An upset bride sitting on a couch | Source: Shutterstock
An upset bride sitting on a couch | Source: Shutterstock

10+ Nightmare Wedding Guests Who Completely Ruined the Big Day

Salwa Nadeem
Apr 01, 2024
02:44 A.M.

Weddings are meant to be the epitome of joy and celebration, marking the start of a new chapter. However, not all guests come bearing good wishes. Some guests bring chaos and turn people's special moments into unforgettable disasters.


A bride crying on her big day | Source: Shutterstock

A bride crying on her big day | Source: Shutterstock

Imagine meticulously planning every detail of your wedding, only for it to be derailed by someone you thought would share in your joy. Whether it's an uninvited plus-one or a relative who couldn't control their anger, the impact of nightmare guests is often long-lasting.

Some people whose guests did the unexpected and ruined their big day opened up on Reddit, sharing their feelings. Others who witnessed disasters stirring up on big days also shared their experiences.

Comments have been edited for clarity and grammar.

1. I Had Never Seen That Girl Before

A bride standing with her groom | Source: Shutterstock

A bride standing with her groom | Source: Shutterstock


u/Level_Cabinet3237: I (23F) and my now husband, Josh (26M), had our wedding last week. Initially, everything was beautiful. I got married to my high school sweetheart and was overjoyed. It felt like my fairytale come true; I felt like a princess.

However, while taking photos with my bridesmaids, I noticed Josh's cousin, Nicole, with a girl (I'll call her Sarah) whom I didn't recognize. She seemed quiet but friendly at first. After we finished our photos, we went inside to relax and chat before the ceremony.

Later, after exchanging vows, I bumped into Sarah on my way to the food table. She was intoxicated, and through her slurred speech, she ranted about how crowded the venue was, but then it escalated.

While I was getting food for my mom, she expressed surprise that Josh married "someone like me" because he could "do better."

I tried to laugh it off, telling her I was lucky to have him. The interaction left me feeling upset, but I brushed it off as her just being intoxicated and soon forgot about it.

A woman standing next to a window | Source: Pexels

A woman standing next to a window | Source: Pexels


As time passed and we were all dancing, a crashing sound near the food table made us rush over. I saw Sarah on the ground, sobbing hysterically, with Nicole trying to calm her down. She had smashed my wedding cake and ripped the decorations.

Heartbroken, I tried to ask what was wrong, but Sarah started screaming and cursing at me. Confused, I shouted back and demanded my husband kick her out, but he refused, saying she was a friend and should be allowed to stay.

As a result, we argued, and it took my husband and Nicole to get her under control and convince her to go home. Ultimately, Nicole left with Sarah, but my husband was angry with me when he returned. He ignored me for the rest of the night, making the atmosphere awkward for our guests.

The following day, he lectured me about hurting Sarah's feelings and demanded I apologize. We argued, and he slept on the couch.

Eventually, things cooled down, but when I tried to talk to him about it, he dismissed me as being overdramatic. I had never seen Sarah until my wedding and have no idea why she lashed out.

I feel hurt that my husband doesn't see my perspective. Even though she was drunk, she ruined my special day, and now I can't think of our happy memories without recalling that incident.


2. My Family Ruined My Big Day

Guests at a wedding | Source: Shutterstock

Guests at a wedding | Source: Shutterstock

u/Swimming_Juice_9752: I married my partner in a modest ceremony and reception in our backyard. Being middle-aged and each on our second marriage, we opted for a simple affair.

Despite the distance, almost every guest traveled, some from the Midwest and others for hours within our state. We live in a remote part of a geographically diverse state, where a 120-mile journey can take over five hours.

We were thrilled that my parents and one of my six siblings made it. My parents had a visit planned, so we timed the wedding accordingly. My sister decided to join a couple of weeks before the event.


I arranged hair and makeup appointments with my regular stylist for my mom, sister, and myself. The first appointment was at 10 a.m., and I was the last to go there, so I stayed home to prepare our house until noon.

Upon arriving at the salon, I learned my mom and sister had left. I had hoped we'd spend the day together, especially since we live nearly 2,000 miles apart.

Returning home around 3 p.m., with much left to do and the photographer arriving at 4:30 p.m., I panicked and texted my family for help.

The plan was for them to assist with final party preparations after our appointments. However, they went to a fancy lunch an hour away and were just getting ready at their rental at 3:30 p.m. I managed the last-minute tasks alone as guests began to arrive, sweating off my makeup.

A woman talking on her phone | Source: Shutterstock

A woman talking on her phone | Source: Shutterstock


My parents and sister arrived at 4:15 p.m., leaving me barely any time to write my vows and get dressed. My relief turned to dismay upon seeing my mom in a knee-length cream lace dress with brown, tall boots, identical to my planned attire.

Despite knowing my outfit, she insisted, "It's cream, not white." Upset, I considered changing my dress, but my dad eventually took her to change. They returned about an hour later, causing tension.

Neither of my parents spoke to me that night beyond a curt goodbye. My sister helped clean up, but I was deeply hurt because she didn't intervene earlier.

The next day, my parents hosted a brunch, where my mom barely spoke to me, and my dad seemed annoyed.

I used to have anxious dreams even a month after my wedding day. However, I ultimately found happiness in building a wonderful life with my husband.

Yet, the actions of my biological family during our wedding have left me deeply hurt, overshadowing what should have been a joyous occasion.

Their behavior, ranging from inconsiderate to intentionally hurtful, has strained our relationship beyond repair.


3. My Brother Couldn't Control His Feelings

A happy man | Source: Pexels

A happy man | Source: Pexels

u/DarkBlue48: Our wedding plans progressed smoothly, designed more as a grand party than a traditional ceremony. We included a best dress contest, games, and more, aiming for pure fun.

Eager to share this joy, I invited many people, including my primary school best friend, whom I hadn't seen in about eight years. Her acceptance of the invitation thrilled me.

On the wedding day, she arrived early to assist with preparations, and we took some time to relax before the event.

However, upon seeing her, my younger brother immediately confessed his childhood crush and asked her to be his date for the day. She declined, but he persisted. As a result, I intervened and told him not to bother my friend because he had his answer. At that point, he seemed to accept her decision.


The day proceeded with minimal drama, concluding the ceremony by lunchtime and moving on to enjoy games and socializing.

During a game of Quidditch, my friend informed me that she wanted to go home because my brother had approached her again. This time, she told him she had a boyfriend, but he threatened to hurt the guy if she didn't say yes.

A woman looking at a man | Source: Shutterstock

A woman looking at a man | Source: Shutterstock

I confronted him again and said he could leave if he approached her again. As a result, my friend decided to stay, and the situation seemed to calm down as she enjoyed reconnecting and meeting my wife.

Soon, I heard my friend, brother, and mother screaming at each other in the next room. The guests were looking at them as my friend called my brother and mother unhinged.


My wife and I discovered my brother had complained to our mother, who joined him in criticizing my friend with vile wishes against her and her partner.

I immediately sent them away, but the evening was irreparably marred. We ended the celebration early, offering guests sweets to take home, and escorted my friend home, staying overnight to ensure her safety due to her fears of being followed.

It's been nearly two weeks since the incident, and I've not spoken to my brother or mother. We also didn't get the photos we wanted at sunset because of the drama.

4. My Mother-in-Law Ruined My Wedding

A happy couple standing behind an upset older woman | Source: Shutterstock

A happy couple standing behind an upset older woman | Source: Shutterstock

u/DesignerHumor1450: I, a 24-year-old male, recently married my wife, and we've had a tense relationship with her mother (MIL) since we started dating.


Despite knowing her disdain for me, I never anticipated how far she would go to express it. My MIL lived in our house for a while because she couldn't find a place to stay and was adamant about not being put in a home.

Throughout her stay, she was ungrateful, refusing to contribute to bills or thank us for the food we provided. It was a growing issue, but I didn't think about it much until the wedding.

I proposed to my wife on the roller Ferris wheel in Las Vegas, and it was a magical moment. Our wedding, meticulously planned for ten months, was meant to be perfect.

However, my MIL chose to wear an extravagant white dress, overshadowing the occasion and making it seem like I was marrying two brides—one significantly older, which was unsettling.

An older woman in a white dress | Source: Shutterstock

An older woman in a white dress | Source: Shutterstock


During the ceremony, her demeanor was sour, culminating in an outburst during our vows when she exclaimed, "Oh please!" in disbelief. Although I was ready to have her removed by security, my wife intervened, asking to let her stay.

The tension escalated during our first dance. Amidst our slow, quiet song, she shouted, "GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER BACK," pushing me to my limit.

The remainder of the wedding was marred by my frustration and my wife's discomfort. Once we were home, I couldn't contain my anger any longer.

As she walked down the hallway, I told her in the most passive-aggressive manner possible to leave, insisting she pack her bags and be out by the next day. Her apologies were swift but insincere, and I was unmoved, enforcing her departure.

My wife's silence on the matter made me think she, too, wished for her mother's exit. We arranged for her to move into a senior living home, where she would be responsible for her expenses. Since then, she has adopted a humbler attitude.

5. What’s the Baby's Name?

A bride and groom at their wedding ceremony | Source: Shutterstock

A bride and groom at their wedding ceremony | Source: Shutterstock


u/Silver_Fire72: My husband and I got married last weekend, and our wedding was a much-anticipated event for us. We've been together almost ten years with four children but couldn't afford a wedding, and we wanted something our girls could remember. We worked so hard for it.

I was already nervous because I was terrified something horrible would go wrong, but the setup and ceremony went as planned, and the reception started on time.

About halfway through, my sister-in-law came to me and told me she had left something in my guest book. I didn't think much about it and went on about my night until my aunts approached me, asking about my brother and sister-in-law's baby name.

I was so confused until I realized that's what she left in my guest book. They announced their baby's name using our guest book and made it a game with the family.

A guest book | Source: Pexels

A guest book | Source: Pexels


The game was called "If you want to know the baby's name, you'll have to look for it." I was upset but didn't say anything because I knew it would cause a scene.

I found my husband and spent the rest of the night with him. The next day, I messaged my brother and SIL to tell them that they had hurt my feelings by doing that.

In return, my brother yelled at me, saying it was a gift. Meanwhile, my sister-in-law said it wasn't like they grabbed a mic to announce it and that we could remove the baby's name if it were such a big deal.

I tried to explain why I felt hurt, but I stopped once I realized they weren't understanding my point of view. They just got mad at me, and their messages made me feel like I was being crazy.

6. I Couldn't Control My Anger

A bride crying | Source: Shutterstock

A bride crying | Source: Shutterstock


u/best_reddituser19: My husband and I recently tied the knot in Paris. It was a huge wedding with over 60 people attending.

I've never been on good terms with my mother-in-law, and if it were my choice, I wouldn't have had her at the wedding. I put our differences aside for my husband and invited her.

Everything was fine after I had sent the invitations out until I got a text from my mother-in-law asking if any children would be attending the wedding.

I said yes, as I have a six-year-old son from a previous relationship who loved my husband as if he were his dad.

This became a problem for my mother-in-law, and she demanded I hire a babysitter for my son since he wasn't my husband's biological child. I was fuming but kept my cool for my husband's sake. I calmly told her it was my wedding and wanted my son to be there on my big day. She finally agreed after arguing for some time.

Everything was great after that, and we had a few days before the wedding. Getting everyone from the airport to the hotels was stressful, but it went smoothly.

Once we got to the hotel, my mother-in-law insisted on sharing a room with us. My husband and I told her we wanted to spend some time alone with our son before the wedding since he wouldn't get enough attention during the wedding. We asked her to share a room with my sister-in-law, and she walked away angrily.


A couple standing behind an angry older woman | Source: Shutterstock

A couple standing behind an angry older woman | Source: Shutterstock

At that point, I thought my mother-in-law wouldn't argue more or cause stress on the wedding day, but I was wrong. A day before the wedding, she said she should have been my maid of honor. I don't understand why she said that because she always knew she wouldn't be my maid of honor.

I didn’t want to argue, so I just walked away. Finally, the wedding day arrived, the ceremony started, and everything went as planned. I felt it was the best day of my life until the afterparty started.

Everyone was having fun at the afterparty. Then, it was time for my husband and I to dance to a song I chose. We were halfway through the song before I heard a loud "boo" from a person in the crowd. It was my mother-in-law.


She stood up and shouted, "You have taken my boy away from me. He will never love you as much as he loved me. A boy's mom should be the only woman he should ever love."

When I turned towards her, she said, "You will never be good enough for my son." That's when I lost my cool, got up, and shouted in her face, "You have done nothing but ruin everything for me! You ruined the days leading up to the wedding and my wedding day. I will never accept you as my mother-in-law!”

My mother-in-law immediately started crying and ran out of the church. Needless to say, the rest of the night was awkward, and everyone went home early.

7. No One Wanted to Attend the Wedding

An empty wedding venue | Source: Shutterstock

An empty wedding venue | Source: Shutterstock


u/Gypsy_Green: I've catered many weddings, and there have been some memorable ones: fights between guests, wedding cakes falling over, red wine spilled on wedding dresses, etc.

The one I'll never forget was a small ceremony which included a few close friends and family, followed by a big reception. The reception had several types of dishes and a bar.

They had booked and paid for 250 evening guests, but only 30 people arrived. My heart broke for this couple because they had booked a massive barn with lots of food and drinks but no guests.

The buffet food remained untouched till 10 p.m. Only a few guests who were there ate the food. At that point, I asked the bride's mother if she wanted me to cover the food and refrigerate it so the bride and groom could take it home.

The bride's mother replied, "Oh, no. There are still a lot of people coming." That was the most awkward I have ever felt in my life.

Assorted food in food warmers | Source: Pexels

Assorted food in food warmers | Source: Pexels


Time passed, but no more guests showed up. At about 10:30 p.m., there was a flash of car headlights in the distance. The bride beamed because she thought the latecomers had arrived.

But no, it was just taxis arriving to pick up the guests. Sadly, this was the only event I have ever done where we didn't have to kick people out of the venue. The place was empty by 11 p.m.

In a nutshell, the bride's parents paid for the day, and the happy couple had zero control over their guest list.

Her parents invited all their 'friends' to the evening function, but in reality, it was just associates they wanted to flex on.

Since none of the guests knew the bride or groom personally, they didn't care about attending the wedding. The couple's big day was a networking event for the bride's parents.

8. My Wedding Experience Was Ruined

Two women talking to each other | Source: Shutterstock

Two women talking to each other | Source: Shutterstock


u/1995wastheyear: We began planning my wedding soon after my engagement. I asked my cousin, who was close to me growing up, to be my maid of honor.

I thought she would be the perfect fit because she loved the same style as my partner and I. Since she worked as a teacher, I thought she would be very organized. I didn't have bridesmaids because I thought my cousin would handle everything.

At first, she was helpful. She used to message me and suggest things, and I appreciated her involvement. However, things changed soon after that.

First, I told her I would go wedding dress shopping with her, but she backed out a few days before that. She said she had forgotten to put it in her calendar and got busy with something "important." I later found out she went to a BBQ party at 2 p.m. while my appointment was at 10:30 a.m.

At that point, I didn't say anything and went for the dress shopping with my mother. A week later, I asked if she would accompany me to another wedding dress appointment.

A woman trying a wedding dress in a shop | Source: Shutterstock

A woman trying a wedding dress in a shop | Source: Shutterstock


She agreed, so I booked it by paying $100, but she canceled again. She said the same thing, which annoyed me. However, it didn't matter because I found the dress I wanted.

Weeks passed, but she hardly messaged me or replied to my texts. Soon, my engagement party came, and we were chatting in a room. At that point, something odd happened.

While sitting next to her, I yelled across the room to tell my fiancé to close the back door so my dogs wouldn't run outside. I shouted because he was far away, but my cousin didn't get that.

She turned toward me and said, "Wow! You are so mean to him. I don't know how he deals with you." I was shocked. I had never treated my fiancé poorly, and I only yelled so he could hear me.

A few months later, I asked if she would accompany me to a dress fitting, and she agreed. Because of the past events, I reminded her several times by texting her the time and date. I was frantic that day, so I forgot to message her and directly went to the store.

Once I reached the store and didn't find her, I messaged her, "I'm here. How long will you be?" She responded, "OMG, it's today? You never reminded me. You never told me a time." I was furious at this point. I was done. I didn't know the bride had to chase the maid of honor.


An angry woman | Source: Shutterstock

An angry woman | Source: Shutterstock

Months passed, and she barely responded to my messages or gave me advice when I asked for it. She only used to say, "Yeah, that's nice." At that point, I hoped things would change, but they didn't.

When I sent her ideas for the maid of honor dresses, she responded quickly and agreed to go dress shopping. However, I found a dress online, bought it, and sent it to her. Once it was delivered, she immediately messaged me to tell me about it.

I asked her to try it on and send me photos so we could return it if we didn't like it. She agreed but asked if she could try it the next day. I agreed.

Three days passed, but she never sent me the photos. When I texted her, she said she would send them once she got home. A few days later, I asked her for the pictures again, and she replied, "Oh, I emailed them to you. Didn't you get them?"


EMAIL?!?! SINCE WHEN HAVE WE EVER SENT ANYTHING VIA EMAIL?! Twenty minutes later, she sent me photos and videos of the dress, and I could tell she had quickly put on the dress, clicked the pictures, and sent them to me.

A woman using her phone | Source: Shutterstock

A woman using her phone | Source: Shutterstock

At that point, the dress had passed the refund stage. I was stuck with a dress I hated and had spent $350 from my pocket.

A few days later, she asked me to go dress shopping with her, and I agreed. We went to the store, and she acted excited about the wedding. I bought her a beautiful dress, but it was $300 over my budget.

A few months ago, I texted her about my hair trial appointment to ask if she would come with me. She had agreed then but had disappeared on the appointment day.


When I messaged her, she replied, "You never told me about the appointment. I would have put it in my calendar." This was it for me.

I broke down crying, and I honestly don't know what did I do to deserve this. I had always been nice to my cousin despite her strange attitude.

9. My Husband's Jealous Ex

A woman in a red dress | Source: Pexels

A woman in a red dress | Source: Pexels

u/NoYam9520: My husband and I have been married for two weeks, and I'm already regretting it. My husband's ex has been causing difficulties for us. She insists my stepchildren call me by my first name rather than any term of endearment.

Coincidentally, our wedding was scheduled during her custody day with the kids. My husband invited her (I don't know why) but didn't tell me she had accepted the invitation.


To my surprise, she arrived with the kids, intending to stay rather than just dropping them off. She was dressed more elegantly than me, which made me feel she was intentionally trying to steal the limelight. As a result, I immediately asked her to leave.

However, she refused, and my husband and mother-in-law insisted she was like family and would remain. This situation was unsettling, especially given her clear intentions. She ruined my wedding day.

10. The Wedding Drama

A newlywed couple | Source: Shutterstock

A newlywed couple | Source: Shutterstock

u/[deleted]: My brother-in-law (BIL) married my sister-in-law (SIL) in a beautiful ceremony. They had known each other since high school, before adulthood and having kids.


Their connection rekindled when their mutual best friends got married the year before, where my BIL was the best man, and my future SIL was the maid of honor.

They fell in love that night and got married about 16 months later. They were thrilled for their big day until some dramatic events overshadowed the celebration.

The drama began a week before the wedding at my SIL's bachelorette party. Deciding to honor their history, they decided that their mutual friends would be the best man and the maid of honor.

However, the maid of honor got extremely intoxicated before I even arrived, becoming overly emotional and announcing her divorce from the best man. This revelation dampened the mood significantly.

The situation escalated at the rehearsal dinner. While we were setting up the ceremony and reception areas, the maid of honor arrived intoxicated, stumbling around and seeking out her estranged husband for a conversation.

A reception dinner setup | Source: Shutterstock

A reception dinner setup | Source: Shutterstock


This tension led my BIL to leave with the best man to avoid a confrontation, resulting in both missing the rehearsal dinner. I felt disheartened watching my SIL's "best friends" ruin her big day.

On the wedding day, the focus unexpectedly shifted from the troubled best man and maid of honor duo to a new debacle involving my mother-in-law (MIL).

She had invited a friend as her date, who arrived with another woman. This woman, dressed in a crop top and jeans, took MIL's seat, leaving her mortified and relegated to the back of the hall, away from her family.

Then, it was time for the toasts. The best man and the maid of honor tried to give a speech, but they hadn't prepared anything. The speeches were so awkward that the groom had to escort them off the stage.

My significant other and I decided to leave early due to his work obligations the next day, only to find the maid of honor and best man embroiled in a heated argument in the parking lot. We gave the best man a ride home to prevent further incidents.

11. My Wedding Day Is a Hurtful Memory

A bride crying outside a church | Source: Shutterstock

A bride crying outside a church | Source: Shutterstock


u/[deleted]: I recently had my wedding, and the morning started with us feeling elated about getting married. However, the mood shifted when my soon-to-be husband received a text from his mother, who traditionally had waist-length black hair.

To our astonishment, she sent a photo of herself with her hair cut and colored to mimic mine: shoulder-length, brown with blonde streaks. I was beyond upset, especially considering the timing.

Despite this, I let it go and focused on our special day. As we proceeded with the ceremony, held beside a picturesque riverbank, a moment came for the parents to join us for a vow.

Instead of standing with the other parents near the groom, his mother positioned herself prominently by the pastor and me.

Suddenly, she screamed, lost her balance, and as she fell, she grabbed my hair, causing me to almost tumble down towards the riverbank with her. She ruined my special moment.

The incident left me devastated, overshadowing the rest of the ceremony in my memory. My husband's mother simply laughed it off and walked away, leaving me on the ground, struggling to hold back tears.

This event has severely strained our relationship; we no longer communicate with her. My husband supports this decision wholeheartedly.


I still cry whenever I think about my wedding day because it feels like she deliberately marred the celebration without any remorse.

The evidence from our wedding video shows it was intentional because her husband and the pastor were holding her arms. She deliberately stepped back and fell.

Close-up of a senior woman | Source: Shutterstock

Close-up of a senior woman | Source: Shutterstock

As these stories vividly illustrate, a single guest's actions can dramatically transform a day of celebration into one of distress and turmoil. It could be a bridesmaid, the mother-in-law, or a jealous ex-girlfriend who ruins a couple's big day.

These tales, ranging from unintentional mistakes to deliberate acts of sabotage, remind us of the delicate balance between joy and chaos at weddings. It's important not to let anyone ruin wedding day memories for a couple.

Have you ever witnessed or experienced a wedding guest turning a day of happiness into a nightmare? We would love to hear your stories in the comments section.



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