Source: Shutterstock
Source: Shutterstock

I Got Pregnant during Sleepwalk and Didn’t Even Know It – Story of the Day

Yaryna Kholodiuk
Apr 02, 2024
08:25 A.M.

Leslie wakes up feeling really sick and believes she might be food poisoned. At her doctor's appointment, she's surprised and thrilled to learn she's pregnant after trying for a long time. However, her happiness is shaken when a strange man near her home claims he's the father of her baby. One morning, Leslie finds herself in a fancy dress outside her house, with no memory of how she got there. She finds out she's been sleepwalking and starts to think the man's claim about the baby could be true.


Leslie and Tom sat at a cozy table in the corner of an elegant restaurant, the kind of place that had soft lighting and a gentle hum of conversation filling the air.

It was a special night for them, their 23rd wedding anniversary, a milestone that marked over two decades of love, companionship, and shared memories.

Tom, a tall man with a warm smile and kind eyes, held up his glass of wine, catching the glint of the candlelight.

"To us," he began, his voice filled with emotion, "to twenty-three years of laughter, love, and everything in between. Leslie, marrying you was the best decision of my life. I can't even imagine my world without you in it."

Female hand holding glass of red wine | Source: Shutterstock

Female hand holding glass of red wine | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie, wearing a simple yet elegant dress highlighting her gentle features, leaned across the table to kiss Tom. It was a soft, tender kiss that spoke volumes about their deep connection.

As they pulled away, she mirrored his gesture, raising her glass. "To us," she echoed, her voice slightly shaky with emotion.

They sipped their wine, a fine red that warmed them from the inside, and for a moment, they simply looked at each other, a silent acknowledgment of the journey they had shared.

The restaurant buzzed around them, but in their little corner, it was as if they were the only two people in the world.

As the evening progressed, they enjoyed a delicious meal, sharing stories and reminiscing about the past. Tom recounted funny anecdotes from their early days together, making Leslie laugh with his impersonations and exaggerated expressions.

Restaurant or bar table | Source: Shutterstock

Restaurant or bar table | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie shared memories of their travels, the adventures they had embarked on, and the sights they had seen. They talked about everything and nothing, comfortable in each other's presence.

Leslie's gaze lingered on her wine glass. She traced the rim with her finger, lost in thought. Her face showed a hint of sadness.

Tom noticed. He leaned forward, concern in his eyes. "Dear, what happened?" he asked.

Leslie pulled herself from her thoughts. She offered Tom a faint smile. "Everything is fine. I was just thinking," she said, her voice soft.

Tom reached across the table and gently took Leslie's hand. His touch was reassuring.

Old middle aged people | Source: Shutterstock

Old middle aged people | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie took a deep breath. "You know," she began, "I am the happiest woman in the world with you."

Tom's face lit up. "And I am the happiest man in the world," he replied.

Leslie's smile faded slightly. "But there's one thing I regret. We don't have children," she said.

Tom squeezed her hand. "Leslie, we have a wonderful life, just the two of us."

Leslie looked down. "Yes, but think how nice it would be to have a child," she mused.

Woman and man holding hands | Source: Shutterstock

Woman and man holding hands | Source: Shutterstock

Tom started to speak but hesitated. "Leslie..."

Leslie interrupted, "I've looked at adoption sites. It's complex, but..."


Tom cut her off. "We've talked about this before. More than once," he said firmly.

"I don't want to raise someone else's child. And I can't have my own," Tom added.

Leslie's eyes met Tom's. "But it would be our child," she insisted.

Couple having romantic dinner | Source: Shutterstock

Couple having romantic dinner | Source: Shutterstock

Tom looked away. "Leslie, let's not spoil this wonderful evening."

Leslie opened her mouth to speak.

Tom changed the subject. "Tell me this. Have you been waking up at night? I heard you walking around."

Leslie looked puzzled. "What are you talking about? I don't wake up at night."


Tom was insistent. "I heard you walking. You weren't in bed. It's been happening for weeks."

The rumpled bed | Source: Shutterstock

The rumpled bed | Source: Shutterstock

Leslie shook her head. "That can't be. I sleep all night. But I do wake up tired."

Tom suggested, "Maybe you're tired because you wake up?"

Leslie was firm. "No, Tom. I don't wake up at night. Maybe you dreamt it. I just should go to bed earlier."

Leslie and Tom returned to their dinner. They ate in calm silence, each lost in their own thoughts. The evening continued a mix of comfort and unspoken words between them.

The next morning, the sun streamed through the bedroom window, casting a warm glow across the room. Leslie stirred in her bed, slowly waking up.


Female legs in bed | Source: Shutterstock

Female legs in bed | Source: Shutterstock

But instead of feeling refreshed, she felt a wave of nausea hit her. She sat up, clutching her stomach, her face pale.

Leslie swung her legs over the side of the bed, trying to steady herself. The familiar scents of their home, which usually comforted her, now made her stomach churn.

The smell of coffee brewing in the kitchen, the faint scent of Tom's cologne lingering in the air – everything seemed to intensify her discomfort.

She thought back to the dinner the night before. "Could it be food poisoning?" she wondered aloud, her voice weak. The thought of the delicious meal they had shared now made her queasy.


She remembered the seafood they had eaten, the rich desserts, and the wine. It all seemed so incredible at the time, but now she questioned if something from the restaurant had made her sick.

Professional chef | Source: Shutterstock

Professional chef | Source: Shutterstock

Leslie slowly went to the bathroom, holding onto the walls for support. She splashed cold water on her face, hoping it would ease her nausea. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she saw how unwell she looked. Her skin was pale, and her eyes looked tired.

With a deep breath, Leslie returned to the bedroom, moving slowly, cautious in every step, trying to keep the nausea at bay.

She crawled back into bed, pulling the covers up to her chin, and closed her eyes, hoping that she would feel better when she woke up again.


Leslie lay in bed, her face pale and her eyes closed. Tom entered the room quietly, carrying a glass of water. He sat on the edge of the bed and gently touched her shoulder.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Tom asked, his voice filled with worry.

Transparent glass with water | Source: Shutterstock

Transparent glass with water | Source: Shutterstock

Leslie opened her eyes slowly and looked at Tom. She tried to smile. "Yes, I think it's just ordinary food poisoning. I'll call the restaurant later and complain," she said, trying to sound confident.

Tom frowned. "You should go to the doctor. Just to make sure everything is okay," he suggested.

Leslie took the glass of water from Tom and sipped it slowly. "I'll go as soon as I feel a little better," she said.


Tom looked at her, still concerned. "Let me take a day off and go with you," he offered.

Leslie shook her head. "No need, everything is fine. I can call a taxi. You shouldn't be late for work," she insisted.

Elegant hands | Source: Shutterstock

Elegant hands | Source: Shutterstock

Tom leaned closer. "I don't care about being late. I want to make sure you're okay," he said, his eyes showing concern.

Leslie placed the glass on the bedside table. "Tom, everything will be fine. I'm a grown girl. I can go to the doctor myself," she reassured him.

Tom sighed. "Okay," he said softly. He leaned in and kissed Leslie on the forehead. He stood up and walked towards the door.


Leslie listened as Tom left the room and heard the front door close. She took a deep breath and drank more water, feeling a little better. She decided it was time to get up and get ready for the hospital.

She slowly got out of bed, steadying herself. She walked to the closet and chose some comfortable clothes. Dressing took longer than usual as she moved carefully to avoid feeling sicker.

Top view of women things | Source: Shutterstock

Top view of women things | Source: Shutterstock

Leslie looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't recognize the tired, unwell person looking back at her. She brushed her hair and washed her face, trying to feel more like herself.

She picked up her phone and called a taxi. The wait seemed longer than usual, but finally, she heard the honk outside. Leslie took a deep breath, grabbed her purse, and walked out the door, hoping the doctor would have some answers for her.


Leslie sat in the hospital waiting room, her hands folded in her lap. The room was bright, with sunlight streaming in through the windows.

Other patients waited, too, some reading magazines, others staring blankly at the television on the wall. Leslie felt out of place among them, her mind racing with thoughts of what could be wrong.

A middle-aged female doctor appeared after what seemed like hours but was only minutes. She had a friendly smile and a warm demeanor that immediately made Leslie feel more at ease. "Leslie?" the doctor called out.

Different people waiting in row at hospital | Source: Shutterstock

Different people waiting in row at hospital | Source: Shutterstock

Leslie stood up, her legs feeling a bit shaky. She followed the doctor into her office, a small room with a desk and a couple of chairs. It was a comfortable space filled with medical books and certificates on the walls.


"Please, have a seat," the doctor said, gesturing to a chair in front of her desk. Leslie sat down, trying to appear calm.

"Now, tell me what brings you here today," the doctor asked, her voice gentle.

Leslie took a deep breath. "I've been feeling really sick since this morning. I can't stand any smells, and they make me nauseous. I've been dizzy and extremely sleepy, too," Leslie explained, her voice trembling slightly.

The doctor nodded, taking notes. "I see. And when was your last menstrual period?" she inquired.

Stethoscope head lying on medical forms | Source: Shutterstock

Stethoscope head lying on medical forms | Source: Shutterstock

Leslie paused, realizing she hadn't thought about it. "Well, I'm actually delayed right now. But I don't see how that's connected. I think I got food poisoning at a restaurant last night," Leslie said, hoping that was all it was.


The doctor looked up from her notes, her expression thoughtful. "Food poisoning is a possibility, but given your symptoms and your delayed period, I think we should run a few tests to be sure. It's always best to cover all our bases," she suggested kindly. Leslie nodded, trying to feel reassured.

The doctor suggested an ultrasound. Leslie, feeling a mix of anxiety and curiosity, lay down on the examination table. She lifted her sweater, exposing her stomach.

The room was quiet, except for the soft hum of the ultrasound machine. The doctor applied a cool gel to Leslie's abdomen and began the scan.

As the doctor moved the device over Leslie's skin, Leslie stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. She couldn't believe she was here, in this situation. It all felt surreal.

Ultrasound machine | Source: Shutterstock

Ultrasound machine | Source: Shutterstock


The doctor turned the screen towards Leslie. "Well, Leslie, congratulations, this is definitely not poisoning. You're pregnant!" she announced with a smile.

Leslie turned her head to look at the screen. "Pregnant? Are you sure?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief. The idea of being pregnant, after all these years of trying and failing, seemed impossible.

The doctor pointed to the screen, showing the tiny, flickering image of the fetus. "Yes, see here? That's your baby."

Leslie slowly lowered her sweater and sat up, still staring at the screen. Her mind was racing. "But I don't understand how this could have happened. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for many years. We even did tests, and they showed that he is infertile," she explained, her voice trembling.

The doctor looked at Leslie with a sympathetic expression. "I don't know what to tell you. Sometimes, these things happen, and we can't explain why. It might be a good idea for your husband to redo the tests. But I can say with certainty that you are pregnant," the doctor informed her.

Close-up Of Doctor Moving Ultrasound Probe | Source: Shutterstock

Close-up Of Doctor Moving Ultrasound Probe | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie sat there, trying to process the news. "It's some kind of miracle," she finally said, a sense of wonder in her voice.

The doctor nodded. "It is. But I must warn you, pregnancy at 43 years old, especially your first one, carries significant risks. You'll need to take good care of yourself. I'm going to prescribe you some vitamins and give you a referral for further tests to make sure everything is okay. Alright?"

Leslie, still in shock but now with a broad smile, nodded. "Yes, of course."

She whispered to herself, "Pregnant... I can't believe it."

The doctor handed Leslie the ultrasound images and the referral. Leslie held them, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. She knew she had to tell Tom everything as soon as possible. She decided the best way was to go to his work and tell him in person.

Pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

Pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie thanked the doctor and left the room. She walked through the hospital corridors, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She was going to be a mother. After all these years of thinking it would never happen, it was finally happening.

Outside, she hailed a taxi and directed the driver to Tom's law firm. The ride seemed to take forever, each minute stretching out as she rehearsed what she would say to Tom.

Leslie arrived at Tom's law firm, her heart pounding with the news she was about to share. She stepped out of the taxi, clutching the ultrasound images tightly.

Inside, the receptionist recognized her and let her through without hesitation. Walking down the hallway, Leslie's steps were quick, fueled by excitement and nervousness.

She reached Tom's office and gently pushed open the door. Tom was at his desk, surrounded by papers, looking very focused. He looked up, surprised to see her.

Notary public | Source: Shutterstock

Notary public | Source: Shutterstock


"Leslie, what are you doing here?" Tom asked, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "You should be lying at home and resting."

Leslie stepped inside, closing the door behind her. "I feel much better, much better," she reassured him, trying to keep her voice steady.

"That's good. I'm glad to hear that," Tom said, a look of relief washing over his face.

Leslie took a deep breath. "Tom, I was at the doctor's, and it's not poisoning," she began, her voice quivering with the weight of her news.

Tom's expression changed to one of concern. "What then? Something more serious?" he asked, standing up from his desk.

Male lawyer | Source: Shutterstock

Male lawyer | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie paused for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Oh, yes. Much more serious. We'll have to handle this 'problem' all our lives. Although I wouldn't call it a problem, it's happiness," she hinted, a small smile playing on her lips.

Tom looked puzzled. "I don't understand, Leslie. Do you have some disease? We'll cope with everything. Just tell me," he said, his voice filled with worry.

Leslie held out the ultrasound images to him. "I'm pregnant!" she announced, her voice breaking with emotion.

Tom stared at the images, his eyes widening in disbelief. "What? But how is that possible? I can't..." he stammered, his mind racing to make sense of the news.

Leslie's smile widened. "The doctor said maybe you need to redo the tests. Maybe those were wrong. But Tom, I'm pregnant! It's our little miracle!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with tears of joy.

Ultrasound image pregnant baby photo | Source: Shutterstock

Ultrasound image pregnant baby photo | Source: Shutterstock


Tom stepped forward, his face transforming into a look of pure joy. He hugged Leslie tightly and then twirled her around in a spontaneous burst of happiness. "You're my miracle," he whispered, kissing her gently.

Leslie laughed, tears streaming down her face. She had dreamed of this moment for so long, a moment she had almost given up hope of ever experiencing. And here it was, happening most unexpectedly.

Tom held her at arm's length, looking at her with awe and love. "I can't believe it. We're going to be parents," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

Leslie nodded, wiping her tears. "Yes, we are. We're going to have a baby," she replied, her heart swelling with happiness.

Tom pulled her close again, holding her as if he never wanted to let go. They stood there for a moment in the middle of his office, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside forgotten.

Sad Couple Embracing | Source: Shutterstock

Sad Couple Embracing | Source: Shutterstock


Finally, Tom stepped back, his eyes still locked on Leslie. "We need to celebrate. This is the best news I've ever received. I love you so much," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

Leslie smiled through her tears. "I love you too," she said, her heart full of hope and joy for the future.

Leslie arrived home, her mind still swirling with the joyous news of her pregnancy. As she approached her front door, she noticed a man standing outside. He was a stranger to her, with a look of determination on his face. Leslie felt a pang of unease as she approached.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" Leslie asked cautiously, eyeing the man who now turned to face her.

The man introduced himself as Colin. He had an earnest look in his eyes, but Leslie didn't recognize him. "I need to talk to you," Colin said firmly.

With smartphone | Source: Shutterstock

With smartphone | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie felt her unease grow. "About what?" she inquired, her voice steady despite her growing anxiety.

Colin hesitated, then blurted out, "We've spent several nights together, and I want a relationship with you."

Leslie's heart skipped a beat. "What? I don't even know you!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in disbelief and anger. The very idea was absurd to her. She had never seen this man before in her life.

Colin's expression changed as he caught a glimpse of the ultrasound photos Leslie was holding. "Is that your child? Is it mine?" he asked, pointing to the photos.

Leslie felt a surge of anger. "This is the first time I see you. How could this be your child?" she retorted, her voice laced with frustration.

Ultrasound picture | Source: Shutterstock

Ultrasound picture | Source: Shutterstock


But Colin was insistent. "We did sleep together," he claimed, his voice firm.

Leslie shook her head vehemently. "That's impossible. I'm married," she said, her voice echoing shock and confusion. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. This had to be a mistake, a terrible misunderstanding.

Colin stood his ground, but Leslie had had enough. "Leave. Now," she demanded, her voice stern and unwavering.

Colin looked at her for a long moment, then turned and walked away, leaving Leslie shaken and confused in front of her house.

Leslie hurried inside, locking the door behind her. She leaned against it, trying to calm her racing heart. The encounter with Colin had left her feeling disturbed and vulnerable. She took a few deep breaths, trying to steady herself.

Side view female hand | Source: Shutterstock

Side view female hand | Source: Shutterstock


She entered the living room and sat down, trying to understand what had happened. Leslie couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over her.

The ultrasound photos lay on the table before her, a stark reminder of the joyful news she had just shared with Tom. But now, her joy was overshadowed by the strange encounter with Colin.

Leslie picked up the photos, looking at the tiny image of her unborn child. She felt a protective instinct rise within her. No matter what, she would protect her baby.

Leslie decided not to tell Tom about the encounter. She didn't want to worry him or cast a shadow over their happiness. She would handle this herself. She had to.

Leslie tried to put the incident out of her mind as the evening wore on. She focused on the future, her baby, and the life she and Tom would build together.

Baby toys with ultrasound picture | Source: Shutterstock

Baby toys with ultrasound picture | Source: Shutterstock


But the encounter with Colin lingered in the back of her mind, an unsettling mystery that she couldn't quite shake off.

Leslie woke up feeling the cold, hard ground beneath her. Confused, she opened her eyes and found herself outside her front door.

The morning sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft, golden light over everything. For a moment, Leslie wondered if she was still dreaming.

She sat up, realizing she was dressed in an elegant evening gown, the fabric now creased and dirty from lying on the ground. Next to her were her high heels, carelessly tossed aside. Leslie felt a surge of confusion and fear. She had no memory of leaving the house.

Slowly, Leslie stood up, her head spinning slightly. She picked up her shoes and opened the front door, stepping into the familiar comfort of her home. The house was quiet, with the early morning light filtering through the curtains.

Leslie walked through the house, trying to piece together what had happened. She remembered going to bed as usual, then nothing until she woke up outside. It made no sense.

Close up focus on young female feet | Source: Shutterstock

Close up focus on young female feet | Source: Shutterstock


She found Tom in the kitchen, making coffee. He looked up, surprised to see her dressed in her evening gown, looking disheveled and confused.

"Leslie, what happened? Why are you dressed like that?" Tom asked, concern evident in his voice.

Leslie shook her head, her voice shaky. "I don't know. I just woke up outside. I don't remember how I got there," she admitted, the fear in her voice growing.

Tom quickly came over to her, putting his arm around her shoulders. "You must be freezing. Come, sit down. I'll get you some coffee," he said gently, leading her to a chair.

Leslie sat down, feeling a mix of relief and fear. Tom poured her a cup of coffee and sat down across from her.

A pink ceramic cup | Source: Shutterstock

A pink ceramic cup | Source: Shutterstock


"Leslie, this is serious. You don't remember anything?" Tom asked, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

Leslie sipped her coffee, trying to calm her racing heart. "No, nothing. I went to bed, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up outside," she explained, her voice trembling.

Tom nodded, his face grave. "You need to see a doctor, Leslie. This could be something important, especially with the baby. We need to make sure everything is okay," he said firmly.

Leslie nodded, the reality of the situation sinking in. She had never experienced anything like this before. The idea that she could leave the house in her sleep and not remember it was terrifying.

After a few moments of silence, Tom stood up. "I'll call the doctor and make an appointment. We'll get to the bottom of this," he said, determination in his voice.

Close up of a man using mobile smart phone | Source: Shutterstock

Close up of a man using mobile smart phone | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie felt a surge of gratitude for Tom's support. She was scared, but with Tom by her side, she felt they could face whatever was happening.

Tom made the call, speaking in hushed tones. Leslie sipped her coffee.

Tom finished the call and turned back to Leslie. "The doctor can see you this afternoon. I'll go with you," he said, sitting back down.

Leslie reached for his hand, squeezing it tightly. "Thank you, Tom. I don't know what I'd do without you," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Tom squeezed her hand back. "We'll get through this together. Whatever it is, we'll handle it," he reassured her.

Leslie felt a small glimmer of hope amidst her fear. With Tom's support and the doctor's help, she would find out what was happening to her.

Man holding the hand of his beloved woman | Source: Shutterstock

Man holding the hand of his beloved woman | Source: Shutterstock


Tom and Leslie arrived at the hospital together, their hands intertwined. Leslie felt a cloud of worry hanging over her. As they walked through the hospital's sliding doors, Leslie took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

In the waiting room, they sat side by side. Tom gently squeezed Leslie's hand, offering silent support. Leslie's mind was racing with thoughts about what the doctor might say. The idea of sleepwalking was frightening to her, especially now that she was pregnant.

After a short wait, they were called into the doctor's office. The doctor greeted them warmly. "Leslie, Tom, please have a seat," she said, gesturing towards the chairs in front of her desk.

Leslie took a seat, feeling Tom's reassuring presence beside her. She explained to the doctor what had happened that morning, her voice quivering slightly as she recounted waking up outside her front door in her evening gown.

The doctor listened intently, nodding occasionally as Leslie spoke. Tom added his concerns, his voice filled with worry for Leslie and their unborn child.

Doctor sitting at desk | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor sitting at desk | Source: Shutterstock


After Leslie finished her story, the doctor leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. "It sounds like you're experiencing sleepwalking, Leslie," she said gently. "It's a condition where a person walks or does other activities while still asleep."

Leslie felt a chill run down her spine. "Sleepwalking?" she echoed, the word sounding strange and scary.

The doctor nodded. "Yes. It's more common than you might think, and it can be triggered by stress, fatigue, or even pregnancy. But don't worry, we can manage it," she reassured them.

Tom leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "Is it dangerous? What about the baby?" he asked.

The doctor smiled reassuringly. "It can be dangerous if the person sleepwalking isn't in a safe environment. But with some precautions and treatment, we can reduce the risk. As for the baby, as long as Leslie takes care of herself and follows the treatment plan, there shouldn't be any risk to the pregnancy," she explained.

Doctor sitting at desk | Source: Shutterstock

Doctor sitting at desk | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie felt a mixture of relief and fear. She was relieved to know what was happening to her, but the idea of sleepwalking, especially while pregnant, was frightening.

The doctor prescribed medication for Leslie to help manage the sleepwalking. "This should help keep the sleepwalking under control. We'll also need to take some safety precautions at home," the doctor advised.

Tom took notes as the doctor explained the safety measures they should take at home, like securing doors and windows and removing potential hazards. Leslie listened, feeling grateful for Tom's support and the doctor's guidance.

After the appointment, Tom and Leslie left the doctor's office. As they walked back to the car, Leslie felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. Knowing what was wrong and having a plan to manage it made her feel more in control.

Tom looked over at Leslie, his expression one of concern and love. "We'll get through this, Leslie. I'll make sure you're safe," he said, his voice firm.

Close up | Source: Shutterstock

Close up | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie smiled at him, feeling a surge of affection for her husband. "I know we will. Thank you for being here with me," she said.

Leslie sat quietly in her living room, the soft hum of the air conditioner the only sound in the otherwise silent house. Her mind was a tumult of emotions, grappling with the realization that had just dawned on her.

The truth about Colin was now clear, yet so unbelievable. They had indeed slept together, but Leslie had no memory of it because it had happened while she was sleepwalking. This revelation sent shivers down her spine, the implications of it weighing heavily on her heart.

She recalled the encounters with Colin and his assertions that they had been together. At first, these claims had seemed outrageous, impossible. But now, after learning about her sleepwalking, the puzzle pieces were falling into place, forming a picture Leslie wished she could erase.

Leslie's heart ached with the realization that the child she was carrying, the child she and Tom had celebrated as a miracle, was not Tom's. It was Colin's.

Depressed frustrated young woman | Source: Shutterstock

Depressed frustrated young woman | Source: Shutterstock


This thought brought tears to her eyes, the pain of this truth almost too much to bear. She had been so happy, so hopeful about the future with Tom and their baby. Now, it all seemed like a shattered dream.

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, her phone buzzed, breaking the silence. She picked it up and saw a message that made her heart stop. "Either you tell your husband the whole truth, or I will."

It was from Colin. Leslie felt a wave of panic wash over her. The thought of Tom learning about this from someone else, especially Colin, was unbearable.

Leslie was torn between her love for Tom and the guilt of keeping this secret. The weight of this decision was crushing. She knew that whatever she chose, their lives would never be the same. The harsh reality of her situation overshadowed the happiness they had shared and the future they had envisioned.

Leslie sat at a small, secluded table in the corner of a quiet café, nervously tapping her fingers on the surface. She kept glancing at the entrance, waiting for Colin to arrive.

Cozy street with tables of cafe | Source: Shutterstock

Cozy street with tables of cafe | Source: Shutterstock


Her mind was racing with different scenarios, each ending with her life falling apart. The sound of the café door opening made her heart skip a beat, and she looked up to see Colin walking towards her.

He sat down across from her, his expression serious. "Leslie, we need to talk about us, about the baby," he said, getting straight to the point.

Leslie took a deep breath, reaching into her purse. She pulled out an envelope filled with cash and slid it across the table to him. "This is for you, Colin. I want you to take this money and leave us alone. Forget about me, about the baby."

Colin looked at the envelope but made no move to take it. "I don't need your money, Leslie. I want to be part of your and the baby's life," he said firmly.

Leslie's heart sank. This was not going as she had hoped. "The child isn't yours, Colin. You have to believe me," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

Black envelope on wooden table | Source: Shutterstock

Black envelope on wooden table | Source: Shutterstock


But Colin was unmoved. "I know the child is mine. The timing matches up perfectly. I'm not going to walk away from this," he said, his voice steady.

Leslie felt a wave of panic wash over her. This was her worst fear coming true. Colin continued, "You have a week to tell your husband everything. If you don't, I will." With that, he stood up and left the café, leaving Leslie feeling helpless and scared.

Leslie watched him leave, her mind racing. She had anticipated that Colin might refuse the money and had prepared a plan for this possibility. With shaking hands, she took out her phone and dialed 911.

The operator's voice came through the line, "911. What happened?"

Leslie hesitated for a moment, knowing that what she was about to do would change everything. "I want to file a rape report. I was raped," she said, her voice quivering.

Emergency call to 911 from mobile | Source: Shutterstock

Emergency call to 911 from mobile | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie felt a mix of fear and guilt as she spoke the words. She was about to set in motion a series of events that she couldn't control, all in a desperate attempt to protect her life with Tom and the unborn child.

She knew the consequences of her actions could be severe, but she felt trapped, with no other way out.

The operator took down her details and told her an officer would be in touch. Leslie ended the call, her hands still trembling. She sat there for a long time, trying to process what she had just done. She had crossed a line, and there was no going back.

Leslie finally stood up, her legs feeling weak. She left the café, her mind a blur of thoughts and fears. She wondered if she had made the right decision if there was ever a right decision in a situation like this.

All she knew was that she was trying to protect her family, even if it meant walking a dangerous path.

Leslie sat in a hard, plastic chair at the police station, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. The station was busy with officers and civilians moving about, but Leslie was lost in her world of turmoil.

Police woman | Source: Shutterstock

Police woman | Source: Shutterstock


She had just finished talking to the detectives, telling them a fabricated story about Colin. She had claimed that Colin had raped her, a lie that now sat heavily on her conscience.

The fluorescent lights overhead buzzed, adding to Leslie's growing headache. She felt a deep sense of guilt and fear. She knew what she had done was wrong, but she felt cornered, desperate to protect her life with Tom and their unborn child.

As she waited, lost in thought, she saw two officers escorting Colin into the station. He looked shocked and confused as they led him to a cell. Leslie's heart ached as she watched. Colin caught her eye, and for a moment, their gazes locked. There was a mix of anger and disbelief in his eyes.

Leslie stood up, her legs feeling unsteady. She walked over to the cell where Colin was being held. She needed to talk to him, to try and convince him to keep quiet about their night together.

"Colin," Leslie said softly as she approached the cell.

Man in prison | Source: Shutterstock

Man in prison | Source: Shutterstock


Colin turned to face her, his expression hard. "What do you want, Leslie?" he asked, his voice cold.

Leslie took a deep breath. "I'll withdraw the complaint. I'll tell them it was all a mistake, but only if you promise to keep quiet and not tell Tom anything," she offered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Colin's eyes narrowed. "You're blackmailing me now? After you falsely accused me?" he said, his voice rising in anger.

Leslie felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Please, Colin. I'm begging you. You have to understand. I can't lose Tom. I can't lose our baby," she pleaded.

Colin shook his head. "I'm not going to lie for you, Leslie. That child is mine, and I have a right to be a part of its life. I'll see you in court," he said firmly.

Man in jail behind bars | Source: Shutterstock

Man in jail behind bars | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie felt a wave of despair wash over her. She realized that her attempt to control the situation had only worsened things. Now, she could lose everything – her marriage, reputation, and freedom.

Leslie stood there as the officers led Colin away, feeling more alone than ever. She had tried to weave a web of lies to protect herself, but now she was caught in it with no way out.

She slowly made her way out of the police station, her mind racing with fear and regret.

The cool air hit her face as she stepped outside, but it did nothing to ease the turmoil inside her. Leslie walked home, each step feeling heavier than the last. She knew the days ahead would bring challenges and consequences that she might be unprepared to face.

Leslie sat on the sofa in their living room, the glow from the TV casting a soft light across the room. She was absent-mindedly stroking her belly, her thoughts a chaotic mix of worry and fear.

Woman relaxing on the couch | Source: Shutterstock

Woman relaxing on the couch | Source: Shutterstock


The events of the past few days had taken a toll on her, leaving her feeling drained and anxious. She knew that the truth about Colin and the baby would have to come out eventually, but she dreaded the moment it would.

The sound of the front door opening jolted Leslie from her thoughts. She looked up to see Tom walking in. He looked different – there was a heaviness in his steps, and his face was etched with upset. Leslie's heart sank; she could tell something was terribly wrong.

Tom didn't say a word as he walked over to the sofa and sat beside her. He leaned forward, burying his face in his hands.

Leslie gently stroked Tom's back, his body tensed with distress. "Dear, what happened?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Tom lifted his head, his eyes red as if he was on the brink of tears. "Today, I got a new client at work. It's a tough case," he explained, his voice heavy with emotion.

Married couple holding hands | Source: Shutterstock

Married couple holding hands | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie leaned closer, trying to offer comfort. "What kind of case? Tell me about it," she inquired, her worry for him growing.

Tom looked at Leslie, his expression fraught with sadness. "My client is accused of rape. But he didn't do it," he revealed, his voice breaking slightly.

"Are you sure about that?" Leslie asked, her concern deepening.

"Yes, I'm certain," Tom confirmed, his voice firm despite his distress.

"That's terrible. Being falsely accused can ruin his whole life," Leslie said, feeling sympathy for Tom's client.

Photo of depressed male | Source: Shutterstock

Photo of depressed male | Source: Shutterstock

"Exactly," Tom said, nodding. "He met a woman in a bar one night. They spent that night together, and then she kept coming back to him on several other nights. They slept together each time."


Leslie's heart began to race as she listened. The story sounded eerily familiar. "Why did she decide to accuse him of rape?" she asked, a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Tom sighed deeply. "He fell in love with her. When he found out where she lived and came to propose a relationship, she denied knowing him. She's married," he explained, his voice filled with frustration.

Leslie's mind was reeling. This story mirrors her situation with Colin. "And then what happened?" she probed, dreading the answer.

Tom continued, "He threatened to tell her husband everything. So, she decided to accuse him of rape to get him out of her life."

Attractive female consoles her sad boyfriend | Source: Shutterstock

Attractive female consoles her sad boyfriend | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie's heart pounded in her chest. "Tom..." she began, realizing Colin must have hired Tom as his lawyer.

Tom looked at Leslie, his eyes filled with sorrow and disbelief. "There's more. This woman is pregnant with my client's child, and she's lying to her husband, saying the child is his," he disclosed, his voice laden with sadness.

Leslie was speechless, her worst fears coming true.

Tom's eyes searched Leslie's. "Leslie, is that true?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Leslie felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Tom, I... I didn't cheat on you intentionally. I love you. It all happened while I was sleepwalking," she explained, her voice breaking.

Closeup photo of a young woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

Closeup photo of a young woman crying | Source: Shutterstock


Tom's expression turned to one of hurt and confusion. "Why didn't you tell me anything? Why did you lie?" he asked, his voice rising with emotion.

Leslie took Tom's hand, tears streaming down her face. "I didn't know at first. And when I found out, it was too late. Tom, please, I love you. I want to raise this child with you," she pleaded.

Tom looked away, torn and heartbroken. "If you had told me the truth immediately, I might have understood. I love you more than life itself, Leslie. I could have tried to understand. But now..." he said, his voice filled with love and pain.

Leslie reached out to him. "But now you know the truth. We can start over. We can be a family, a complete family," she said, hope in her voice.

Sad bearded middle-aged man | Source: Shutterstock

Sad bearded middle-aged man | Source: Shutterstock


"Tom, please forgive me," Leslie begged, her heart breaking.

Tom stood up, his decision clear in his eyes. "I... I can't, Leslie. As much as I want to, I can't. I can't live with someone who deceived me. Who deceived the police, who framed an innocent person," he said, his voice unwavering.

"Tom, please..." Leslie's voice trailed off, her plea filled with despair.

Tom movements slow and deliberate. He walked to the bedroom without saying a word, his silence echoing loudly in Leslie's ears. She followed him, her heart pounding with fear and regret.

Inside the bedroom, Leslie watched as Tom began to pack his things. He moved methodically, folding his clothes and placing them into a suitcase. Each article of clothing seemed to symbolize a part of their life together being tucked away. Leslie's eyes blurred with tears as she realized the gravity of the situation.

Young hipster | Source: Shutterstock

Young hipster | Source: Shutterstock


"Tom, please," Leslie pleaded, her voice breaking. "Please forgive me. I never meant for any of this to happen."

Tom continued packing, his face an unreadable mask. Leslie couldn't tell what he was thinking, and his silence was more painful than any words he could have spoken.

Leslie's tears flowed freely as she watched the man she loved prepare to walk out of her life. "I love you, Tom. I'm so sorry. Please don't go," she sobbed, her voice filled with desperation.

But Tom remained silent. He zipped up his suitcase and picked up a few other personal items. His actions were calm, but Leslie could see the hurt in his eyes. It was a hurt she had caused, and the guilt was overwhelming.

Leslie stepped in front of him, blocking the doorway. "Tom, please. We can work this out. We can get through this together," she begged, hoping for a miracle.

The woman is crying | Source: Shutterstock

The woman is crying | Source: Shutterstock


Tom stopped, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and resolve. For a moment, they just stood there, looking at each other. Then, with a gentle but firm motion, Tom pushed past her, careful not to hurt her.

Leslie turned and watched him walk away, her heart breaking into a million pieces. She reached out as if to pull him back, but her hand grasped only air. "Tom!" she called out, her voice a whisper of despair.

But Tom didn't turn back. He opened the door and stepped out, leaving the house, leaving Leslie, leaving their life together behind.

Leslie, overwhelmed by the magnitude of her loss, collapsed onto the floor. Her body shook with sobs, each one tearing through her like a wave of unbearable pain. The room spun around her, the walls seeming to close in as her cries echoed in the empty space.

As she lay there, consumed by her grief, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. Confused and scared, Leslie looked down and noticed a stain of blood on her pants. Panic surged through her, adding to the chaos of emotions she was already feeling.

Young woman sad and crying | Source: Shutterstock

Young woman sad and crying | Source: Shutterstock


Frantically, she reached for her phone, her hands trembling. She dialed Tom's number, her heart racing as she waited for him to pick up. "Please, Tom, pick up," she whispered between sobs. But the phone just rang and rang, and eventually, the voicemail message played. Tom didn't answer.

Tears streamed down her face as she realized Tom wasn't going to be there for her, not this time. With a sense of urgency, Leslie dialed 911, her voice shaking as she spoke to the operator.

"Please, I need an ambulance. I'm pregnant, and there's blood," Leslie managed to say through her tears.

"Stay calm, ma'am. We're sending an ambulance right now. What's your address?" the operator responded, her voice calm and steady.

Leslie gave her address, struggling to keep her voice steady. The operator reassured her that help was on the way and told her to stay on the line.

Woman sitting alone and depressed | Source: Shutterstock

Woman sitting alone and depressed | Source: Shutterstock


As she waited for the ambulance, Leslie's mind raced with fear for her unborn child. She felt alone and terrified, unsure of what was happening to her body. The life she had envisioned with Tom and the baby seemed to be slipping away from her, leaving her in a world of uncertainty and pain.

The sound of sirens in the distance offered a small glimmer of hope. Leslie clung to that sound, letting it anchor her amid her turmoil. She whispered reassurances to herself and her baby, hoping against hope that everything would be okay.

When the paramedics arrived, they found Leslie on the floor, still clutching her phone. They quickly assessed the situation and gently helped her onto a stretcher. As they carried her out of the house, Leslie looked back one last time; the home she had shared with Tom was now a symbol of all that she had lost.

In the ambulance, Leslie lay still, the paramedics' voices a distant buzz as they monitored her condition. The lights and sounds of the city passed by in a blur as they rushed her to the hospital.

As the ambulance pulled into the hospital, Leslie braced herself for what would come. She knew the next few hours would be critical for her and her baby.

Ambulance standing in night traffic | Source: Shutterstock

Ambulance standing in night traffic | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie lay in the hospital bed, her eyes fixed on the sterile white ceiling. The beeps and hums of the medical equipment filled the room, creating a cold and impersonal atmosphere. She felt numb, her mind still trying to process the whirlwind of events that had brought her here.

The door opened, and Leslie's doctor, a kind-faced woman with a gentle voice, walked in. She approached the bed, her expression solemn. "Leslie, I'm very sorry to tell you this, but you lost the baby," the doctor said softly, her eyes filled with empathy.

Leslie's heart sank. The words hit her like a physical blow, sending a wave of agony through her. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she turned her face away, looking out the window.

The doctor continued, "The stress you've been under was too much. It's not your fault; these things can happen in situations like yours."

Leslie couldn't respond. She just lay there, silent, as tears streamed down her cheeks. The loss of her baby, the end of what could have been a new beginning, was too much to bear.

Woman lying sick in hospital | Source: Shutterstock

Woman lying sick in hospital | Source: Shutterstock


The doctor reached out, placing a comforting hand on Leslie's arm. "I know this is incredibly hard. If you need to talk, we have counselors who can help you through this," she offered gently.

But Leslie couldn't find the words. She just wanted to be alone, to process her grief in solitude. "Please, can I be alone?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

The doctor nodded, understanding Leslie's need for privacy. "Of course. I'll be right outside if you need anything," she said, giving Leslie's arm a gentle squeeze before leaving the room.

As the door closed behind the doctor, Leslie turned onto her side, curling up in the bed. She felt a profound sense of emptiness, a void where her hopes and dreams for her baby had once been.

Leslie cried quietly, her body shaking with each sob. The room felt suffocating, the walls closing in on her.

Nobody in hospital bed | Source: Shutterstock

Nobody in hospital bed | Source: Shutterstock


Leslie lay on the bed, her eyes red and swollen from crying. The door opened quietly, and Colin entered. He looked around the room, his face etched with concern, and slowly approached Leslie's bed.

Colin sat down beside her, reaching out to gently stroke her head. "Leslie, I'm here for you. Despite everything that happened, I want to support you," he said softly.

Leslie, feeling angry and betrayed, turned to face him. Her voice was sharp and filled with pain. "Get away!" she exclaimed.

Colin's expression was one of sorrow and regret. "Leslie, please listen," he pleaded.

Leslie's anger boiled over. "Get away! Get out! It's all because of you! You're to blame for everything!" she accused, her voice rising.

Young woman patient lying at hospital bed | Source: Shutterstock

Young woman patient lying at hospital bed | Source: Shutterstock


Colin tried to calm her, his voice gentle. "Leslie, it's not like that. I just want to help," he said.

But Leslie was inconsolable. "Get out of here!" she screamed, her emotions overwhelming her.

Colin reached out to take her hand, but Leslie yanked it away. "Go away!" she shouted, her voice strained with grief and anger. "You ruined my life. I don't want to see you!"

Colin tried to speak, to explain himself, but Leslie was beyond listening. "Get out! And never show up again. Never."

Colin looked at her, his face filled with sadness. He lingered for a few more seconds as if hoping she would change her mind. But Leslie's pain and anger were clear. With a heavy heart, Colin stood up, turned around, and quietly left the room.

Stressed sick woman | Source: Shutterstock

Stressed sick woman | Source: Shutterstock


As soon as Colin was gone, Leslie curled up on the bed, her sobs growing louder and more desperate. The weight of her loss, the end of her relationship with Tom, and now the confrontation with Colin – it was all too much for her to bear.

She felt a profound sense of loneliness and despair, the pain of her loss consuming her.

The room was silent except for Leslie's cries. She felt as if her world had crumbled around her, leaving her in a dark and empty place. The future she had once looked forward to now seemed bleak and hopeless.

Leslie's grief was all-consuming, a tidal wave that swept over her and left her feeling lost and alone. She cried until she had no more tears left, her body exhausted from the emotional turmoil.

Eventually, Leslie's sobs subsided, leaving her feeling empty and drained. She lay on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, her mind numb. The pain was still there, a constant ache in her heart, but for the moment, she was too tired to feel it.

Unhappy, sadly depressed | Source: Shutterstock

Unhappy, sadly depressed | Source: Shutterstock


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If you enjoyed this story, read this one: Hailey goes on vacation, looking for a calm break from her past problems. At a grocery store, she's shocked to see a man who looks exactly like her husband, who she was sure died in a plane crash. Wanting to know more, Hailey rushed to him, especially since all her money went missing right before he supposedly died. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.



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