the lovely bra that'll make him forget his name, shall we?"


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Karen watched the exchange, her earlier annoyance morphing into a calculating glint. A sly smile played on her lips as she stepped forward, her voice smooth as silk. "Actually, Courtney, I believe I have the perfect piece for this lovely lady. Just give me a moment, and I'll be right back."

Without waiting for a response, Karen sashayed towards the storeroom, beckoning a hesitant Courtney to follow. "Ahem! Courtney, could you come here for a second?"

The door clicked open as Karen and Courtney momentarily disappeared, leaving Josie standing alone, a knot of unease tightening in her stomach as she scanned the varieties of lingerie displayed on the hangers and mannequins.


The storeroom door slammed shut with a bang, the sound echoing through the narrow space. Karen spun on Courtney, her face contorted in fury. "Are you out of your mind, you stupid girl?" she hissed, her finger pointing at Courtney like a perfectly aimed dagger.

Courtney flinched, her smile faltering under the onslaught of Karen's anger. "I, uh, I just thought I should help, Miss Karen," she stammered, her legs shaking. "Maybe turning her away wasn't the best idea. We shouldn't turn away our customers like that..."

Karen threw her head back and let out a harsh laugh, the sound devoid of humor. "Help? You call nearly blowing our commission 'help'? You think I don't know what I'm doing, newbie?"

Courtney instinctively crossed her arms, a small act of defiance against the towering figure before her. "But the cameras," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "What if they caught us sending away a customer like that? Wouldn't that be risky and get us in trouble?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Karen's laughter died down, replaced by a chilling smile. "What cameras, darling?" she cooed, leaning closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "They're malfunctioning. Been on the fritz for days. And they would remain that way as long as I wish!"

Courtney gulped, a knot forming in her stomach. Karen's sudden shift in tone, from rage to calculated calmness, sent shivers down her spine.

"Besides," Karen continued, her voice hardening, "you're just an intern, remember? I've been at Vito Romano for ten years. You wouldn't know the first thing about how this business works. So stop butting in. I'm the senior most employee here and you don't have to teach me the rules, do you hear me?"

Courtney straightened slightly, a spark of indignation flickering in her eyes. "That doesn't mean I can't see what's right and wrong," she countered, her voice gaining strength. "She's innocent. We can't lie to her."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Karen's smile faltered for a second, but she quickly recovered, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, honey, you have no idea," she sneered.

"That woman out there, she's not just any customer. She's… unsightly. Morbidly obese, and frankly, she'd look like a big, fat sausage in our most exquisite lingerie meant for those with hourglass figures. Can you imagine the damage to our reputation?"

"Moreover, not like she's gonna grace Victoria's Secret Fashion Show ramp or something! Heard what she said? She wants to impress her husband. That fat fool! As if a beautiful piece of lingerie is all it takes to hold a man's attention!"

Courtney recoiled from the venomous words, her face flushing red. "You can't talk about people like that, Miss Karen," she exclaimed, her voice filled with disgust. "We are nobody to judge a person or mock their appearance. We're here to serve people from all walks of life... shapes and sizes. She's perfect the way she is!"

Karen's face hardened into a mask of icy indifference. "Ah, c'mon! Who asked for your free advice, Lady Liberty?! This is a reality check, sweetheart," she scoffed, her voice dripping with condescension. "One more mistake, and you can kiss your internship, your savings for that fancy fashion school in New York, goodbye. Understand?"


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Courtney felt tears welling up in her eyes, a helpless silence her only response. Karen, satisfied with her dominance, turned away, her eyes scanning the shelves. She pulled out a dusty box labeled "Product Defect," a triumphant glint in her eyes as she began rummaging through its contents.

Karen yanked a bright red padded bra from the depths of the dusty box, her face contorted in a cunning smirk. "Since you were so eager to help Miss Hippopotamus out there," she drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "you can go ahead and be the hero! Here, take this."

Courtney's stomach lurched. The bra in Karen's hand was clearly defective, a red undergarment with visible stitching flaws and a flimsy clasp. "But Miss Karen," she stammered, "this is… damaged. We can't sell this to the customer."


Karen's smirk widened, devoid of warmth. "Oh, honey, don't worry about the little details," she cooed, her voice laced with a dangerous edge. "Even if she notices, what can she do? No returns on undergarments, remember? Our store policy to the rescue... voila!"

Courtney's jaw clenched tight. "But it's wrong, Miss Karen. We can't just..."

"Wrong?" Karen interrupted, her voice booming through the small storeroom.

"Look, sweetheart, I'm the senior saleswoman here. I make the rules. You sell this to her, and you keep your little mouth shut. And," she added, a sly glint entering her eyes, "while you're at it, swap the price tag with that La Perla number on the shelf. This little charade deserves a double premium fee, wouldn't you say?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Courtney's hands trembled as she stared at the defective bra, the weight of Karen's manipulation pressing down on her. This wasn't just about a sale anymore, it was about morals, about taking a stand against something fundamentally wrong.

"I can't do it, Miss Karen," she said, her voice surprisingly firm despite the fear gnawing at her. "It's unfair to deceive the customer... that too by inflating a defective product's price."

Karen's smile faltered, replaced by a cold, menacing glare. "Unfair?" she growled.

"You think this world is fair, Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes? One word from me to the manager, and you're out on the streets. Slipping a little 'souvenir' — an expensive panty, let's say — into your little backpack wouldn't be difficult, would it? Framing you for theft would be child's play!"

Courtney's breath hitched in her throat. Karen's threat, veiled as it was, hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the power she wielded and the precariousness of her own position.

Tears welled up in Courtney's eyes, blurring her vision. Defeated, she clutched the defective bra in her hand, the weight of the situation, the helplessness, threatening to drown her.


With a heavy heart, she followed Karen out of the storeroom, her conscience screaming in protest while the senior saleslady strutted ahead, a self-satisfied smirk plastered on her face.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

As they emerged, Josie's hopeful smile pierced through Courtney's daze. Karen, with practiced ease, announced, "Courtney here has found the perfect piece for you, darling! I'm sure you'll love it... and so will your husband when he sees you in this... 'special' bra!"

Courtney stood before Josie, the red bra a grim symbol of everything wrong in the situation. Shame battled with empathy in her chest, and as she met Josie's expectant gaze, she knew she had a difficult choice to make.

Josie's eyes lit up as Courtney presented the red bra. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed, grabbing it and holding it against her chest. "This is gorgeous! The color, the lace, the coverage, it's perfect!"


A lump formed in Courtney's throat, her guilt intensifying. The bra felt flimsy in her hands, the cheap material a stark contrast to the quality pieces she usually handled. She watched in silence as Josie held the bra up, her smile widening and eyes glowing with joy.

"I think it would fit beautifully too!" Josie chirped, excitement etching fine lines on her forehead. "Thank you so much, Courtney. You've been such a help. I just LOVE this bra!"

Courtney forced a smile, her heart fluttering with unease. "It's, uh, my pleasure, Ma'am. We're always happy to help our customers."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Josie's eyes sparkled. "Do you think I could try it on, just to be sure?" she asked, holding up the bra.


Courtney froze. Panic clawed at her throat. If Josie tried it on, the broken strap would be exposed instantly, revealing the deception.

Her mind raced, desperately searching for an escape route. If not, convince Josie to just leave the store without purchasing anything and getting scammed. That would've been much better, wouldn't it? But Karen, who just happened to overhear everything, had other plans.

Suddenly, she materialized beside them, her voice dripping with forced sweetness. "Oh, honey, no need to try it on," Karen purred, winking at Courtney.

"This bra is designed to flatter all figures, trust me. It'll look absolutely stunning on you. And don't worry about the spillage and fitting. It's full coverage!"

Josie hesitated, glancing from Courtney to Karen. "Are you sure?" she asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "Because sometimes, looks can be deceiving. I'm not quite sure about the fitting."

Karen's smile widened, her eyes holding a glint of malicious triumph. "Absolutely positive, darling! Trust me… you'll look like a bombshell in this bra!" she ironically assured, reaching for a shopping bag. "May I get this packed for you?"


Josie seemed to accept Karen's words, her initial hesitation fading. "Yes, please," she said, her smile returning. "It truly is perfect, then!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Karen thrust the bag into Courtney's hand, her smile never faltering. "Courtney here will check you out in a jiffy," she chirped, before strutting away, the click-clack of her heels echoing across the polished floor.

Left alone with Josie, Courtney felt the weight of the situation press down on her. A wave of nausea washed over her as she met Josie's expectant gaze. With a trembling hand, she forced a smile and took the bra from her, the defective clasp digging into her palm like a guilty conscience.

"Alright," she stammered, a nervous smile dancing on her lips. "Let's get you checked out."


Josie beamed, oblivious to the turmoil brewing within Courtney or the fact that she was being scammed.

As Courtney scanned the bra, the machine beeped, displaying the inflated price Karen had switched the tag to. Shame burned in Courtney's stomach, hot and fierce. The weight of the lie threatened to crush her, but she couldn't do anything yet.

Courtney watched Josie's happy silhouette disappear down the street with Vito Romano's cute red bag, a knot of guilt tightening in her stomach.

The cheerful jingle of the store bell announcing another customer... and another... couldn't drown out the echo of Josie's excited chatter about her perfect Valentine's Day find.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


The next morning, as Courtney meticulously arranged a display of lacy bralettes, Karen's sharp voice cut through the silence. "Courtney, spare a moment, would you?" she said, her tone clipped.

Courtney followed Karen, her heart hammering against her ribs. They stopped in front of a rack of shimmering satin and lace bras. Karen picked up a piece, her manicured nails scraping against the delicate fabric. "See this?" she asked, her voice low and cold.

"Yeah?" Courtney nodded hesitantly.

Karen, with a flourish, pulled out a stack of new price tags, their gold lettering gleaming under the store lights. She ripped the existing tag off the bra and replaced it with one of the new ones, the price now tripled.

"This," she declared, her voice dripping with a twisted satisfaction, "is how you make it better."

Courtney's jaw dropped. "$310?? But why?" she stammered. "It's triple the price. The bra costs only $100."

Karen scoffed, a harsh laugh escaping her lips. "Why, sweetie? Because Valentine's Day is around the corner, and all those lovesick fools will be tripping over themselves to buy the 'perfect' gift for their special someone."


She leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Think about it. Men are too generous when it comes to pleasing their ladylove with expensive gifts! That too on Valentine's Day? Ah, don't even tell me about it! Those fools won't even blink at these whopping prices," she said, tapping the inflated tag with a perfectly manicured nail.

"And guess who gets to split the extra dough? You and me, sweetheart! A little secret bonus for our hard work... just between us."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Courtney's head spun.

The weight of Karen's scheme settled on her like a suffocating blanket. This wasn't just about inflated prices anymore; it was about actively deceiving their customers, and manipulating their emotions for personal gain. For making easy money by preying upon someone's hard work and trust.


"I can't do this," she blurted out, her voice trembling. "It's wrong."

Karen's smile stalled for a second, replaced by a cold, menacing glare. "Here she goes again!" she rolled her eyes, her voice laced with icy sarcasm. "Who told you the world ran on fairness, sweetheart? You think that fatso yesterday, the one you practically handed a defective bra to, deserved a fair deal?"

Courtney's breath hitched. Shame and fear warred within her. Karen was right. She had participated in the deception due to threats. But did that give Karen the right to push her further into this swamp of dishonesty?

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"It was your order," Courtney stammered, desperately searching for an escape route. "You made me do it."


Karen's eyes narrowed. "Order?" she scoffed, her voice dripping with mock surprise.

"My, my, how quickly you forget! Your name was on that receipt, honey. If anyone gets caught scamming a customer, especially a 'poor, unfortunate' one like yesterday," she added, her voice dripping with false sympathy, "it won't be me. It'll be you!"

Courtney's heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat echoing in her ears. She was trapped, caught in a web of Karen's manipulation and fear. As Karen's piercing gaze held hers, Courtney knew a decision had to be made, and the clock was ticking.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Alright, listen up," Karen hissed. "You have two options, sweetheart. Option one: you walk out of here right now, forget about your internship dreams, and kiss this job goodbye."


"Or two: you can help me out with this little scheme, make some extra cash, and we both keep our little secret buried!"

Courtney's face flushed crimson, a surge of defiance flickering in her eyes. "I won't take a dime from this scam," she retorted, her voice surprisingly firm despite the tremor in her hands.

Karen rolled her eyes. "Oh, honey, how naive! In that case, I get to keep your share too!" she cooed. "Listen, this can still work in your favor. Think of it as an investment. You help me out, I make some extra cash, and you keep your precious internship. Win-win, wouldn't you say?"

Courtney bit her lip, torn between her conscience and the fear of losing everything she'd worked for. The silence stretched, thick with menacing.

"Just get it done," Karen finally snapped, her voice laced with impatience. "Switch the damn tags before the first customers arrive, and make it snappy. Hurry up! We don't have all day, girlie!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


She swept past Courtney, her designer stilettos clicking against the polished floor. "I'm heading to the break room for a nap. Call me the moment the perfect little goat… er, customer walks in!" her voice trailed off, replaced by a suggestive snicker.

Left alone, Courtney stared at the pile of price tags in her grasp, each one a symbol of her moral compromise. Disgust and self-loathing gnawed at her, but the fear of Karen's wrath and the potential loss of her dreams held her captive.

With a heavy heart, she reached for a tag, the flimsy cardboard feeling like a betrayal in her hands. As she started the tedious task of swapping tags and was halfway through, a distant chime from the store bell shattered the silence.

The front door creaked open, and a man walked in. He was tall and well-dressed, a tailored suit framing his broad shoulders, and a fedora tilted at a jaunty angle atop his head. His eyes, however, held a hint of confusion as they scanned the store.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


He spotted the mannequin adorned in a black lace lingerie set and approached Courtney, his steps echoing in the quiet shop.

"Excuse me, Miss," he began, his voice polite yet firm. "Do you have any similar, uh, gorgeous pieces available? Like the one on that mannequin?"

Courtney's heart skipped a beat. She quickly shoved the box of incriminating tags behind a display rack, her movements frantic. "We do, sir," she stammered, forcing a smile. "Just follow me."

The man marched to the rack of re-tagged lingerie as Courtney's stomach churned with guilt. He picked up a black bralette, his fingers brushing against the delicate fabric.

"This is lovely," he murmured, his gaze lingering on the piece a beat too long. "But I'm still confused. Don't know much about women's 'inner' preferences, you see!" he laughed.

"Could you help me choose some lingerie for my wife, Miss... Courtney?" he said after carefully seeing Courtney's name on her badge. " It's for our special occasion, and I want to get her something truly pretty."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Courtney looked into the man's kind eyes, a wave of empathy washing over her. This wasn't just about a sale anymore; it was about a husband's love for his wife, his desire to make her feel special.

The man held the black bralette up, his fingers brushing against the delicate lace. "I think my wife would love this," he said, his voice filled with genuine affection. He glanced at the price tag, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"This one looks like it's made of dreams!" he mused, scanning the inflated price tag. "You can tell it's top-notch quality just by the price, wouldn't you say?"

Courtney's heart hammered against her ribs. His words about "top-notch quality" felt like a personal attack, a haunting reminder of the deception she was perpetrating.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


"It is a beautiful piece," she agreed, forcing a smile that felt strained even to her own ears. "But perhaps we could take a look at some other options?" She gestured towards another aisle featuring lingerie with their original price tags intact.

The man raised an eyebrow, a hint of confusion in his eyes. "Why, is there something wrong with this one?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Courtney squeezed her eyes shut for a brief moment, the weight of guilt threatening to crush her. "No, no, there's nothing wrong with it," she stammered, her voice trembling. "It's just… a bit… expensive, don't you think?"

The man chuckled. "Expensive? Maybe for some. But not for me!" he conceded. "My wife loves the finer things in life. She often brags about the lingerie she gets from Vito Romano. It's one of her favorite brands."

He handed Courtney two sets of lingerie, his eyes twinkling. "Could you please bill me for these for my lovely wife?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Courtney numbly took the items and shakily approached the checkout. The man followed, his voice filled with a quiet joy as he spoke.

"We're celebrating our wedding anniversary this week," he shared, leaning in conspiratorially. "Unfortunately, my wife had a miscarriage six months ago. It's been a difficult time for both of us, and she hasn't been her usual social butterfly lately."

He paused, his voice softening. "But she loves shopping, and it's slowly been bringing her out of her shell. I want to make this anniversary extra special, something she'll never forget. That's why I decided to get her something truly unique, something expensive like she always wants."

His words struck a chord deep within Courtney, her own reflection staring back at her from the polished surface of the counter. This man, his love for his wife shining through his every word, was the antithesis of everything Karen represented. Shame burned in her stomach, hot and fierce.

The man placed his credit card on the counter, his eyes filled with anticipation. He reached out and took the pieces of lingerie, his touch surprisingly gentle as he ran his fingers on the fine fabric.

"Anything to show her how much I care!" he murmured, his voice sincere.


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Courtney's throat constricted as the scam orchestrated by Karen caught in her throat. As she looked into the man's kind eyes, she knew she couldn't go through with it. The charade had to end. Even if she had to pay a heavy price for it.

The man's hand hovered over the credit card reader, his eyes gleaming with delight. But before he could tap the card, Courtney blurted out, "Sir, wait! Don't!"

His smile disappeared, replaced by a flicker of confusion. "Is there a problem?" he furrowed his brows.

Courtney took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "I, uh, I don't think the black and white bralette is the best choice," she stammered.


The man's eyes narrowed. "Why not?" he inquired, his gaze searching her face.

Taking a deep breath, Courtney reached for the bralette, her resolve hardening. "Because," she said, her voice gaining strength, "the actual price of this piece is much lower than what the tag says. It costs only $100. Not $350."

The man's confusion deepened, morphing into a flicker of suspicion. He walked back to the lingerie aisle, his steps measured. Pointing to a similar bra on another rack, he asked, "And this one? What's the correct price for this?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Courtney's stomach twisted in knots. "All the prices in this row," she admitted, "have been mislabeled. They've been inflated."


The man's gaze narrowed, his jaw clenching. "Mislabeled? Or deliberately overpriced?" he asked, his voice laced with a cold edge.

Leaning closer, her voice barely above a whisper, Courtney confessed, "It was intentional. But please, sir, don't tell anyone. If the head saleswoman finds out, she'll get me fired."

The man remained silent for a moment, his eyes fixed on Courtney. His silence was heavy, laden with unspoken emotions. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and controlled.

"I want to speak to the senior saleswoman," he declared, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Courtney's heart plummeted. The weight of her actions, the potential consequences, came crashing down on her. She nodded numbly, her throat constricting with fear and a newfound sense of dread.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


With a shaky hand, she led the man towards the employee lounge, the silence hanging heavy between them. Reaching the room, she hesitantly knocked on the door, a dread knotting her stomach.

A muffled groan came from within, followed by Karen's voice, laced with annoyance. "What is it, girl? Can't you see I'm taking my beauty nap?"

Courtney took a deep breath, the words refusing to come out. Finally, she managed to stammer, "There's a gentleman, Miss Karen. He, uh, he wants to speak with you."

Through the half-open door, Courtney saw Karen jolt awake, the cucumber slices falling off her eyes. She let out an irritated huff, dabbed a coat of bright red lipstick with trembling hands, and stomped out of the room, her stilettos clicking angrily against the floor.

Courtney braced herself for the confrontation that was about to unfold, a wave of nausea washing over her as the full weight of her actions settled in. She had finally broken the chain of silence, but at what cost?

Karen swaggered out of the lounge, a forced smile plastered on her face. "Hello, sir," she chirped, her voice dripping with calculated sweetness. "How can I be of service today?"


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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

The man studied her with an unwavering gaze. "I have a rather significant budget for a gift for my wife," he stated. "I want to update her entire lingerie collection, but she's quite knowledgeable in these matters, so I wouldn't want to disappoint her."

Karen's lips curved into a predatory grin. "Absolutely understandable, sir!" she purred. "Let's see what we can do. May I inquire about your wife's measurements and your budget?"

The man held her gaze steadily. "She's on the curvier side," he replied. "51-39-50, to be specific. And as for the budget, let's say… four thousand dollars."

A glint of greed ignited in Karen's eyes at the mention of the sum. "Four thousand, you say?!" she echoed, her voice laced with barely concealed excitement.


"Well, you've come to the right place, sir! I have an excellent eye for what flatters all body types, and with your generous budget, we can create a truly unforgettable collection for your wife."

The man remained silent. "Exactly what are you looking for?" Karen pressed, her eagerness slipping through the cracks of her practiced charm.

"I need someone like you," he said, his voice low and measured. "Someone who can help me find the perfect pieces, something… truly special."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Karen's face lit up with a predatory joy. This was her element, a chance to exploit a customer's generosity and line her own pockets. With a flourish, she launched into a sales pitch, grabbing various sets of lingerie from the shelves, each adorned with an inflated price tag.


"This exquisite silk ensemble," she declared, holding up a lacy bra and matching panty, "would be a perfect starting point. And how about this French-cut number? It's simply divine!"

She continued her spiel, her voice rising in pitch with each item she presented. Finally, she reached for a red lace bra, its transparency barely veiled. Holding it against her chest, she struck a suggestive pose.

"And for the icing on the cake," she purred, her voice dripping with innuendo, "this little number is guaranteed to set your wife ablaze. Trust me, she'll love it!"

"And for the plus-size options!" Karen echoed. "Of course, we have a variety of beautiful pieces for all body types."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Karen straightened, a nervous smile plastered on her face as she watched him pull out a photograph. As he placed it on the counter, her smile vanished, replaced by a flicker of confusion.

"My wife," the man began, his voice laced with a dangerous edge, "she's a bit… unconventional. But I know she'd love this particular piece."

Karen's brow furrowed as she looked down at the picture more closely. The woman in the photo, bubbly and radiant, looked vaguely familiar. It was Josie, the plus-size customer Karen had scammed the previous day. But it was the man beside her who sent a jolt through her body.

"VITO ROMANO??" Karen exclaimed. "The famous lingerie chain owner?"

"You're right!" the man replied.

The blood drained from Karen's face, her carefully constructed facade crumbling in an instant. "Wh-what's going on?" she stammered.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


"Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Otto!" the man removed his disguise — the fedora, the glasses, even a wig that had concealed his salt-and-pepper hair, revealing the kind eyes and gentle smile that belonged to none other than Mr. Romano, the esteemed owner of the very lingerie brand Karen was peddling.

"This woman," he stated, his voice firm, "is my wife, Josephine alias Josie. The same woman you called 'fat and ugly' and forced your intern, Courtney, to sell a defective bra to yesterday."

"You see," Otto began, his voice low and measured, "I sent my wife, Josie, here undercover to see how things were running after receiving several complaints from plus-size customers who were fat-shamed here. But there was another reason," he paused, his gaze flickering to Karen, a hint of anger flashing in his eyes.

"Josie wanted to get a special something for our anniversary... a perfect bra. But unfortunately, instead of assistance, she received mockery and disrespect, right here in my own store."

His gaze, now devoid of the playful facade he had adopted earlier, pierced into Karen's soul. "Tell me, Karen," he continued, "what exactly is happening here?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Karen's heart pounded like a drum solo in her chest. Desperation flickered in her eyes as she tried to salvage the situation. With a pointed finger aimed at Courtney, she stammered, "She's the one who's been lying and deceiving everyone, Mr. Romano! She's the one who mistreated your wife!"

Otto's gaze snapped towards Courtney, his expression unreadable. But before he could speak, Courtney met his eyes, her voice trembling slightly but clear.

"No, Mr. Romano," she said, her voice gaining strength with each word. "She's the one who's been scamming customers, manipulating prices, and forcing me to go along with it. I tried to stop her, but she threatened to frame me for theft and get me fired."

Otto's eyes narrowed, his gaze flitting back and forth between the two women. The air crackled with tension, thick enough to choke on. Karen, cornered and exposed, her carefully constructed facade in shambles, stammered out a pathetic justification.

"Mr. Romano," she began in a muffled tone, "I, I was just trying to help the boutique. We've been facing a bit of a financial crisis, and I thought… well, I thought a little extra profit wouldn't hurt."

Otto's gaze remained impassive, his piercing stare holding hers captive. "A 'little' extra profit, you say?" he echoed, his voice laced with irony. "By blowing up prices, exploiting customers, and forcing employees to participate in your deceitful schemes?"


For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Karen flinched under his scrutiny, her bravado crumbling like dust in the wind. "I-it wasn't like that," she stammered, her voice cracking. "I was just trying to do what was best for the business."

A humorless smile played on Otto's lips. "Oh, I have a much better idea for what's best for the business, Karen," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Karen's eyes widened in a flicker of hope. "You do?" she squeaked, her voice barely audible.

"Indeed," Otto confirmed. "Cutting unnecessary financial costs, for starters."

Karen's brow furrowed in confusion. "Costs?" she echoed, a hint of satisfaction creeping into her voice. "Yes, of course! We need to cut costs."


Otto reached out, his fingers brushing against the badge pinned to Karen's dress. He unclipped it with a deliberate click, the sound echoing in the tense silence.

"Starting with letting go of unproductive and rude employees who lack respect for people," he declared, his voice leaving no room for argument.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Karen's face drained of color. "Wait, what?" she stammered, her voice laced with disbelief. "But… Courtney was in this scheme too! She was the one who—"

Otto held up his hand, silencing her. "Enough, Karen. Your excuses are as transparent as your attempts to deceive me. If Courtney wanted to deceive me, she wouldn't have confessed about the scheme."


With a firm hand, he showed Karen the door. "You are hereby terminated, effective immediately," he declared. "GET OUT!"

Karen's jaw hung slack, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. She had been caught, exposed, and ultimately, fired. As she stumbled out of the store, defeated and disgraced, Otto turned his attention to Courtney.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Don't let people like her manipulate you, Courtney," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "Always stand up for what you believe is right... stand up for the truth, no matter how difficult it may seem."

Courtney nodded mutely, her heart pounding in her chest.

A wave of emotions washed over her — relief, gratitude, and a newfound sense of empowerment.


"I apologize for everything, Mr. Romano," she stammered, her voice thick with emotion.

Otto smiled warmly. "There's no need to apologize, Courtney. I believe in you. Just one thing," he added, his eyes twinkling. "Never betray my trust, alright?"

He reached into his pocket and retrieved the badge he had taken from Karen. As he pinned it onto Courtney's dress, a sense of pride welled up within her.

"Welcome aboard, Miss Courtney, our new senior saleswoman!" he declared, a genuine smile gracing his lips.

Tears welled up in Courtney's eyes as she looked down at the badge, a symbol of a new beginning, a chance to rebuild her integrity and carve her own path, one honest sale at a time.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

While Vito Romano's rude saleswoman Karen learned her lesson the hard way for mocking and scamming a plus-size customer, in another corner of the world, fate turns things around for a selfish Alan, who mocks his disabled date in a wheelchair. Here's the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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