Manager Forced Waitress to Serve Leftovers to Foreign Customer, Life Taught Him a Lesson Immediately — Story of the Day
Higashi, a Japanese tourist, entered a restaurant expecting a warm meal. But Andy, a seasoned waiter, had a cunning plan for non-native customers who didn't speak English. He served Higashi reheated leftovers and robbed him. Andy thought he'd get away with it, but this time, he was sorely mistaken.
The clatter of plates and excited chatter buzzed like a thousand angry bees in Sizzling Steak, an elite restaurant famous for its stellar dinner service. It was prime time, with waitresses like Louise weaving between tables with the grace of a seasoned ice skater, a practiced smile plastered on her face.
That's when Higashi, a middle-aged Japanese customer in a crisp kimono and overcoat, caught her eye. He scanned the room, his gaze lingering awkwardly before settling on an empty table in the corner.
Louise hurried over, menu clutched in her hand. Higashi looked up, a shy smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. He spoke in a torrent of rapid Japanese, gesturing frantically at the picture of steak on the menu.
"With rice... rice bowl!" Higashi then added.
Louise, whose high school Japanese barely extended beyond "Konnichiwa! (Hello!)," understood the predicament.
"Steak, no problem!" she said with a cheerful smile. "We don't have rice bowls, but fries work well with the steak?"
"Fries? Okay! Okay!" Higashi's smile brightened, nodding vigorously...

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As Louise turned to head back to the kitchen, a wave of nausea hit her. There, near the counter, sat a half-eaten steak, wilted and forlorn. She grimaced, reaching for a plate to dispose of it.
Suddenly, a gruff voice cut through the air. "Hold it right there, kiddo! What do you think you're doing? Why are you throwing it away?"
Andy, the senior waiter, materialized beside Louise, his face a permanent scowl carved from granite. His gaze flicked between the plate and the unsuspecting customer. A smirk twisted his lips.
"Waste not, want not!" he rasped, snatching the plate from Louise's grasp. "Serve it to him!"
Her stomach lurched.
"We can't serve that, Mr. Miller!" she gasped. "It's cold and practically fossilized. Stale leftovers."
But Andy waved a dismissive hand. "Relax, new guy in town probably won't know the difference, honey!"
"But it's wrong!" Louise's voice rose a notch, panic clawing at her throat. "What if he complains?"
Andy threw his head back and let out a loud, barking laugh. Heads turned towards them, curiosity etched on their faces. Louise felt a blush creep up her neck.

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"Oh, come on, Louise," Andy snickered, lowering his voice but not enough.
"He's just some damn tourist. Doesn't speak a word of English. Easy pickings, you gotta admit. Let me show you," Andy waved at Higashi. "Hey there, Nagasaki! How you doing? Konnichiwa!"
A naive Higashi bowed his head with a smile and reciprocated Andy's greeting, unaware he was the subject of mockery.
Louise's jaw clenched tight. Serving leftovers? It was against every hospitality code she held dear. And Andy, with his callous disregard for both the food and the customer, made her blood run cold.
Higashi, completely oblivious to their exchange, was engrossed in the menu again. Shame burned in Louise's chest. What could she do? Rat Andy out to the manager? Risk getting written up for insubordination?
Drawing a deep breath, Louise straightened her back, her voice firm when she spoke. "I'm not serving him that, Mr. Miller. I'll take a fresh steak from the kitchen."
Andy's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint in their depths. He leaned in, his voice dropping to a low growl.
"Don't make me repeat myself, kid. You do your job, I'll do mine. Now, get that man his steak."

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Louise met his gaze, her legs trembling. Fear threatened to paralyze her, but a flicker of the customer's trusting smile in her mind steeled her resolve. "I won't," she said. "I can't."
Andy's smile morphed into a sneer. "Listen, kid," he said, his voice dripping with condescension, "that guy doesn't understand English. Probably doesn't know what authentic American food looks and tastes like. Don't overthink this, alright? Just do it."
Louise protested. "It's not about him understanding, Mr. Miller" she argued. "It's about what's right."
Andy threw his head back and laughed. "Right?" he scoffed. "You're fresh out of high school, Louise. The real world doesn't run on rainbows and sunshine. You think this fancy internship just fell into your lap?"
A knot of guilt tightened in Louise's stomach. Andy was right. He'd been the one to put in a good word for her, a broke college student desperate for any kind of work. Without his recommendation, she'd be pounding the pavement, resume in hand, facing the brutal summer heat.
"Look," Andy growled, "you know how much food gets wasted here every day? Fifteen bucks worth a plate, easy. We can't just throw that away. You ever heard of recycling, sweetheart? Go give this steak to that Tofu sitting there!"

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Louise bit her lip. She couldn't argue with the financial logic, but the idea of reheating a half-nibbled meal turned her stomach.
With practiced ease, Andy scooped the reheated desiccated steak and lukewarm gravy onto a fresh plate. "There you go," he said, his tone patronizing. "Be a good girl and take this to our new friend over there."
Louise stared at the plate, her heart sinking. She couldn't bring herself to do it. "I can't," she choked out. "I can't serve him garbage, Mr. Miller."
A dangerous glint flickered in Andy's eyes. "Garbage?" he glowered. "It's perfectly good food, just a little… left out!"
"It's cold and dried out!" Louise protested, her voice rising a notch as she stared at the nibbled steak. "This is against everything they teach you in hospitality school!"

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"Hospitality school?" Andy barked, a humorless laugh escaping his lips. "This ain't the Four Seasons, kid. This is the real world, where you gotta make ends meet. You think I enjoy scraping leftovers? But hey, gotta pay the bills, right?"
He leaned in menacingly. "Look, you do what I say, or you can explain to our boss why a perfectly good steak ended up missing from the inventory. You know what they do to people who steal food around here, right? No one's gonna believe you, newbie!"
Louise swallowed hard, the threat consuming her whole. Her mind raced. Risk getting fired for something she didn't do, or go along with Andy's underhanded scheme? The fear of losing this much-needed job was a cold knot in her stomach.
Tears pricked at her eyes as she mumbled a defeated, "Yes, sir." Shame burned in her chest, a bitter counterpoint to the forced smile she plastered on her face as she turned toward Higashi.

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A satisfied smirk played on Andy's lips as he sprinkled a final flourish of pepper on the questionable steak. "There you go," he said, shoving the plate towards Louise. "Go make our new friend happy."
Louise's stomach churned. "But what if he figures it out?" she blurted, guilt gnawing at her. "Mr. Miller, I'm afraid to do it."
Andy barked a laugh, a harsh sound that scraped against her already taut nerves. "Figures what out, kiddo?" he said. "That tourist? He wouldn't know a well-done steak from a shoe sole. Speaks about as much English as a goldfish! Don't worry your pretty little head about it."
"But—" Louise grew nervous, only to be cut off by a sharp glare from Andy.
"No buts, Louise!" He slammed his hand down on the counter, the metal clanging ominously. "Take the damn plate and don't waste my time. One more question and you can forget about your internship, understand?"
His voice was laced with a threat that sent a shiver down Louise's spine. Shame burned in her cheeks, but the fear of losing her job was a cold, heavy weight in her gut. With trembling hands, she picked up the tray, the weight suddenly feeling ten times heavier.

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With a forced smile fixed on her face, Louise approached Higashi's table. The man looked up, his smile widening as he spoke in rapid Japanese.
"I'm starving. Thank you!" A stream of crisp Japanese poured from him, his words tumbling over each other in his enthusiasm.
Louise offered him a weak smile, wishing desperately she understood his words. She gestured towards the plate, her heart pounding against her ribs.
Higashi's smile faltered as he looked down at the food. A frown creased his brow, confusion clouding his eyes. He spoke again, his voice laced with a hint of concern.
"This isn't what I ordered. No, I don't want this," he said in crisp Japanese, pointing at the plate.

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Louise shook her head, unable to understand his words, but the worry in Higashi's eyes was clear. He reached out and gently pushed the plate away.
Just then, Andy materialized at the table, his face darkening as he saw Louise lifting the rejected plate. "What's going on here?" he snapped.
Before Louise could explain, Andy snatched the plate from her hands and slammed it back down on the table.
"Hold on a second, Jackie Chan," he snapped at Higashi. "This is your order, right? Eat it!"
Andy emphasized his words with exaggerated gestures, mimicking a stereotypical Asian accent. Higashi's eyes widened in shock. He stared at Andy, then back at Louise.

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"What are you looking at?" Andy continued to mock Higashi. "Eat it. Pay. And get the hell out of here, do you understand?"
Higashi shrank back in his seat, clearly bewildered by Andy's tirade. Louise stood frozen, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides.
"No!" Higashi objected. He tapped the menu again, pointing at a specific dish this time. Then, his gaze flicked between Andy and the plate of steak.
Andy's face darkened further. "Alright, alright, Kung Fu Panda!" he spat, the racist barb hanging heavy in the air. "You want to eat normal food, then learn English! Quit ordering around like an emperor and eat this!"

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Louise's stomach churned. "Mr. Miller, stop it!" she blurted. "He's a customer! Be respectful. And people are staring!"
Andy scoffed. "Respect? This guy can't even hold a conversation. Hell, no," he snapped at Louise, turning back to Higashi. "If you don't like it, get out. You're wasting everyone's time."
His voice dripped with disdain. "People like you? You belong in a street market, not a beautiful restaurant like this. Unfortunately, there aren't any cheap motels downtown for you immigrants to feast in."
Higashi flinched at each slur, his brow furrowed in growing confusion. But there was a flicker of understanding in his eyes now — Andy was angry, very angry.
With a defeated sigh, Higashi rose from his chair. "I will go," there was a firm edge to his voice as he spoke in rapid Japanese, bowing slightly.
As he turned to leave, a flash of movement caught Andy's eye. Higashi pulled out his wallet, a glimpse of wads of hundred-dollar bills catching the light. Higashi then placed a crisp hundred-dollar bill on the table.
Andy's breath hitched. Greed, raw and ugly, flickered across his face.

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there," he said, his voice oily now. Louise watched in horror as Andy lunged forward, blocking Higashi's path to the exit.
"That's… that's a lot of dough you got there, buddy!"
Higashi paused, his hand hovering over his wallet.
"See, maybe we can work something out," Andy continued, his voice a sickeningly sweet drawl. "You seem like a reasonable guy. How about this — you take a seat, and enjoy your complimentary meal. And maybe, we can figure out how to get you something a little more… appetizing!"
Louise watched, her mind racing. This was wrong. Everything was wrong. Andy was manipulating the situation. And Higashi, clearly lost and confused, was a sitting duck.

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Higashi hesitated, his gaze darting between the plate of food and the wallet still clutched in his hand. He stammered out a few broken words before turning around. But Andy was not going to let him slip away so easily.
His hand shot out, grabbing Higashi's shoulder with surprising force. "Whoa there, buddy," he said, his voice a honeyed drawl that sent shivers down Louise's spine. "Where do you think you're going? I told you to wait, right? Come with me!"
Higashi froze, his eyes wide with confusion. The hand on his shoulder felt like a vice, pinning him in place. He didn't understand the words, but the sudden change in Andy's demeanor surprised him.
"Hey, hey, I'm not kicking you out," Andy continued, his grip loosening slightly. "Just a misunderstanding. We're moving you to a more… deluxe table. You know, for a distinguished guest like yourself!"

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Higashi stared at him blankly, his expression a mixture of bewilderment and fear. Louise watched, her heart pounding. This was insane. Andy was digging himself a deeper hole, and she was caught in the middle.
"Louise," Andy barked, his voice snapping her out of her daze. "Grab that… generous tip our friend here left."
Louise's eyes darted to the hundred-dollar bill on the table. A wave of nausea washed over her. Andy's gaze held a chilling threat, and she didn't dare disobey. With trembling hands, Louise reached out and took the bill.
Andy then propelled Higashi towards a secluded corner of the restaurant.

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A curtain of hanging beads shimmered like an illusion, separating them from the bustle of the main dining area.
"Here we are," Andy proclaimed, gesturing towards a plush booth. "Our best table for our best guest!"
Higashi shuffled into the seat, his eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings. The opulence was a far cry from the simple elegance of the eatery's main area. Despite the confusion clouding his face, a flicker of appreciation registered in his eyes.
With a sheepish smile, Andy bowed clumsily. "Konnichiwa!" he said, butchering the Japanese greeting. Louise stifled a groan. This was getting ridiculously out of hand.

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Higashi, ever polite, returned the smile. Then, his gaze fell on a potted plant in the corner.
"Sakura!" Andy exclaimed, pointing at the plant.
Higashi followed his gaze. The plant in question was a rather plain-looking philodendron, devoid of any blossoms.
"Sakura?" Higashi raised a brow in confusion.
"Ah, yes, Sakura!" Andy said, his voice dripping with false enthusiasm. "Just… just planted it, you see. Top quality, takes a while to bloom, but trust me, it'll be spectacular!"
Higashi's brow furrowed. This plant looked nothing like the majestic cherry blossoms he remembered from his childhood in Japan. But he was a guest, and courtesy wouldn't allow him to question his host's claims.

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Andy turned to Louise, his smile strained. "What are you standing there for, girl? Get the man some sake! Top shelf stuff, of course."
Louise shot Andy a panicked look. "We don't serve sake here, Mr. Miller."
"Don't serve sake?" Andy roared, his previous charm evaporating like smoke.
"Then go out and get some! Borrow it, buy it, steal it if you have to! Just get him his damn sake before he changes his mind and walks out with all that money!"

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Andy was desperate, and his desperation was turning ugly. He squeezed his eyes shut briefly, then plastered a sickeningly sweet smile back on his face, bowing deeply towards Higashi.
"Just a minor inconvenience, my esteemed guest," he said, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "Now, where were we? Ah yes, your exquisite meal. Louise will be right back with the finest sake this side of the Pacific!"
Louise watched in horror as Andy played his charade. This wasn't just about a bad customer experience anymore. This was full-blown fraud, and she was being forced to be a part of it.
How could she stand up to Andy, protect this innocent customer, and save her own job, all at the same time?

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A flurry of activity followed.
Andy reappeared with a selection of steaming dishes that sent a wave of delicious aromas across the table. A bottle of sake, its label adorned with elegant Japanese letters, accompanied the feast.
Higashi's eyes widened. A genuine smile, crinkling the corners of his eyes, lit up his face. This was the food he craved, the flavors of his homeland. He bowed his head slightly, a silent expression of gratitude.
"Free for our esteemed guest!" Andy declared, his voice oily with forced cheer as he showed Higashi the bottle. "A token of our appreciation!"
Higashi blinked. "Free?" he echoed, the word hesitant on his lips.
"Absolutely!" Andy boomed, clapping Higashi on the shoulder a little too hard. "Not a penny out of your pocket, my friend."

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As Andy grabbed a delicate sake cup and began pouring the rice wine, his hand twitched, sending a splash of liquid spraying across Higashi's pristine overcoat. A dark stain bloomed on the fabric.
"Oh, no!" Andy exclaimed, his face crumpling in mock apology. "Terribly sorry, my friend. A clumsy American, that's me! Don't you worry, I'll have this cleaned in a jiffy. We have top-notch dry cleaning services here."
He reached out, attempting to take the coat from Higashi's grasp. But Higashi recoiled, clutching the garment tightly.
"No... okay," he stammered, the words tumbling out in his broken English. "It… is okay! Okay!"
"Nonsense!" Andy insisted, his voice taking on a sharp edge. "We can't have you walking around with a stained garment. Come on, let me take care of this."
He lunged for the overcoat again, his movements aggressive.
"Mr. Miller, stop it!" Louise blurted out. "The coat will dry on its own. Leave him alone!"
Andy whirled around, staring daggers at her. "Shut up, girl!" he hissed. "This is none of your concern!"

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He grabbed the coat with surprising strength, jerking it away from Higashi's grasp. Before Louise could react, Andy was striding away, the garment clutched in his hand. He disappeared through a swinging door marked "Staff Only."
Higashi stared after him, his confusion morphing into dawning anxiety. Louise's heart hammered against her ribs. What was Andy planning? And what could she do to stop him?
Without a word, she excused herself from the table and raced after Andy, her mind a whirlwind of worry.
The staff room was a cluttered mess. Louise burst through the swinging door, her eyes darting around in search of Andy. There, in the dim light, he stood, his back to her.
"Mr. Miller!" she called out. "What are you doing?"
Andy whirled around, his face a mask of surprise that quickly morphed into something more sinister. In his hand, he clutched Higashi's wallet. And from its depths, he was extracting a wad of cash, the crisp bills fanning out like a deck of cards.

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"Louise?" Andy barked. "What are you doing here?"
The truth hit Louise like a physical blow. Stealing. Andy was stealing from their guest.
"This...this isn't right, Mr. Miller," she stammered. "We can't do this to him. He's a paying customer!"
Andy scoffed, shoving the wad of cash into his pocket with a practiced ease that chilled Louise to the bone. "Paying customer?" he chuckled. "That Kung Fu Panda wouldn't know a real meal if it bit him in the—"
He trailed off, his eyes darting towards the door. Louise knew what he was thinking — Higashi might come looking for him.
"Just get back out there, Louise," he said, his voice clipped. "Everything's under control."
But Louise wouldn't budge. This wasn't about a misplaced order anymore. This was about basic human decency, and Andy was throwing it all away for a quick buck.
"No, Mr. Miller," she protested. "You put that money back. Right now."
Her audacity surprised Andy. He stared at her for a beat too long, his brows furrowed.

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"Are you serious?" he finally spat. "This guy's loaded, Louise. We're talking about enough cash to solve all your little college woes."
He reached into the overcoat again, this time pulling out a hefty stack of hundred-dollar bills. He dangled them in front of her, the temptation naked in his eyes.
"Take it," he growled. "This is your chance. A few bucks from a rich tourist who wouldn't even notice. You in?"
Louise stared at the money, her mind a battleground of desperation and conscience. The truth was, she could use the money. College tuition loomed over her like a storm cloud, a constant source of worry.
But the idea of stealing, of participating in Andy's scam, filled her with a cold dread.
"No!" she said, her voice shaking but firm. "I won't do it."
Andy's smile faltered.
"What's the matter, Princess?" he sneered. "Too good for a little easy money? Besides, that Samurai Jack out there probably wouldn't even miss it. This is your chance, Louise. Don't be a fool."
He shoved the money closer to her, his voice sharp. "Take it. Before I change my mind."

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Louise took a step back, her stomach churning. The money was tempting, a solution to her financial woes staring her right in the face.
"Take it! Hurry up, girl!" Andy's voice cracked the whip, snapping Louise back to the harsh reality of the situation. Fear battled with desperation in her gut. Her hand trembled as she reached out, the crisp bills feeling like stolen secrets against her fingertips.
"That's my girl!" Andy crowed, clapping her on the back with a force that sent a jolt through her. He shoved the remaining wad of cash into his locker, slamming the metal door shut with a metallic clang. "Now, remember, lips sealed tight."
Louise could only manage a nervous nod.
"Look," Andy said, his voice softening a fraction, "opportunities like this don't come knocking every day. You gotta grab them with both hands, understand? This is your chance, Louise. Learn to be selfish, girl! This stays between us, deal?"
Louise feebly nodded again. Andy locked his locker with a decisive click, pocketing the key with a sly smile. "Now get back out there. Make sure that man stays happy until he finishes his meal."

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Louise swallowed hard. "You're right, Mr. Miller," she said. "I should think about myself for once." Her gaze flickered to the stolen money clutched in her hand. How many semesters could this pay for? A semester? Two? Maybe even the whole year?
Andy's grin widened. "Great! That's the spirit!" He leaned forward, his hand reaching out to pinch her cheek.
He winked. "Just make sure he exits the building as soon as he's done, alright? We don't want any delays."
With that, he tossed Higashi's stolen overcoat over his shoulder and sauntered out of the staff room, whistling a jaunty tune. Louise stood there, the weight of the money and the weight of guilt pressing down on her.
The slam of the locker door echoed in the sterile silence of the staff room. Andy's words echoed in her head: "This is your chance, Louise." But was it? A chance to become just like him, a thief preying on unsuspecting customers?
"No!" The answer came in a sudden rush, washing away the fleeting allure of easy money. She wouldn't let Andy win. She wouldn't be his accomplice.

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With trembling fingers, Louise pulled out a small hairpin from under her ponytail. It wasn't much, but it was enough. With a click, Andy's locker sprang open, revealing the ill-gotten gains crammed inside.
Pocketing the money, she raced back out to the restaurant floor. Higashi, his face flushed with the joy of a good meal, finished his sake and reached for his overcoat to leave.
"Excuse me, sir?" Louise blurted out as she bolted to the table. Higashi turned, his brow furrowed in confusion.
Louise took a deep breath and held out the stolen cash. "Please," she stammered, "take this. It's all yours. Your money. Take it."
Higashi's smile faltered, replaced by a puzzled frown. He shook his head. "Cannot understand! Sorry!" A flurry of sharp Japanese syllables spilled from his mouth, making it clear he was confused.
He slipped on the overcoat and turned to leave. Louise's heart plummeted. Panic clawed at her throat.
"No, wait!" she cried, reaching out a hand to gently clasp his arm. Higashi stopped, his face etched with concern.

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"You don't understand," she stammered, frustration lacing her voice. "You were robbed. My senior waiter, Mr. Miller... he took your money. This is all of it. Please, you have to take it back."
Higashi stared at her, his expression unreadable. The language barrier loomed large, a frustrating wall that separated them. He looked from her outstretched hand to the money, then back at her, his brow furrowing further.
Desperation clawed at Louise. This couldn't be happening. How could she explain the situation when their words were like ships passing in the night?
Thinking fast, she whipped out her phone, a spark of hope igniting in her eyes. There had to be a way to bridge the gap, to make Higashi understand. With trembling fingers, she typed a desperate message into the Google Translate app:
"You've been robbed, Sir. This is your money which my manager robbed from your wallet. Please take it back. Before he comes back, please take it and leave."
Holding her phone out to him, she prayed the translation would be clear. Higashi took the phone, his eyes widening as he read the translated message on the screen.

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A flicker of fury dawned on his face. He pointed at the phone, his voice tinged with disbelief. "True? Real?"
Louise could only manage a nervous nod. The knot of tension in her stomach tightened. Would Higashi believe her? Would he take the money and leave?
The silence was shattered the second the door to the restaurant swung open, admitting Andy in a whirlwind of forced cheer. A police officer trailed behind him, his face etched with a grim professionalism.
"There they are, officer!" Andy boomed, pointing a finger at Louise and Higashi. "The culprits, red-handed!"
A wave of nausea washed over Louise. Her heart lurched in her chest. This couldn't be happening.
The officer, a burly man with a no-nonsense demeanor, approached them. His gaze flicked between Louise's pale face and Higashi.
"What seems to be the problem here?" he asked in a gruff voice.

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Before Louise could answer, Andy cut in, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "These two," he said, gesturing towards Louise and Higashi, "were trying to rob this establishment blind!"
The officer's gaze landed on Louise and Higashi. A metallic click echoed in the sudden silence as handcuffs snapped on Higashi's wrists.
A triumphant smirk spread across Andy's face. "They're thieves, officer," he declared. "Plain and simple. This guy," he jerked his thumb towards Higashi, "was caught trying to make a getaway with my money."
Louise's voice was a mere squeak. "No, officer, that's not true! It's him," she stammered, pointing at Andy, "who robbed the customer!"
Andy's smile faltered for a brief moment, but he recovered quickly. "Don't listen to her, officer," he sneered. "They are accomplices."
He leaned closer to the officer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I have proof," he said, his eyes flashing with a chilling malice.

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Andy whipped out his phone and tapped a few times on the screen. A video started playing, the grainy footage showing Louise prying open his locker in the staff room, stuffing wads of cash into her purse.
The blood drained from Louise's face. Her legs turned to jelly, and she crumpled into the nearest chair, the weight of betrayal and despair threatening to suffocate her.
"See?" Andy crowed. "Accomplices. Working together to steal from the restaurant. Disgraceful!"
The officer watched the video with a stoic expression. When it ended, he turned to Louise and Higashi, his voice flat. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
Louise stared at him, her mind reeling. This couldn't be happening. How could Andy have set her up so easily? Just as despair threatened to consume her entirely, a voice, calm and clear, sliced through the tense atmosphere.

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"No, Officer," Higashi said, his voice laced with a quiet authority.
"Not against us. But against him!"
He pointed a finger at Andy, his eyes blazing with anger. "Because he's the thief, not us!"
The room went silent. Andy's face turned as white as a sheet. He stared at Higashi, his mouth agape, as if the man had grown a second head.
So all this while, Higashi had understood them perfectly. The charade, the confusion, the feigned language barrier — it had all been a carefully constructed act. But why? Why had he kept quiet for so long?
The answer came in a soft chuckle that escaped Higashi's lips. "A little test," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "A test of your honesty, your integrity."
The air crackled with tension, thick enough to chew on. All eyes were on Higashi, who reached into his pocket and produced a sleek leather card.

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"Here, officer," he said, extending the card towards the police officer. "This is my identification. I'm a journalist and food blogger visiting your fine city from Japan."
The officer took the card, his brow furrowed as he scanned the English letters accompanying the Japanese characters.
"Call me Mr. Suzuki!" Higashi added.
Andy spluttered, a desperate edge creeping into his voice. "Don't listen to him, officer! He's lying! He's part of this whole thing!"
He gestured wildly at Louise. "This pathetic foreigner and his accomplice were trying to steal from me!"
Higashi's gaze turned steely. "Yeah, officer," he said, his voice laced with a quiet dignity. "I am a foreigner. And you know what? People like me get taken advantage of in this restaurant all the time."
His voice rose slightly, his frustration simmering. "Because we don't know the language, the laws! We're easy targets."
Higashi leaned forward, his eyes boring into Andy's. "People like me don't just get cheated or robbed," he continued, his voice low but powerful. "We get humiliated. Served leftovers and expected to be grateful."
The officer's gaze flicked back and forth between them.

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"I can prove what I'm saying," Higashi added, a challenge ringing in his voice. "If you release me, of course."
The officer hesitated for a beat, then reached for the handcuffs on Higashi's wrists. With a click, they came undone.
"Alright, Mr. Suzuki," the officer said. "Let's see what you've got."
Higashi straightened, a flicker of triumph in his eyes. He turned to Andy, who was staring at him in disbelief.
"You have some of my money in your pocket, Andy," Higashi said, his voice calm. "Why don't you take it out?"
Andy fumbled in his pocket, pulling out a wad of cash. "It's mine," he mumbled, his voice devoid of the earlier bluster.
He held out the money to Higashi, a desperate hope flickering in his eyes. Maybe there was no way for Higashi to prove his claim.
But Higashi wasn't finished. He reached for a glass of water on the table and dipped the bill into it for a brief moment. A gasp escaped Andy's lips as the water instantly turned a brilliant shade of blue.
Higashi held up the bill, a triumphant smile playing on his lips. "See this, officer?" he said. "My money is marked."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe
The color drained from Andy's face. He looked like a deflated balloon.
"Now you don't have a choice, clever boy!" Higashi said, his voice dripping with a dangerous calm. "Confess to robbing my money and be ready to face some very serious charges."
The jig was up. Andy stammered, his pleas falling on deaf ears. The officer, his face grim, snapped the handcuffs on Andy's wrists.
"You have the right to remain silent," he said.
Andy, desperate, tried one last tactic. "This is all her fault!" he shrieked, pointing at Louise. "She's the one who stole the money! I have proof!"
Louise shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "No, officer! Check the locker room footage. From the beginning, when he entered!"
The officer nodded curtly. "Alright, Mr. Miller. Let's go have a little chat, shall we?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe
Andy looked around, his gaze darting between Louise and Higashi. "Wait! Please!" he pleaded. "This is ridiculous! You can't arrest me! She's the one who—"
His voice trailed off into a pathetic whimper as the officer led him away.
Higashi watched Andy go, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Look who's talking about fairness now," he muttered. "A man who doesn't respect people and only knows how to steal from them at the slightest opportunity."
He turned to Louise, his smile softening. "Thank you," he said. "Thank you for your courage and honesty."
Louise, overwhelmed with relief and gratitude, could only manage a watery smile. "Thank you, Mr. Suzuki," she stammered. "For everything."
Higashi chuckled softly. "Actually, call me Higashi. And speaking of everything," he continued, his eyes twinkling, "If you're ever looking for a new job, I might have a position for you at our editorial office back here in New York. We're always looking for talented and honest people."
Louise's eyes widened. This was unexpected, a potential lifeline thrown at a time when her world had felt like it was crumbling.
"Are you serious?" she blurted out, a flicker of hope igniting in her chest.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe
"Absolutely," Higashi said, his smile warm and genuine. "Your quick thinking and honesty were impressive. You stood up for what's right, even when it meant going against authority. Those are qualities we value highly."
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. "Here," he said, handing it to her. "Take a look at our website and get in touch if you're interested. We can discuss the details further."
"I... I don't know what to say," Louise stammered, teary-eyed. "Thank you. This means a lot to me."
"Consider it a reward for your bravery," Higashi added with a wink. "And a little payback for the lousy service you had to endure here!"
He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "My article about this restaurant? Let's just say it won't be winning any awards for customer service!"
Louise grinned. A sense of satisfaction washed over her. Maybe karma did exist after all! As they shook hands in farewell, Louise knew this wasn't just the end of a disastrous shift, but the beginning of something new, something exciting.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe
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A disabled woman in a wheelchair enters an elite restaurant to enjoy a nice, warm meal. However, she is refused service and is kicked out. When she somehow manages to get inside again and starts eating, the rude staff decide to ruin her dinner. But fate has other plans for this cunning duo. Here's the full story.
This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.