An indian man | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe
An indian man | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Bank Manager Mocks an Immigrant, Life Immediately Teaches Him a Harsh Lesson — Story of the Day

Byron Loker
May 15, 2024
03:21 A.M.

Raj, an Indian immigrant chef, faces prejudice while pursuing his dream of opening a restaurant. But, after a crucial meal impresses a bank president, his fate hangs in the balance.


The clatter of pots and the sizzle of sauces filled the cramped space of the kitchen where Raj worked, a place bustling with the fervor of daily meal prep.

Having migrated from India with aspirations of sharing his culinary heritage through his own restaurant, Raj had found a foothold in this cafeteria kitchen which catered to bank staff.

Over the months, between the rush of preparing aromatic dishes and managing the kitchen chaos, Raj had meticulously honed his plan for a restaurant that would meld the flavors of his homeland with the culinary tapestry of his new city.

With his dream nurtured through countless days of preparation and refinement, Raj finally felt ready to take a decisive step forward. Clutching his detailed business proposal, which included recipes, cost analyses, and market research, he took the elevator up to the "hallowed halls" of the bank where he often delivered meals.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Entering, Raj navigated the familiar path to the loan department, where he was greeted with the cold efficiency of its daily grind.

He was directed to a cubicle occupied by Mike, a bank employee known for his curt manner and narrow views. Raj recognized him from the cafeteria but had never directly interacted with him before.

"Hello," Raj started, extending his hand, which Mike visibly ignored. "I’ve come to apply for a loan to open a restaurant. I’ve prepared a detailed presentation."

Mike’s eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a disdainful sneer. "You're the kitchen guy, right? Let’s see what you’ve cooked up besides curry," he mocked, barely glancing at the documents Raj handed over.

Raj, feeling a flush of anger at the blatant disrespect, maintained his composure. He laid out his folder on the desk and began to carefully outline his vision for the restaurant.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


"Sir, allow me to explain the unique positioning of my restaurant," Raj started, his voice calm and businesslike. "As you may be aware, the demographic makeup of this city is evolving rapidly. There's a burgeoning interest in diverse, authentic culinary experiences, and Indian cuisine is at the forefront of this trend."

Mike scoffed, his fingers drumming on the desk, betraying a hint of impatience. "Yeah, diversity, I get it. But why should this bank bet on your little food venture?"

Raj nodded, expecting the challenge. "I'm glad you asked. First, let’s talk numbers. I’ve conducted market research that shows a 15% increase in demand for Indian cuisine in our area over the past year alone. Moreover, my experience in the kitchen here at the bank has given me direct feedback from hundreds of employees who are potential customers. They're not just looking for food; they’re seeking an authentic experience, something that reminds them of home or a new adventure on their palate."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


He paused, pulling out a chart from his folder. "Here, you can see the projected growth in the ethnic food sector over the next five years. Based on these trends, the initial investment would break even within the first eighteen months."

Mike looked at the chart, unimpressed. "Charts can predict anything. What’s real is the risk."

Unfazed, Raj continued, "Understood, and that's why I've prepared a detailed risk management strategy, including seasonal menu adjustments and community event catering to ensure steady cash flow. Also, I have ten years of culinary experience, including a managerial role in one of Mumbai’s renowned restaurants before moving here."

Seeing Mike's attention waver, Raj reached into a small insulated bag beside him and placed a box on the table. "I brought a sample of one of the most popular items that would feature on the menu — stuffed kulchas. Please, try one. They’re filled with spiced potatoes, peas, and herbs, wrapped in a light, crispy pastry."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Mike waved a dismissive hand. "I don’t need to try any chilli-bites to know business, buddy. What about staffing and operations? Have you thought about the complexities of running a restaurant day-to-day?"

Raj's eyes lit up, eager to share his comprehensive plan. "Absolutely, I’ve designed a full operational blueprint, from kitchen layout to customer service protocols. For staffing, I'm looking at a mix of skilled chefs from established culinary schools and local hires who can be trained. I believe in empowering my staff, providing them with the skills and confidence to excel."

"And the funding?" Mike interjected. "You’re asking for a lot upfront. What’s your skin in the game?"

"I've saved enough to cover 30% of the startup costs myself," Raj explained. "I'm fully committed to making this work. Plus, with your loan, we'd have sufficient capital to create an environment that doesn’t just serve food but also celebrates Indian culture."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Mike leaned back, his skepticism palpable. "You've got it all figured out, huh? But remember, it’s not just about cooking and selling. It's about surviving the lows, handling the unexpected."

"Which is why I've also planned for a six-month financial buffer to handle unforeseen expenses," Raj replied, his tone both earnest and persuasive. "And I’ve networked with local food suppliers to negotiate costs and ensure ingredient quality and consistency."

Mike drummed his fingers again, then sighed. "Alright, pal. You’ve obviously thought this through, more than I expected. But it’s still a 'no.' We don’t take chances on new ventures with high risk in the current economic climate."

Raj's disappointment was evident, but he gathered his documents with dignity. "I appreciate your time, sir. I hope one day you’ll see this wasn't just a chance but a calculated investment."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


"Listen," Mike added in parting, "people like you come here with dreams all the time. But let’s be real — this city isn’t looking for another foreigner joint. Besides, how can I trust you’ll manage a business properly when you can barely manage English?"

These unkind words struck Raj like a blow. It was not just the rejection but the overt racism that left him stunned. But his initial shock had turned into a resolute calm. "My food speaks the universal language of quality and taste, far better than how your words reflect on your character," Raj replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

Mike snorted, a sound filled with contempt. "Save your speeches for someone who cares. The answer is no. Try somewhere else, maybe where your kind is more welcome."

Raj collected his proposal, feeling the harshness of the encounter. The dismissal stung deeply, not because of the denied loan, but the flagrant prejudice that tainted the rejection. As he walked out, the busy hum of the bank seemed to drown out the clarity he had felt earlier in the day.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


As he sunk back into the building's "basement", the setback solidified Raj's resolve rather than diminishing it. He knew the value of what he had to offer.

He would not let the ignorance of one man deter his path. Returning to his kitchen, the familiar scents and sounds enveloped him — reminding him that his journey was not over. It was just another challenge to overcome, another story of determination he would one day share in his own restaurant.


Raj submerged himself in the rest of the day’s tasks, seeking refuge in the methodical preparation of lunch.

Today's menu for the bank’s president, George, was a simple yet classic dish — the usual "meat and potatoes". It was George's everyday request, a dish far removed from Raj's culinary heritage, yet he approached it with the same dedication he gave to his own traditional recipes.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


As Raj seasoned the beef, ensuring each piece was perfectly coated, Oliver, the kitchen manager, approached him, "All good with the big boss's lunch?" he asked. "Remember, George likes his lunch exactly at 3 PM. He’s particular about his schedule and the way he likes his meals," he added, observing Raj’s careful preparation.

Raj nodded, appreciating the reminder. "I’ve got it, boss. I’ll make sure it's up to his standards and on time. I think he’ll be pleased with the consistency."

With the basic elements of the dish mostly ready, Raj glanced at the clock. It was time to man the serving line out front in the cafeteria. As fate would have it, manager Mike was one of the first to show up, swaggering into the line where Raj was preparing to serve the day's standard fare.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


MIke's entrance was ostentatious, designed to draw attention, and his eyes were fixed maliciously on Raj. As employees lined up with their trays, the air buzzed with low conversation and the clatter of utensils, but Mike’s voice cut sharply through the hum of background noise.

"Hey, dude, slumming it down here with the rank and file, eh? And, what do we have here — no so-called kulchas for me?" Mike's voice dripped with sarcasm as he prodded Raj in front of the other staff, a cruel smirk twisting his features.

Raj, holding a serving spoon, paused for a moment, meeting Mike’s challenging stare with a calm, steady demeanor. "Just the usual fare, sir. What can I give you?" Raj offered, his voice even, striving to maintain professionalism despite the provocation.

Unsatisfied with Raj's composed response, Mike leaned closer, lowering his voice to a taunt that only Raj could hear. "You know, you lot coming over here, thinking you can change things, take over with your ways. You’re all just taking away opportunities from real hard-working folks. Stealing jobs that should go to people born here."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


A few of the other employees shifted uncomfortably, their expressions uneasy as they pretended not to hear, focusing intently on the food in front of them. Raj felt a flush of anger rise but continued to serve the next person in line, deliberately focusing on his task.

"Sir, everyone here works hard, including me. I’m just trying to make a living, same as you," Raj responded without looking up, his voice firm yet controlled, masking the hurt and frustration these words conjured.

Mike scoffed, stepping closer, lowering his tray as he sneered. "Making a living? More like taking a living. You come here with your big dreams and think you deserve a handout to start your little curry shop?"

Raj finally looked up, meeting Mike's gaze directly. "My dreams are no different from anyone else's. I work for what I want. I don’t expect handouts. I came to this country for the same reason many others do — to build a better life. And yes, that includes sharing my culinary skills. Is that so wrong?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Mike's face reddened, his eyes narrowing as he searched for a retort. Finding none immediately, he grabbed his tray forcefully, causing a small clatter. "Just watch yourself, Mr. Gandhi. This is my turf, and I don’t need you or your fancy ideas changing things around here."

Raj took a deep breath, steadying his nerves before continuing to focus on his task, stocking Mike's plate with even strokes of the spoon. "Nothing fancy about it, sir. Cooking isn’t about showing off — it’s about meeting people’s needs and preferences. And then surpassing that and bringing something more, something special."

Mike scoffed, leaning against the counter, his arms crossed. "Oh, come on, don't give me that noble act. You think whipping up some spuds and steak is going to impress anyone? You're just a glorified line cook, buddy."

Oliver, overhearing the taunt, stepped closer, his tone firm. "Mike, that’s enough. Raj’s work is valued by everyone here, including the president of the bank. The respect he earns for his cooking, whether it's meat and potatoes or something more exotic, is more than deserved."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Undeterred, Mike sneered. "Respect, huh? Well, we'll see how long that lasts once his big restaurant dreams crash and burn. Maybe stick to what you know, pal. Though, honestly, I'm surprised you haven’t tried to curry up the meat by now."

Raj set down his spoon and faced Mike with a calm, unwavering look. "Sir, my dreams will take their own path."

Mike rolled his eyes, pushing off from the counter. "Whatever. Just remember, when your dreams fall apart, don’t say I didn’t tell you so."

As Mike set off to a table, the tension he left behind slowly dissipated, like steam rising off the hot stove. Oliver looked at Raj, an apologetic expression on his face. "Don’t listen to him, Raj. You've got big things ahead of you, I'm sure of it."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Raj nodded and popped back into the kitchen to continue with George's meal. He seasoned the beef once more and placed it in the oven, then turned to the potatoes, parboiling them before they’d join the beef in roasting.

The simple rhythm of his tasks, the familiar hum of the kitchen — it all helped Raj center himself after the morning’s setbacks. With each task, he reaffirmed his commitment not just to his current duties but to the future he envisioned. No amount of discouragement could deter him from that path. He was here to do a job, to serve, and to succeed, one plate at a time.

When the oven timer chimed, Raj removed the perfectly roasted meat and potatoes, their aroma filling the kitchen with a homey, comforting scent. He plated the meal meticulously, ensuring it looked as inviting as it smelled.

With the dish ready, he covered it with a polished metal dome to keep it warm as he prepared to serve it personally to George.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


However, as Raj turned his back momentarily to fetch a garnish from the fridge, Mike seized his chance. The animosity he harbored was not just a passing grudge; it had festered into something darker, something eager to see Raj fail.

He had walked brazenly into the kitchen, and with a swift, callous motion, Mike nudged the plated meal from the counter. The dish clattered to the floor, the dome rolling off as the plate shattered, sending pieces of food and ceramic across the tiles.

The crash echoed through the kitchen, drawing the immediate attention of everyone present, including Oliver, who rushed over from the other side. "What happened here?" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock.

Raj turned around, his heart sinking at the sight of his morning's work destroyed on the floor. His eyes met Mike's. "Oops," Mike said, feigning innocence. "Clumsy me. I guess the so-called chef will have to start over, huh?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Oliver frowned, but before he could respond, Mike stepped deliberately into the mess, grinding the food under his shoe. "Look at this mess. You really should be more careful," he taunted.

Raj’s chest tightened with anger and humiliation, but his voice remained even. "This was no accident. Why are you doing this?"

Ignoring the question, Mike raised his food-smeared shoe. "Well, now you've got another mess to clean up. Get to it. Let's see some more of that charming humility of yours. Get down on your knees and clean this muck off my feet."

The kitchen fell silent, the staff watching the unfolding scene with unease. Raj felt every eye on him, every breath held in anticipation. He knew he had little choice but to comply, though it grated against every fiber of his being. He fetched a cloth and knelt down to wipe Mike’s shoe clean.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


As he did so, Oliver stepped forward, his voice stern and authoritative. "Mike, that's enough. This isn’t the way we treat anyone in this kitchen, least of all someone like Raj who works as hard as anyone here."

Mike scoffed, pulling his foot away as Raj finished. "Whatever, Oliver. Just making sure the standards are maintained around here."

Raj rose to his feet, his face composed but his eyes burning with a quiet intensity. He turned to Oliver. "I’ll prepare another dish right away. Mr. George still needs his lunch."

Oliver nodded, his expression one of deep apology. "I’m sorry, Raj. This shouldn’t have happened. I’ll deal with Mike; you focus on a new meal for George."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


As Raj turned back to the task at hand, he felt a renewed determination swell within him. This setback, he resolved, would not deter him. If anything, it reinforced the vital necessity of his dream — a place of his own where respect and dignity were served as surely as the food.

Raj’s swift recovery and professionalism, even in the face of such blatant sabotage, did not go unnoticed. As he worked, the quiet murmurs of his colleagues filled the space with whispered support and admiration for the dignity he displayed, a stark contrast to Mike’s petty cruelty.

This incident, though painful, unwittingly solidified Raj’s standing among his peers and deepened the resolve that fueled his dreams.


For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


With the lunch rush concluded and the kitchen falling into a rare hush, Raj took advantage of the quiet to begin preparing a new, special meal for George. Oliver, taking a well-deserved break, had stepped out, leaving Raj alone with his thoughts and his spices.

Raj pulled out a fresh chicken, laying it on the cutting board with a sense of purpose. He spoke to himself as he worked, a habit born from long hours spent cooking alone, "Let’s start fresh, something special. This will be more than just a meal; it’s a statement of what I can bring to this place."

He reached for his spices — turmeric for its bright color and earthy taste, cumin for a hint of smoke, and coriander for its sweet, floral aroma. As he mixed these with oil in a hot pan, the kitchen filled with a fragrant mist that seemed to dance in the slanting light.

Unseen by Raj, Mike quietly re-entered the kitchen. Staying near the doorway, he pulled out his smartphone, starting to record. With a sly grin, he muttered under his breath, "Look at him, cooking up a storm for himself on the company dime. Thinks he can just take whatever he wants because it's his 'culture' or whatever."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


As Raj added onions, garlic, and ginger to the pan, narrating his steps for his own benefit, Mike filmed silently, capturing every movement. He’s definitely up to no good. Making some fancy feast for himself, and I bet he’ll play the innocent immigrant card if caught, he thought.

Raj, absorbed in his work, was unaware of Mike's covert filming. He continued to work on the dish, saying softly, "Now, let’s let these sauté until they’re just right. The base of the sauce has to be perfect."

Mike zoomed in on Raj’s hands as they added tomatoes and cream to the pan, his phone recording the vibrant transformation. Raiding the pantry for his little private banquet, Mike thought. This'll be great. Can't wait to show how he's pilfering ingredients to whip up his personal curry feast. Stealing from the bank to stuff his face.

Raj seasoned the chicken and began searing it. Each piece sizzled as it hit the hot pan, the sound almost musical in the quiet kitchen. "This is the heart of the dish," Raj murmured to himself. "The chicken must be golden and crisp before it simmers in the sauce."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Meanwhile, Mike's internal monologue grew darker, filled with resentment and racial animosity. Typical foreigner. Just taking and taking, never considering the cost. Well, I’ll put a stop to this little scheme.

Once Raj added the chicken to the sauce and the mixture began to simmer, he started on the garnish, chopping herbs with precise, confident movements. "Just a touch of freshness to finish it off," he said, layering the herbs over the chicken.

Convinced he had captured enough evidence, Mike slipped out of the kitchen as quietly as he had entered. Got him now. This video will show them all what he's really up to. Can’t trust these immigrants an inch, he thought.

Alone once more, Raj finished plating the dish, a masterpiece of his culinary skill and passion. He cleaned his station, the sense of accomplishment filling him with hope and anticipation.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


He was completely unaware of the undercurrent of sabotage that Mike was weaving, poised to challenge not just Raj's integrity but also his future at the bank.

After completing the new dish, Raj carried the plated meal from the kitchen up through the quiet corridors of the bank's senior management suite. With nervous excitement and confidence in his culinary creation, he made his way to George’s office.

The large door was ajar, and he could see the bank president busy at his desk, absorbed in paperwork. Raj knocked gently and George looked up, slightly surprised to see Raj instead of one of the usual cafeteria staff.

"Good afternoon, Mr. George," Raj greeted, his voice steady despite the flutter of nerves. "I have prepared something special for you today, and I thought I might present it personally."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


George raised an eyebrow, setting his pen down. "Something special, you say? I’m quite set in my ways. I thought I made it clear to the kitchen that I prefer the simple meat and two veg. approach."

Raj smiled, understanding the challenge. "Yes, sir, I know. But I believe a good meal can be a delightful surprise, something out of the ordinary. Today, I’ve prepared a fusion dish that blends Western cooking techniques with some Indian flavors. It’s a spiced fusion chicken."

He placed the dish on George’s desk, the aroma immediately filling the office. The presentation was meticulous, the colors vibrant. Raj began to describe the dish, his passion for cooking shining through. "I started with a base of sautéed onions, garlic, and ginger — common ingredients in Indian cuisine, known for their depth of flavor. Then, I added turmeric, cumin, and coriander, creating a richly spiced yet subtle sauce. The chicken was seared to perfection before being simmered in this sauce to enhance its flavors."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


George looked at the dish skeptically. "It does smell wonderful, I’ll give you that. But I’m not one for spicy food. I have a sensitive palate."

Raj nodded, his confidence unshaken. "I understand, sir. I took the liberty of adjusting the heat to a very mild level. The spices are there to create a warmth, not heat. It’s very gentle, designed to complement the natural flavors of the chicken, not overwhelm them."

George considered this, his curiosity piqued despite his initial reluctance. "Well, you’ve certainly put a lot of thought into this. Alright, I’ll give it a try. What's your name, son?"

Raj’s eyes lit up with gratitude and hope. "It's Raj, sir. And thank you, I hope you enjoy the meal as much as I enjoyed preparing it for you."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


With that, Raj stepped back, leaving the dish with George. He exited the office, closing the door softly behind him. The corridor felt cooler than the warm, spice-scented air of George’s office, and as he walked back to the kitchen, Raj felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He had done all he could, presenting his skills and his heritage on a plate. Now, it was up to the dish itself to make its case.

Unseen by Raj, George picked up his fork, still somewhat skeptical but willing to venture beyond his usual lunch routine. Raj walked away, not seeing George’s initial tentative taste, the quiet office around them holding its breath as new flavors met old habits.

Raj returned to the kitchen, the sounds of his footsteps quiet against the tile floor. The air still held the faintest scent of spices from his cooking, a reminder of what he hoped was a breakthrough moment with George. However, the atmosphere in the kitchen was tense, not the usual post-lunch calm.

Oliver stood at the now-empty serving counter, his arms folded, his face a mask of displeasure. Beside him, Mike was holding up his phone, a triumphant smirk curling the edges of his mouth. Raj’s heart sank as he approached, sensing trouble.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


"Raj, there you are," Oliver began, his tone stern. "Mike here has just shown me something quite concerning."

Raj glanced at Mike, then back to Oliver. "Concerning, sir?"

"Yes, concerning," Mike chimed in, waving his phone. "Caught you red-handed, buddy. Taking ingredients to cook up whatever you feel like, huh? On company time, no less."

Raj’s brow furrowed in confusion. "I don’t understand. I was making a special dish for Mr. George —"

Oliver cut him off, holding up a hand. "Mike recorded you taking ingredients and making a dish that wasn’t approved. You didn’t follow the menu, Raj. You used resources for personal projects. That’s theft."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Raj felt a rush of disbelief and frustration. "It wasn’t for me, Oliver. I made it for George. He can tell you himself. Please, just ask him —"

Mike laughed. "Oh, come on, Oliver. He’s making up stories now. Think about it, why would he make something so different for George without clearing it with anyone?"

Oliver’s expression hardened. "It’s against policy, Raj. You know that. You should have discussed it with me first. You can’t just use the kitchen for whatever experiment you think up."

Raj tried again, his voice steady despite the rising panic. "It wasn’t an experiment. I thought it might be a good change for Mr. George. He said he would try it. Please, just go up and talk to him before making a decision."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Oliver shook his head, his decision apparent in his unwavering tone. "I’m sorry, Raj. This is serious. It’s not just about the food. It’s about trust, and right now, I can’t trust you. I have no choice but to let you go."

Mike’s smirk grew wider, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he pocketed his phone. "Should have stuck to the menu, huh?"

Raj stood, stunned, his mind racing. "Oliver, please. This is all a misunderstanding. I’ve always been loyal to this kitchen, to my duties."

Oliver’s face softened slightly, but his resolve didn’t waver. "I’ve always appreciated your work, Raj, but rules are rules. I can’t overlook this."

Defeated and feeling the harsh impact of the situation, Raj slowly removed his apron. His hands trembled slightly as he folded it neatly, the fabric familiar and suddenly foreign in his grasp. "I understand. I’ll clear out my things."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


As Raj gathered his belongings in the kitchen, the sound of quick, purposeful steps approached. Raj paused, his back to the door, as Oliver turned to see George himself, the bank president, striding into the kitchen. His usually reserved face was animated with an uncharacteristic enthusiasm.

"Oliver, where is Raj? I need to speak with him immediately," George said, scanning the room.

Oliver, taken aback by the unexpected visit and the urgency in George’s voice, gestured towards Raj. "He’s right here, sir, but —"

Before Oliver could explain the situation, George walked directly up to Raj, extending his hand in a firm handshake that Raj returned hesitantly.

"Raj, that meal you prepared — it was absolutely splendid! I haven't tasted something that delightful in ages," George exclaimed, his eyes bright with genuine appreciation.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Raj, still in shock from the earlier confrontation, managed a small smile. "Thank you, Mr. George. It’s a new recipe I’ve been developing, inspired by traditional Indian cuisine with a Western twist."

George’s enthusiasm didn’t wane. "Well, it was fantastic. Tell me, why aren’t you the head chef around here? A talent like yours needs to be in a leadership position."

Raj glanced at Oliver, who shifted uncomfortably, then back at George. "I appreciate that, sir. Actually, I have aspirations to open my own restaurant. That dish is part of the menu I plan to offer."

George raised his eyebrows, interested. "Is that so? Tell me more about this restaurant idea of yours."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe


Encouraged by George’s interest, Raj briefly outlined his concept for a restaurant that would blend Indian flavors with global cuisines, creating a unique dining experience. He spoke of his vision to introduce people to a new fusion that wasn’t just about food, but also about cultural exchange.

"I see great potential in this," George mused. "Have you considered applying for a business loan through our bank?"

Raj's expression faltered. "I tried, sir. Unfortunately, my application was denied earlier today."

George looked puzzled. "Denied? On what grounds?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Before Raj could respond, Mike, who had been lurking near the back, chimed in. "Because it’s a risky venture, sir. We can’t just hand out loans to every immigrant dreamer with a recipe."


George turned to face Mike, his demeanor cooling. "And who are you?"

"Mike, sir. I handle some of the loan approvals."

George’s gaze hardened. "Did you review Raj’s application yourself?"

Mike nodded, unaware of the growing danger. "Yes, I did. And I stand by my decision. Besides, I caught him using bank resources for personal projects today —"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

George interrupted, his voice stern. "Using resources? Do you mean that dish for me? He took initiative and showcased his skills as a chef, I find that highly commendable."

Oliver interjected, realizing the significant misunderstanding. "Sir, I didn’t know —"


George held up a hand, silencing Oliver. He focused again on Mike. "Not to mention, it seems there was a misunderstanding or misjudgment on your part regarding his loan application."

Mike faltered, his confidence draining away. "I — I was just trying to follow policy."

George shook his head, disappointed. "Your actions reflect poorly on our bank’s values. Dismissing talent out of hand, and apparently with bias. We can’t tolerate that. You’re dismissed from your position, effective immediately."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Mike stood in stunned silence, his earlier bravado gone as the realization of George’s decision hit him.

Turning back to Raj, George’s tone softened. "Raj, I apologize for this oversight. I would like to review your business plan personally. If it’s as promising as your cooking, I see no reason why we shouldn’t support your venture."


Raj, overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, nodded, gratitude clear in his eyes. "Thank you, Mr. George. I won’t let you down."

As Mike left the kitchen, defeated, George turned to Oliver. "Make sure Raj gets all the support he needs. His talent shouldn’t be wasted."

With a nod to both men, George left the kitchen as swiftly as he had entered, leaving behind a sense of vindication and new beginnings.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

"Raj," Oliver started, his voice heavy with sincerity, "I owe you a profound apology. What happened today — it was unjust, and I played a part in that by not questioning Mike's accusations more critically."

Raj wiped his hands on a towel as he turned fully to face Oliver. "It’s been a difficult day, sir. I appreciate your apology."


Oliver nodded, moving closer. "I should have supported you more. George just opened my eyes to how wrong we were to doubt your intentions and your integrity."

Raj listened, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Thank you, Oliver. It means a lot to hear that, especially today."

Oliver’s expression softened, and he placed a hand on Raj’s shoulder. "I also want you to know that I fully support your dream now. George spoke very highly of your culinary skills, and after what happened, we see just how valuable you are here."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

Raj nodded, a smile finally breaking through. "I'm grateful for that. And I hope we can move forward from this."


As they were talking, a sullen Mike passed by the open cafeteria door, his departure from the bank marked by a walk of shame rather than the usual bustling exit. His head was down, avoiding the glances of other staff members who had heard about the incident.

"Mike’s actions were inexcusable," Oliver concluded." His behavior towards you was not only unprofessional but deeply wrong."

"So, about your restaurant — if you need any help with the planning, just shout. I hope George expedites your loan application review, and I’ll personally make sure you get all the backing you need as a reference, and help in any other way you need."

Raj’s eyes lit up with renewed hope and determination. "That sounds wonderful! I have many ideas already, and I think people will love what I have to offer."

As Oliver left the kitchen, promising to return with some paperwork and more details, Raj looked around the familiar space that had been the scene of both his deepest disappointments and his greatest vindications. With a deep breath, he felt ready to embark on this new journey, bolstered by the support that had emerged from the day's trials.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.


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This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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